what is economic consulting?
2005-12-28 11:57:19 UTC
I am a grad student finishing my PhD in Econ. I am trying to fidn out some info on the field of economic consulting as a possible career option. What kind of jobs does it exactly entail? Will appreciate any input.
Three answers:
2006-02-02 10:03:14 UTC
Check out the economic consulting firm "Nera". It's part of the Mercer group is is very well respected.
2016-12-12 15:07:20 UTC
The Strategic Consulting, is truthfully more beneficial interesting oriented, to boot as remunerative, than monetary Consulting. even if, it easily relies upon, on the nature of someone, who's guidance the consultancy agency, and ideas-set of the most persons.
2005-12-29 08:15:03 UTC
The answer depends on your field of concentration. If you're macro'ish, you'll probably consult for finance, some sort of time series forcasting for financial markets. If you're micro'ish it'll be either demand predictions or some public (healthcare, education, etc) policy evaluation.

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