Is there a viable alternative to capitalism?
2005-12-09 04:41:49 UTC
Is there a viable alternative to capitalism?
Four answers:
2005-12-09 04:49:35 UTC
Agrarian societies, bartering, and the feudal system worked for several centuries, although the current level of technology and society could not possibly survive with such primitive methods.

Communism/socialism with wise leaders who do not abuse their status and resist temptation, has been known to work on a small scale. "Communes", villages, and even small towns have run on a communist system successfully.

Most European nations run on a mix of capitalism and socialism, where free trade and enterprise are encouraged, but a strong social safety net is enforced, and the state manages a number of important resources.

As a whole, capitalism in some form or other is the only viable economic system for nations at this time.
2016-10-14 09:49:26 UTC
there is, because Capitalism is a gadget that incorporates interior of in, the available seeds of its own destruction. Bottomline is that Capitalism creates huge conglomerates that dominate the international. each of the monetary theories that are in quite some cases taught in colleges, the 'elementary sense economics' that arm chair economists believe in, is specially premised on a gadget which strategies perfect competition, the position excesses are rapidly eliminnated with the help of competition. yet at the same time as competition are few, at the same time as obstacles to get admission to are huge, those theories do no longer be conscious anymore. Capitalism has created beastly conglomerates. 2 available seeds are: a million The primary Agent problem 2 The Social idea The primary agent problem is an easy one. Self activity signifies that the CEOs and forums of directors paintings for themselves, no longer the shareholders. Their objective is to develop bonuses and salaries. If human beings do not forget that established shareholders haven't any capacity, that there is, in actuality, a 'class' divide between the individuals on the properly of society and something else, those who stay off bonuses and share concepts and those who stay off salaries or are self employed, then issues will replace. there'll be a reallignment of the gadget, and which will adjust the capitalist gadget to make it a lot less alongside 'class' lines. The social idea merely signifies that to some human beings, earnings maximisation is merely no longer the objective of their lives; those are human beings 'with a judgment of properly and incorrect', those who're 'socially to blame'... If those human beings positioned their money the position their mouths are, in the adventure that they purchase from organizations that behave in accordance to the rules they espouse, and if there are adequate of those human beings, then the objective of agencies will change from organic earnings/Bonus maximisation in route of a more desirable social form.
2005-12-16 20:42:22 UTC
Scientific Socialism that Is the worlds best utopia
2005-12-09 04:44:47 UTC
Capitalist Humanism may be a step in the right direction.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.