Western Roman Empire was not brought down due to their Silk trade with China, although that played a major role in its regression. You probably heard of the vandals and vizigoths and all.
The reason why American Economy is dependent on China is pretty easy to answer. Go to your nearest Walmart, greatest retail store in the world. Observe the goods: 85 percent of them are made in China. You can buy them for very cheap. Hence you feel elevated, you think you live in the land of plenty. And you do. But it owes a lot to your dependence on Chinese cheap labor.
Of course China depends on foreign investment. Some say it needs US more than US needs China. It might be true. However as of now, the overall welfare and purchasing power of many Americans depend on China and other countries willing to offer their slave-like labor.
But you see, since they're like out where the dragons live, we don't really care. All we care is why America is collectively running out of money, which is ours to give.
We usually think about such issues while we are wearing cheap but quality denim made in China, sitting on a comfy chair made in China, and type our questions about such issues on keyboards made in China. And we probably won't believe the answers we receive appearing on our displays made in China.
We can not find an answer, really strange. I wish they manufacture an answer in China, ready for purchase at local Wal Mart for 19.99