Is Canada for sale?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is Canada for sale?
431 answers:
2008-06-25 09:39:26 UTC
This country's policies on Free Trade has not benifited us to the degree that we envisioned..Selling round wood instead manufacturing goods, shipping ore instead of smelting into a product, tying our whole economic wellbeing to another country, is an abrogation of responsibilities by politicians and greediness on the multinational companys that were allowed to operate in Canada.

Canadians do not control any facet of the raw natural resource . We make laws that are compatable and benificial to the foriegn owned companies and are convincingly lied to.

Sustainability in forests is one of the larger crocks we hear. We are a nation more regulated than any other . We tie our own hands with red tape and accomodate the mulinationals.

It's a good thing that we canadians are as complacent and gullible and 'peace' loving as we seem to wish to project to the rest of the world. "Ignorance" does provide a buffer to reality.
2008-06-25 11:28:34 UTC
I'd be surprised if we even still own the rights to the Canada flag or national anthem.
2008-06-25 08:54:45 UTC
In a world where people are fighting over far less, I think Canada should be more careful about foreign investment, selling off our resources and protecting the wealth that we have. Maybe that's the wrong way to look at it but how hard would it be to balance the environmental concerns we currently have with the concerns of big business?

We've all seen the mess the United States has gotten themselves in financially by allowing big oil to control more than they should, and shouldn't we learn from their mistakes?

I think I'm asking more questions than actually answering the one Diane Francis has posed. I guess my answer would be to ask that the government be more involved, and I suppose that puts me in the socialist side of the equation, if only to realize that greed might not be the best way to drive an economy if 10 years from now we're all starving, our cars are rotting in the driveway with no fuel to power them, and our children can't drink clean water.

But then again, maybe I'm overreacting.
2008-06-25 10:06:08 UTC
Seeing as part of the free trade agreement states we sell 70% of our oil to the U.S. it seems we are. I don't think we should be, we should take care of our own then sell the surplus later. Our water will be next....

If we insist on selling off all our natural resources, we sure as heck aren't charging enough!!!
2008-06-25 12:29:55 UTC
Our illustrious Prime Ministers have had our country up for sale for years. It's hard to tell where Canada starts and the States end. Japan owns the 407 and raises the rates extremely high. The states own so much of our property that it is disgusting. We are Canada! We are unique and our government has no right to sell us off at any price. China's products are killing us off a little at a time and the PM doesn't want to do anything about it. I guess he is afraid to make an enemy there. I say it is an enemy if it can sell us things that make us sick or die. I could go on but it makes my blood boil to think that this and things we don't even know about, are happening to our great country.
2008-06-25 15:09:37 UTC
I think government intervention is imperative. We are bleeding our natural resources to foreign investors at unprecedented rates. Almost all Canadian conglomerate natural resource companies have been swallowed up by bigger foreign national companies, robbing the Canadian economy of billions of dollars annually.

When will it stop? When we have nothing left in the north?

I'm afraid with America's thirst for our water and natural resources, we will never be allowed to "turn off the tap".
2008-06-25 10:33:38 UTC
There is no question we are allowing huge take-overs of many of our natural resources. As with the oil crisis, profit is placed before good economic planning. Perhaps weak governments are to blame for not applying the brakes. I feel sure the future of Canada is in peril unless we stop hungry resource countries like China, India and Russia, plus rich Middle East countries plundering our vital resources.
2008-06-25 10:40:49 UTC
It is a capitalist maxim that the benefits of anything go to the owners of it.

When you sell raw materials to be transformed into products by cheap labour and then bought back, then all you are doing is exporting wealth and importing poverty.

It is not something you should be doing if you can avoid it.

In addition to that, what are you going to do after your raw resources are gone.

This selling off of everything you can cut down or dig up instead of developing your economy is exactly what colonialism is about, and is just a third world economy.

People are often confused about underdeveloped economies.

An actvely underdeveloped economy can be very rich for a while, but all the roads transporting wealth go to ocean ports and the wealth eventually disappears over the ocean horizon.

The action of our government in the case of Alberta oil companies was driven by USA interests and their influence over our branch plant of a Government.

If you mention foreign ownership of oil companies here in Alberta people think you mean any owner other than USA, including Canadian ownership.

I think we are selling our country out from underneath ourselves and not even getting a fair price for it.


To make one point before I quit.

You can tell more about a country's economy by looking at a roadmap than you would expect.

A developed economy has a well balanced transport system with many connections between its cities, it looks like a net.

An underdeveloped economy has the major links of its transport system all to ports and few to anywhere else, it looks like a tree's feeder roots.


days later:

I came back to read other comments and realized that we frame it in terms of raw resources. I did that myself.

I did not intend to, but it is the concrete example.

The problem about foreign ownership is not just in raw natural resources. It is about our manufacturing and financial resources too.

It is affecting every sector of our economy. As I said at the start of my answer, the benefits of ownership always go to the owner.

This means the money, yes, and the political control too.

One of the reasons that the Harper Conservatives (Reform Party) got into power was our business sector's the desire to appease the Republican Govt of the States.

If you can remember the last Election we had the US Ambassador threatening trade sanctions, and the threat of their businesses creating mass unemployment if they did not get the Govt they wanted.

As you lose ecomomic control you lose political control too.
2008-06-25 13:11:46 UTC
I've been wondering that for quite some time! And yes Canadians should know a LOT more about what's happening to their country but how often are these types of things done transparently and overtly?

All the banks on the west coast are owned by Asians. Most everything there is foreign owned and has been for quite some time (thus the "booming" economy) booming because that's where all the foreigners settle and build and invest.

I am really concerned about the number of foreigners buying off our oil industry and other major corporate assets frankly and how rapidly it's all being taken over.

So with three major oil companies bought out in Alberta (by Arabs?), and more in mind, would that ownership account partly for oil prices skyrocketing too? I don't think it's just co-incidental.

Russia has (and continues to take) quite a piece of the pie too doesn't it? It's also been sniffing around the Arctic too, staking territory. Whatever happened with that? That concerned the PM enough to immediately take action and fly out there too. So what are all these Arabs and others up to and why are we letting them invade and take over our country and especially OUR OIL?? How long before it's theirs or is it too late already? Russia wants to buy out Petro Canada? Where are we going wrong here?

Predators is a pretty bang-on definition to describe these take-overs if you ask me but I hope our government is finally wising up and seeing that they won't be controlling much of anything if they let this type of thing continue.

You are right that open economies like ours should be worried. We are very naive and must really start taking these seasoned global players very seriously here and protect ourselves from these types of predators from taking over our country indeed.

We have the greatest resources in the world and it's time we get with the program here.

Our steelmakers have all been bought out by foreign owners, many of our other precious metal mines, Magna Corporation (auto parts) is Russian owned, most of our major corporations are up for grabs, so just who is left that is Canadian owned?

How can we be foolish enough to think that our country's laws alone will stand up to protect us when our economy is at the mercy of foreigners who control it all and will soon use that clout to persuade government to do their bidding like our neighbours south of the border here?

We've forgotten that we have two HUGE nations (Russia/China, as well as the Arab world) who have billions upon billions and are eating up our country little by little.

I don't trust anything the USA has to say about anything and we're foolish to listen to them.

I hope Canadians wise up before it's too late. It's probably too late already as it seems we've put our faith in leaders who have let us down tremendously already.

At least there are journalists like you who are informed and can educate the public.

Most of this stuff is way over the heads of the average person (ding, ding, ding!!) but people need to know thier voices can be heard and should be utilizing their right to do so by complaining to their MPPs so that these matters are debated more in parliament.

I am and will always be a supporter of BUY CANADIAN. Unfortunately "Product of Canada" is a deceptive lie too all made to fool the consumer. I'm not talking about MADE IN CANADA either...but PRODUCT of Canada. Often times you think you're getting Canadian grown produce and it's imported from other countries and labelled PRODUCT of Canada.

Everything is all imported from foreign countries, the packaging and taxes added here and voila!! It's a "Product of Canada", yet plants, farms, fisheries, etc. which once provided these goods for real now sit closed while "Product of Canada" frozen battered fish for example, once from OUR seas, actually are imported from China now--it's not a product of Canada!! But we're none the wiser are we? And so this is another way we are being sold out and we have the right to know what we are consuming and the TRUTH about where it comes from. This must be rectified. Everyone knows hardly anything isn't manufacturered here anymore, but it's another thing to dupe people into thinking they are getting produce grown in Canada when it's NOT.

We are CANADIANS and not as gullible as some nations think and nor should we sit complacently by and allow our great country to be sold out. We must FIGHT to preserve our rights to our land and resources, to our jobs, and to our sovereignty.

PS: I think people are being just a tad harsher than they need to be because after all this is a matter which should concern Canadians a LOT and if anything, you should be grateful someone is working to expose this type of thing.

I'd be more concerned about spam you get in your emails and mailbox and spend less time worrying about spam in Y/A.
2008-06-25 15:13:34 UTC
As an 8th generation Canadian through one line I can honestly say I'm upset & angry at both our Politicians & more wealthier countrypersons for selling off our resources & land to other rich investors or companies around the world. They basically are doing what they've done in underdeveloped countries through out the world & take what wealth the resources provide, claim they're helping the local population by giving them a few jobs, but the majority of peoples native or born to the country get sqwat, & worse as the cost of living in their own country creates instablity or environmental catastrophies & health issues, all done by the wealthy in the name of the all mighty buck! Politicians are the worst, because like Premier Gordon Campbell in BC, he's taken PUBLIC OWNED corporations like hydro, railway, ferries or natural gas & sold it without the peoples majority consent & now the people of BC suffer higher home heating costs, electricity, job cuts, the ability to travel to the island, & many railway toxic spills, with the deaths of railway workers. The list goes on & on, yet the average Canadian can do little to stop this thievery of our true North strong & free land of Canada.

I can remember back in the late 80's, I booked a trip to The Banff Hotel for a honeymoon. Not knowing at the time that a Japanese Co. bought it out. Everything went wrong from the time we arrived to the time we left, it felt like the area & the Hotel wasn't Canadian anymore. Everything was oriented towards foreigners esp. Asians. Our reservation was cancelled by management, due to a high amount of tourists, however I made such a stink that they eventually over compensated to make it up to us. Even the cuisine wasn't Canadianish it was more to the tastes of the Orient. There was much more, but I think you get my point & I was more upset than most, because I use to live in Banff & was proud to educate & share the uniqueness of this Park & area to tourists because it represented us as a people.... but no more.

Personally I'm with the Economic Nationalists & we should be more protectionistic or those who only care about their wealth status will sell off Canada, lock, stock, & barrell!!!

PS - the USA is feeling the same in terms of protectionism for thier resources & jobs & companies, due to all the outsourcing of jobs & technology to places like China, so why should Canadians feel any different?

Canadians are known for their friendliness & cooperation... which spells "SUCKERS" in other countries eyes, we need to start protecting ourselves or before you know it, Canada will be owned by another country & will no longer be called Canada.
2008-06-28 17:08:08 UTC
There is an old savy business expression of, sell the "fruit" but not the "tree". I feel that Canada has been selling too many of our precious trees, including control, that bear the sought-after fruit. Our government needs to re-think AND ACT to preserve our valuable trees and entice foreign interests to share in the growing of the fruit.

Canada is rich in resources but we are being harvested and taken advantage by foreign governments and corporations. The Governments of Canada, including Feds, Provs, and Territories, need to collectively and expeditiously review the Foreign Investment Act and limit the harvesting of Canada's valuable trees.

You need not look far to the East to see another savy Government (i.e., China) has instructed their corporations to go forth and invest in the rich resources of other countries, while the Chinese Government saves their resources for the rainy days or drought season of the future.

We still need investment in Canada, including foreign sources, to nuture opportunities and create jobs, but we should be smart in how we allow our trees to be cultivated, versus removed physically or from our control.

Unfortunately, we dont appear to have the leadership or team spirit amongst our Canadian Governments to come with a strategic and coordinated plan across our great but diminshing country...Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians from coast to coast!
outdoor guru
2008-06-29 01:17:13 UTC
For Sale? We're practically giving Canada away. Selling off raw natural resources and then buying back manufactured products at multiple times the cost is just as harmful to the economy of Canada as allowing foreign ownership to our land and companies.

Canada is the wealthiest country with regards to its natural resources: minerals, lumber, renewable and non-renewable fuels, gems, food crops, fisheries, etc, etc. I actually have NO idea how much of Canada is owned by foreign investors, but I know its far more than I'm comfortable with. More and more manufacturing plants are closing down in Canada and reopening up in other 'cheaper' countries. Jobs are lost, the economy suffers. By allowing so many foreign investors, a country loses its ability to flex any political influence over any human right violations of these 'cheaper' countries. China is a prime example. Our economy is dependent on China. We have NO political influence over the atrocities the Chinese government willingly inflicts on its citizens. Can you imagine what would happen if China put economic sanctions on Canada? I shudder at the thought.

Okay, its 1:00 am and I'm probably not making my point clear. I guess I'll stop here before my answer becomes a rant. I just believe a country should protect itself by making it law that ANY company/corporation/land should have a maximum foreign ownership of 49%. Maybe that would increase the chance that economic decissions made would benefit fellow Canadians. I, myself, try to buy Canadian products whenever possible. It's scary how difficult that is becoming and saddening to know that even though it may be Canadian made, the profit is probably going to a foreign investor.
2008-06-28 18:44:51 UTC
Dear Reader:

It's really nice that Canadians behave as sheep, with never a look into the future. Most of those investors or companies that buy into Canada are just reapers of our natural resources and when the resources are all gone, when the last lake is poisoned, when there is no more land to grow upon...Canadians will look at the mess and say...Oh my! What have we done?

It is not what we have done, it is what we have not done. We are selling all our resource for cheap, never taking the time to manufacture, to sell finished products to the world and make more money then just selling raw resources.

They say it is too expensive to manufacture in Canada. But is a fair wage too much to ask? Is working at a fast food chain all that our children have to look forward too? Or are the articles we purchase from off shore worth the future of our children and their children?? Most people would rather buy cheap and not support their own country!

I can give a few examples:

I buy Canadian grown apples from a Canadian store but I can buy a better and cheaper Canadian apple in the USA but cannot bring that apple back into Canada.

Lumber, our choisest logs are exported all around the world and we are left with the worst lumber products on our shelves, mid to low grade at the best. Chipboard for most part. Try to buy good fir, it is too expensive for most people to purchase, even if you can find it in Canada.

Clothes: manufactured outside our country but sell at the same high prices while the profit margin is a hundred fold.

The muti--nationals run the government, it runs the courts, it runs the way we live our lives and we as Canadians just go along the path that will leave our children nothing but dust in the end.

It is time for people to finally want to stop the give-away of Canada, our resources, our heritage..if we ever had any heritage. A mixing pot, yes, actually heritage, no!

Look where the money is coming from and look where the money goes, the link will open eyes but will those who look actually wish to do something??

Or will it interfere with their bingo, their card games, their tv time, the beer and wine, their trips.....etc. Watching 'Wheel of Fortune' is better then being involved with the future of this country.

What percentage actually vote in any election??

And what percentage of those voting actually think they can make a difference?

The percentage is small, so the interest in this country is now at it's lowest point ever. The "Why" to this low percentage is the fact that people feel they cannot make a difference whether they vote or not.

Perhaps, no actually, voters are now at the point where it really doesn't matter who gets in, as either a minority government or a majority government, they are all the same, all painted with the same black brush. What party has not gone the way of making promises then not keeping their promises.

What government doesn't tax, then adds more taxes upon those taxes? They all do! Taxes are driving this country into the ground and the middle class, the stabilizing force is all but gone.

What government is lead by its leader? None!

What government politician takes care of his constituents? None! They just follow party line no matter who gets hurt in their constituency.

How do I know this fact?

I have asked the questions of candidates running for office. The answers should have been put to a fiddle so they could have danced a jig. Impressive side-stepping, but nary an answer was given to the questions asked. Politic-talk is what I would call it.

I could rant on here ad infinitum so I will cut to the chase.

Our Canadian government is a lackey arm of the corporate structure, for it is these corporations that have always run this country and we are no more free then we were a thousand years ago.

Even the Democracy of the once proud USA is being wasted in the name of corporate greed and malice against the people. Yet all follow along, thinking they will be taken care of, and this will not happen anymore.

The large corporations find the people who work for them lesser and lesser human as each year, people being more problem then solution.

So the final answer to the question about foreign ownership and whether it is good for Canada...the answer is NO!

For foreign ownership does not care for families other then their own.

They do not care about the ecology, never have!

They do not care about the medical and educational aspect, unless they can make a buck at it.

Again the answer to the question is a straight NO!
2008-06-28 16:50:01 UTC
The general theme of "selling off our assets". In the first place who do these assets really belong to. People who have settled here a few hundred years ago cannot call these "our assets. Colonial powers have denied indigenous people a right of their own and through colonization like India, Africa etc have plundered the wealth of these countries and still do under various pretexts, like a war on Iraq for WMD which was never found , yet the main reason was oil.

People of Canada aught to know like other places are immigrants irrespective if you are here for 8 generations. So a person here for one generation has the same right. "Foreigners" here may a great contribution to the system including taxes which what make this country go round. So don't consider foreigners as free loaders.

This world is a has a global economy and just as Canada owns investments in other countries, what is wrong for other countries to own Canadian assets? Or should this be unidirectional as it has always in the past.. I think the "western economies" are in a panic because the east is getting more powerful every day and they are flexing this might.

Lets admit it the days of USA as a super power is numbered and India and China will dominate together with Russia and Brazil.

It is a fact of life and the world including Canadians need to live with it.

Always be weary of the fact when one mentions "our resources" - who are the rightful owners
Garry D
2008-07-01 14:03:02 UTC
Canadians should be able to control the fate of their country, and each and every Canadian should have the right to make sure whatever is done, benefits Canadians, before anyone else.

Who is a Canadian? A Canadian is someone born in Canada. A Canadian is someone from another country, who takes our oath of citizenship. Who lives with the laws of Canadians, but recognizes Canada as their new home, and will live proud as a Canadian.

Far too often anymore, people from other countries come to Canada, twisting our laws, traditions, our very country, so that it meets their own agenda.

If Canada ever has any hope for survival, the country must come together and embrace what we have, and not give into other peoples, and other countries, everything that we, as Canadians cherish.

Canada must also get with the program,"Our Home And Native Land."

Far too often racism is prevalent within our country. Although many of us have had families come from other parts of the world, those of us born in Canada, are "Native" of Canada, and should be treated the same, and given the same privileges as any other, referred to as a "Native" of Canada.

No, I am not predjudice, but I do believe that being born in this country, does not make me any less native of this country, than the first peoples who ever lived here.

Together, as Canadians, we vote for who leads the country, but we don't honestly have much to say about the way it is run. For Canada to have a better future, our politicians should be held accountable for each and every decision they make regarding both Canadians, and our country.

Why is Canada in debt? Why is America buying our oil and gas and paying less than we are?

Why are the capitalists mostly in other countries when we control the products of their capitalism?

The shoe is on the wrong foot and we are either giving it all away, or they are just taking it.

Change needs to happen, both in our minds, and the minds of the elected officials we are foolish enough to vote for.

Without change, we will all be held accountable, and will have a country that noone wants a part of.
Margaret H
2008-06-29 07:44:18 UTC

In answer to the question is CANADA for sale, NO and the people that are elected to power to run the government should ensure that Canada should never be owned and controlled by foreign powers.

Canada is the greatest country to live life in, to raise a family, enjoy all it's natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources that should be carefully and prudently managed to ensure the continuity of our wonderful way of life as a Canadian.

The Canadian government should firmly established and put in place a group of watchdogs to prevent foreign takeovers that are and will be detriment to Canada. And the absolutely worst thing is if the foreign buyers buy out Canadian assets with funds that Canada has given out as foreign aids or loaned out to foreign country in crisis.

Part of the other issue is executives of these Canadian corporations are not always operating with the best interest of the company or for the country, especially with our natural resources.

As a Canadian individual, I am greatly concern with how Canadian businesses are operating and with the amount of foreign buyers taking over our Canadian companies, I'm greatly concern with the ramifications of Canada not being Canada anymore. Especially if these foreign owned companies are processing our natural resources and generating waste disposed in Canada (use Canada as a dumping ground) and the finished products are all sold outside of Canada at a price that would cause Canadians to have to paid more for the same products because the demand is high and it's more profitable to sell to foreign buyers than to Canadians.


2008-06-28 17:54:26 UTC
Is Canada for sale? Well, I think it's already been sold. In the late 1970s there was a little noise about Americans owning over 44% of large corporations in Canada. A little while ago, I read that the number is over 90% now. If Canada actually had the balls to do like Venezuela -- sell resources to the rest of the world at the going rate but give a cut to their own citizens, it would make our economy grow. That's hard to do when a foreign company owns the production facilities and the the free trade agreement probably doesn't allow it, but they could also tear up that piece of paper if they also had the cajones. The free trade agreement seems to benefit the US although that is not usually allowed to be spread by the media--maybe our media is also owned by Americans.
2008-06-28 17:09:14 UTC
Hi I am fifteen years old and I am wondering why would foreign investors, business leaders, and or even the government want to sale Canada? From my perspective I see the situation as lets just say stupid. This is an independant country which never had problems before now that the 'government' has made this country go through a big inflation within five years they are deciding to sell Canada? I am sure that the population of Canada would agree with me that we don't want to be owned by another nation/country. If Canada were suppose to be sold who would own the country?
2008-06-28 15:40:58 UTC
I'm a 65 yr old senior who used to be fiercely patriotic about being Canadian. Now, as I watch Canadian life unfolding I am very dismayed.

Even before I read Preston Manning's concern I had the same thoughts.

I'm not even sure how relevant all this talk about foreign ownership is. At the rate we are going there won't be anything left of Canada. The fabric of Canada has been tearing apart for decades.

How much of Canada is already owned by Americans, Chinese and other foreign countries?

We do little, it seems, to protect our own precious resources. If the Americans want our water badly enough, they'll get it. If they want our oil, they'll get it. It they want our military, they'll

We are destroying the environment. Instead of paving more shopping parking lots, we should be concerned about how we are going to feed Canadians in the future.

We are, in my opinion, moving quickly down the road of self destruction. With the increase in oil, food, shelter and the increasing levels of poverty, we should be concerned about even surviving.

It isn't going to really matter who owns Canada.

The question will be one of survival. Once again, it will probably be the wealthy who manage to survive. Will it really matter what country they live in? Chances are they'll have a few more important things on their mind besides shopping in Canada.

Now, if there is a miracle worker somewhere who can get us some leadership, vision, integrity and honesty in our government very quickly - then perhaps who owns Canada becomes worthy of discussion.

We can't even ensure that all Canadians will have Canada Day off to celebrate Canada. That day should be a MUST day off. Why do we spend millions to promote celebrating our country when most folks are back to work since they were given Mon for a long weekend?

I know this is a bit off topic but I think a few other things need to be on the table when it comes to selling off Canada. We've been selling Canada off for a long time, I suspect. I wonder how much is really left to try and save for Canadians well being, safety and security in the future.
John B
2008-06-28 15:17:59 UTC
I think it's about time Canada put Canadians first.

Right now it's a seller's market when it comes to natural resources. Unfortunately, too much of the potential benefits (ergo profits, dollars, dinero, pesos.....) are leaking outside of our borders.

When it's gone, it's gone and no other country is going to come to our rescue.

What the Canadian government needs to do is borrow a page from the USA's foreign economic policy and exercise a little more protectionism.

Let's take our natural resources and create the products the world is demanding using Canadian owned companies that employ Canadians and keep the profits here in Canada to benefit all Canadians.

You may call this socialism or nationalism or, as the USA does, call it capitalism with a self-serving agenda.

Perhaps, once we have housed all our homeless, found quality paying secure employment for the all the forestry, auto and manufacturing workers who are laid off, have ensured no child in Canada goes hungry or lacks for quality day care, eliminated hospital and surgical waiting lists, paid off the national debt, guaranteed that every Canadian has the opportunity to buy their own affordable home, ecetera, ecetera,............

Then and only then, perhaps, we can afford to help the rest of the world more efficiently and to a greater degree.

This business of replacing high paying natural resource sector jobs with tourism jobs that pay minimum wages and will be obsolete for all intents and purposes in the very near future as people can't afford to travel due to high energy cost has to end.

Right now there is not one Canadian political party or leader of any party that has the will and fortitude to acknowledge these truths.

They are all willing to throw the baby out with the bath water and are only interested in securing their own political futures.

I think it's time for a new federal political party with a new national agenda and the vision to see farther down the road than just the next election.
2008-06-28 15:13:18 UTC
Some things should not be for sale, or at least heavily guarded against a complete or majority take over.

Some countries such as the USA are considered protectionist in its policy's against foreign ownership. Canada should pay attention and perhaps modify and copy this example.

Its true we dont have as many people, or money, so foreign investment is encouraged. But it should have a limit, with serious conditions applied, that guard against hostile takeovers.

Canada is rich in raw resources, where the States isnt and uses Canada and its products while also dictating the terms of the deal.

An example of Canada "for sale" are the bad sales that effect Canadians in general from the oil and gas industry.

Canada used to have numerous oil refinery's at our disposal.

Quite a few were sold to "Foreign Investors" just south of Canada's border. No names

Once the purchase went through, they were closed down. Which must have come as a shock to the employee's.

This left only a few refinerys here in Canada, and most raw oil is sent south of the border. Where it is refined, processed into numreous products and then sent back North again for sale at an inflated cost plus markup.

The Canadian government should have been accountable for stopping management and the shareholders rail roading the employees and Canadian general public.

But the country is usually run by a bunch of short sighted fools, who are afraid of offending their nieghbours by saying no.
2008-06-29 00:48:50 UTC
It saddens and distresses me each time I hear/read about another takeover or buyout of a Canadian corporation by some multinational. Heck, even Tim Horton's isn't Canadian owned anymore! Our economy has been reliant on its natural/raw resources for some time now, and that just gets more troubling. When we have all the resources in our own backyard for just about any type of production, why aren't we taking advantage of that?

However, changing the focus of the economy would require a MASSIVE overhaul of just about everything that's currently going on. There would indeed be a period of high unemployment rates and economic difficulties during any transition period. How many of you are willing to lose your own job for it?

What I think we need are suggestions for viable solutions and alternatives. Who's got them? We're all really good at complaining, but what about problem-solving? There are some definitely economically viable routes for us to go down: there are several really good munitions manufacturers in the country. But how comfortable would our "peace-loving" public be with expanding in that area? I was given an interesting idea recently: perhaps we could look into developing an industry around high-precision production. We have a generally well educated populace, a significant portion of which is highly educated. We also have the means to highly train people in various skill sets. Cheap asian labour doesn't manufacture state-of-the-art helicopters, nano-circuitry, or space shuttles. We have both the natural and human resources to do so much more than we are now. Hopefully someone either in government or business will wake up and realize it.

However, it's going to have to be someone other than me, because I'm too busy studying old clothes.
robert f
2008-06-28 23:34:15 UTC
I do not feel having only state owned and operated companies can work. While it is tempting, the whole world under this type of format we would truly be at each others throats. Then there is the other problems like over use of resources the lack of compassion for those who have less resources and so on. I think we have to pave the way for fairer trade and allow companies to compete. Supply and demand is a better guide for limitations in the end. This may not seem apparent now considering speculation and rising costs yet eventually it will create a balance. The other option would be like having all our eggs in one basket and we know how badly that works. Imagine only one automobile and it is the best we have to offer and in three years it loses ground as far as inovation is concerned, we would be stuck forever dependant on a product that is obsolete and offers no advancements to the world population. Short of like never having had a car and only relying on the horse and buggy. That is why compitition is required on the planet it allows civilization to develope better lifestyles and improved standards of living for everyone everywhere eventually.Nature takes its own course and we are part of nature with the intellect to make a difference. We decide our fates and the fate of the planet, not the dog or the horse or cow. We evolved just as the animals with us. Those that do not become extinct which is a fate we also face if we allow stagnation of thought. We decide what stays what dies and this is the facts we are dealt. We can now control viruses , life and death, the ABILITY to advance. We best use this power for the good of all,or the economy may be the least of our problems.
Kirk O
2008-06-28 20:40:12 UTC
The most immediate issue that I personally see, is what will happen when this crises hits? As it stands now, fuel efficient cars and the companies that own them, namely electric or hybrid cars, are being told they're not allowed to run on the streets. These vehicles could help stem off that loss of resources.

We take few precautions now, few measures to ensure that when things go sour, we will have some way to establish a safetynet. The same hybrid manufacturers that are unable ot sell the cars they make in Canada to Canadians are being sold off to foreign investors, who are still supplying the vehicles to locations that allow them. All this has done, is remove a resource from Canada.

If we give away everything, when push comes to shove, we'll have nothing to push with and instead have to be shoved. Personally, I'm proud ot be Canadian... but when did we in general start becoming this careless and stupid?

I think that is a better question.
2008-06-28 20:09:04 UTC
If we allow too many foreign investors, then we wont have any leverage on the world market. (not that we do anyway cause of the way things are set up with the states) without the resources in our own Canadian market, then what would stop the foreign investors from getting away with charging us with whatever price they want. If we keep our resources to Canadian investors, then our country could get more leverage on the world market, and maybe (since we have the most oil the west) we could talk down oil prices and not pay the high ammount like everyone else. Although if we have our own oil, why is our oil based on the world prices... thats right, because we already let foreign investors have control of alot of the oil within our borders as it is..
2008-06-28 17:16:38 UTC
Canada needs foreign investment. Our economy is too small to not have it. The real issue is how much and What kind?

There are strategic areas including some raw materials where we need to make a clear policy on limiting or not allowing any foreign control. The Federal government must establish with appropriate inputs from those sectors what those areas are and use the regulatory process to enforce these. Many countries that export for example, strategic metals, have a policy limiting not only ownership, but establish quota levels for such areas.

Investment Canada needs to become an agency which proactively facilitates the setting of policy by sector-not just the review "watchdog"

Without foreign investment Canadians could not enjoy the standard of living we do. We need to be smart about where and how much of it we allow....
Canadian Knight
2008-06-28 17:01:51 UTC
Canada has always been for sale, just as every other country in the free world has been. We wouldn't have the lifestyle we enjoy today if it were not for foreign (ie U.S.) ownership. The only difference now is that there are more and different hands in the Canadian cookie jar and we're becoming nervous because the cows that have been grazing the other fields are now looking over to our side of the fence. Natural resources should never be up for negotiation. It has nothing to do with protectionism. Big business (Canadian owned or foreign) can't be entrusted with such valuable commodities that belong to all Canadians, not just the companies that extract it from the ground.
Michel T
2008-06-28 16:08:39 UTC
I don't know if the question should be raised. Why should Canada not sell its natural resources? Should Canada be diversifying its economy from eternal sales of natural resources? Well yes of course! But how can Canadians leverage governments to take action towards diversification? Natural resources specialization does not match very much with outstanding immigration of foreign know-how from Asian regions. Theses immigrants are also a burden if they do not contribute to the general wealth. Most of their competences are welcomed in tertiary sectors, but how strong and how fast is that sector growing when we are mainly relying on natural resources sales.....!?

We should probably look how other countries have leveraged the sales of their natural resources. The first thing they have done was to nationalize all their production. Saoudi Arabia for exemple has had the production and sales of their oil production under control. By doing so they were able to divest financial resources in other sectors propelling the Country to the forefront of the most wealthy ones where not only local but also foreign investments converge... Banking, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Banking (Citi), to name a few. So the question is not about selling resources as products, but rather do politicians of our country have a long term plan that will show the world that Canada is taking charge of its future wealth when selling energy resources, not only showing a high Can$ or a positive budget... in the short run that will benefit speculators rather than really generating general wealth among its all sectors of the economy.
2008-06-28 16:02:37 UTC
As a small business owner who deals with some of the larger Canadian companies, it is very sad to see them unable to compete against the foreign owners. We lose jobs, initiative, and investment. Take a look at the consolidation of the coatings industry in Canada. After "realignment", "consolidation", etc - in 2 years or so, most of the product supplied will be made or controlled from outside the country. Canadian companies depending upon these products will have to "make do" with those products they are given, not what they need since there won't be any R&D being done to support them. The net result - inability to compete domestically with imported item. So what is happening here is really a microcosim of the end result of the take over - if we lose control of our natural resources, we will be paupers in our own country and unable to control our own destiny. We are at a crossroads of sort right now - we have lost and are still losing what we have left in R&D that produces new products and in so doing creates wealth through innovation - we are essentially just being told either what to do, or given a "take it or leave it" response for what we get. We need to allow people who take the initiative to create to be allowed to use the capitol they generate to grow without significant tax burdens that hinder the needed investment. These are not something the larger companies worry about since they take their manufacturing away and just import to a warehouse here or directly to an end user. This bypasses the taxes, and leaves those left here with an ever increasing burden.

Not a good thing.
2008-06-28 15:14:37 UTC
I think reinform... made an excellent point about how we export raw materials and not manufactured products. The fact that Canada actually manufactures products is the reason why we pay so much for goods that Americans pay very little for. Just try to find things the are Canadian made around your spot. It's not easy. You'd think that with today's world wide economy, we'd capitalize on growing demand for stuff. But....

Canada has always been for sale, ever since Canadians wanted out of the great depression, this "we cant stand on our own" mindset has prevailed to this second. We have to resist the urge to blindly accept foreign investors, short term gain/long term lost; this must be a scientific principle. Look at what they're doing in Alberta. How much of that oil money is going into infrastructure? Compare that situation with that of Dubai. They realized that their reserves would stop producing in less then twenty years so they started to build and people came. If outputting at todays rate, Alberta has reserves for 190 years. You may think that they dont need to spend on infrastructure, but do you think that oil prices will remain the same for 190 years?
2008-06-28 14:52:07 UTC
I believe the answer is clearly...slowly but surely we are losing Canada to foreign investors. You know why our own government encourages us all to save for our retirement? It's because they know that under the current course, there will be nothing left for us other than what we have put away for ourselves.

As long as the average Canadian is happy with the quick buck right now, the government will continue on this course until it's too late. Everyone needs to agree on a plan to slowly take some our surplus budgets and start reinvesting it into Canada for Canadians. We need more high paying industrial work, not low paying tourism and the service sector work. Call me a bigot but I certainly would not be happy running around all day pleasing people that probably made their fortunes from Canada's wealth.
caramba! O
2008-06-30 17:39:27 UTC
Look, Canada belongs technically to the First Nations. then, we have to pay taxes to the Queen of England. Then, buy a property, the floor of your terrain belongs to the Queen. That's another angle. Canada has been selling its natural resources for next to nothing since the beginning ( think fur trade! ). With the decades and then the centuries, governments just got more under the pressure of those who possess our basic goods. Water, softwood lumber, electricity ( the Us of A owe us how much just on this one? ). Canadians that do not want or cannot by inclination be a part of the rat race-profit at all cost- can't afford to live there. You can't buy a piece of land because it is so expensive. The system ( establishment ) is oriented in a way that either you fit in by complying to the Masters ( corporations ) whims and desires or you find yourself an outcast, without a country. My husband and I had to leave Canada for all those reasons. Canada has been sold a long time ago!
2008-06-30 13:02:49 UTC
I think this notion is technically incorrect. I'm pretty sure from what I studied in my econ class, Canada actually owns more foreign assets than foreigners own Canadian assets and the reason why this notion exists is because of our (relatively) smaller population (so smaller companies) means that a buyout of the same dollar amount means that a larger portion of a company is bought. I think foreign investment is important in raising capital, however it must be used with caution. Too much capital outflows of our country over time in the form of profits can reduce Canadian incomes overtime and more money flows to other countries. If anything, as a country, we have to become better savers and spend less so we can depend on our own capital to work toward investment. Even though Canada has a trade surplus, this is mainly due to the trade surplus we have with the United States and as we can see already, this may not last and we maybe in trouble when trade decreases with the US as we mostly have trade deficits with other countries.
Calla C
2008-06-29 09:59:05 UTC
Wow, sadly enough most Canadians already believe we've been sold.

When I go in to a store and purchase a product, that does not mean I now own the rights to the store.

It should be the same with Canada in a whole. Anyone buying our products does not own us.

Bad-mouthing other Countries and Politicians does not help either. Personally I would not want to run the Country.

If you do you're danged and if you don't you're danged.

I have chosen Canada as my Home and proud to be Canadian.

Have lived in other Countries as well and say "We live in a great Country.....Canada!"

When we start and stand together as a Country we will make progress.

In short: "NO Canada is NOT for sale! Not now, not ever!"
Lucy P
2008-06-28 23:52:48 UTC
Since the founding of New France, Canada has been for sale. There is a grave misunderstanding in this country between selling our resources and holding dear our Canadian identity. If the world is willing to buy our products then we should be pleased to sell them at a high price. We are stuck in the Laurier statement of "We are hewers of wood and drawers of water" which has come to be a negative but in fact should be viewed as a positive.

Diane, you are playing to a unfounded fear of Canada becoming owned by foreign companies. Canada has always been owned by foreign entities, starting with the Hudson Bay Company.

Your question is disingenuous and you're just trying to create a debate. You are old enough to remember the, false as i t turned out, energy crisis in the early 1970's. Stop playing games.
2008-06-28 22:30:03 UTC
Here are a few of my thoughts and concerns. I hope you find them useful.

The short answer is yes, Canada is for sale. As with the majority of the world. Does China complain that we are using their cheap labour and week environmental laws to fill our houses full of junk? I think not. What about US & UK University students outsourcing their homework to India [1]. In a free market world everything is for sale, at the price which the market will bear.

We should encourage local investment (tax breaks, grants etc..). Especially, given the rich country that we are. However, foreign investment can be used to develop and stimulate economic activity. Corruption and greed can trump prosperity. Such actions must be severely punished. It should be the roll of government to oversee fairness in the sale and development of our resources. There has been increasing concern about the environmental costs associated with development. Many will argue that if companies have to pay for the cleanup, the profit margin become too slim. This is a fair assessment of the company's view. However, it is not a fair assessment from the view of the people. What good are jobs, if more money is spent in cleanup than was collected in taxes. The net effect is not a benefit but a cost. Companies need to pay all of the costs associated with development AND cleanup. The cleanup money needs to be collected during development. Otherwise the money can be drained away before the cleanup, and opps! the company is bankrupt. Then the people (via the government) must foot the bill. Negative returns must be avoided. Long term costs should not be sacrificed for short term gains. What good are fertilized crops if the runoff contaminates drinking water [2]? Water and land quality need to be strictly monitored, and bankruptcy style fine need to apply. You pollute, we take your company, and you (CEO, CFO, COO, & the board members) never operate in this country again. This sounds harsh, but if everyone plays by the rules there will be no problems.

One thing we should avoid is nationalisation of our assets. Currently, I view this as an overreaction. Hopefully, I am right about this. It will be a sad, sad day if I am wrong. We should watch, see and learn from those governments on this path. There will always be greed, envy and corruption. These need to be managed in a serious matter, but we should not overreact by taking control of everything.

Laws of sovereign nations need to be obeyed. Old methods of development should not be grandfathered in perpetuity because the laws change. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) needs to be recognised and respected by all nations. There are certain parties that only point to the rulings of the WTO when it is in their favor. When the ruling is opposing, the party simply ignores the ruling, WITH NO CONSEQUENCES. This is unacceptable.

In conclusion, I believe we as a country have taken too light of an approach towards developing our resources. I fear we (and/or our children) may pay a great cost in the future. We should protect ourselves and our future from those who wish to profit from our kind and generous nature.


2008-06-28 20:17:24 UTC
There isn't anything much left to sell and it is getting really late to be asking if it is for sale, and if we should limit foreign investors.

We are paying the price and have been for some time, it comes in the form of not enough work that pays enough to Canadians and imported labourers and it comes in the form that everything that impacts the US impacts us usually twice as badly. We haven't yet seen the full repercusions of the oil crisis and we best be ware!

We as Canadian citizens need to ask better questions, we need to get better answers and we need to cut government involvement in decisions about foreign investors and ownership completely. The government, both federally and provincially has done absolutely nothing to suggest that we as a nation can depend upon or trust their leadership or even their ability to decide what is best for Canada as a whole, each Canadain Citizen or that they are even remotely capable of deciding how to protect our and act in our best interests and/or invest our benefits for the betterment of all of Canada and each Canadian.

Instead, we need to ask better questions earlier, seek out better answers and impliment our own remedies dispite the government agenda. We do not need the US, China or anyone else seizing control of or stealing our resources right out from under who;it would seem with the help of our own government(s). Time to apply the brakes before we are facing a terrible financial and economic mess as the Us faces today.

I don't know about the rest of Canada but I don't need a source to know that we need to act right now before it is far too late and all our resources are gone and we have nothing left. It isn't that anyone owns Canada, its that someone has been making off with our resources and we are being left with empty hands and pockets.
2008-06-28 18:30:37 UTC
Calling in the foreign investors, does not necessarily imply selling the country. Look at the first 5 fastest growing economies in the world, those countries have opened doors to all multinational companies. But, all depends on the terms and conditions, the agreements signed by the host countries. For example country like India-allowed foreign investors-the condition is no profits to be taken out of the country for 20 years. Certain percentage of profit (2%) can be taken out of the country in a financial year...

Devaluating the Canadian $ in the international market may solve problems of unemployement. Exports would boost automatically, with increased industries and manufacturing plants.
Russel J
2008-06-28 15:48:55 UTC
We're allowing far too much amoral corporations taking their pieces of what is ours.

For instance, the rape of Big Oil in Alberta. People are aking millions upon millions out of our tar sands while the environment of being vandalized. One instance of this calamity is the poison now in some lakes and is directly attributable to the oil business. Many double-headed fish are now being caught and the natives that rely upn these fish have a peak cancer rate in the province and the country. Little thought is given to this.

There are huge contaminated ponds for storing the poison from the rendering of oil but it is quite obvious that this doesn't work very well. The oil companies are quite able to create better technologies for the cleaner recovery of oil. But they either just won't do it or they want government subsidies.

The Alberta government is afraid, they have said, that if they're not nice to Big Oil the companies will pull out. What nonsense! Oil companies not wanting to make billions; what a crock. They don't have us over a barrel.

Now the states wants our water. I read one article where the author suggested selling water that is just entering the ocean. Seems like a good idea but we must be very careful because the NAFTA agreement strongly favours the US when water is begun to be sold. If they so much wanted water why has the US redirected water from going into its Mississippi watershed into that of the Red River Valley and into Manitoba. Pretty ridiculous.

We are selling lots of electricity to the states now and making good money. However, we must, once again, look to the NAFTA agreement to see the favouratism given the states once we begin selling our energy. It would be best to use the electricity here and sell products to the US.

We are not treated well by our American neighbours. They break many rules of NAFTA and they fight for every inch. Just now, the American corporation, Del Monte has killed the peach and pear industry in Ontario when they decided to move to other sources for fruit. I suggest we boycott Del Monte and help these farmers can their own fruit and create a good Canadian brand. Besides del Monte has a long record of abusive tactics in third world countries.

Poor Country subsidizes Goliath

MANILA, July 17 Asia Pulse - With combined investments of P1.638 billion (US$36 million), Del Monte Philippines Inc. (DMPI) is the first agricultural company granted tax and fiscal incentives by the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) for its two agricultural industrial economic zone projects in the country.

Based on its application, the first project, called the Philippine Packing Agricultural Export Processing Zone (PPAEPZ), has investments of P1.5 billion while the Bukidnon Agro-Resources Export Zone project has investments of P138 million.

DMPI said they are still in the process of registering the Philippine Packing Management Services Corp. (PPMSC) as the implementing vehicle for both projects. Its...
2008-06-28 15:01:41 UTC
It will destroy Canada as we know it. We are rich in resources but with to many foreigner's running the show they are forcing out the heritage, the makeup that made this country what people 30 years ago came to. Unfortunately our government in a greed to pacify foreigners has given away Canada. By the time my great nephews are my age Canada as a country I don't expect as we know it now will not exist. Will there be a separate Quebec... Not a chance. They will be assimilated into the United States... it is just that simple and unless the government bodies of the Liberals and Conservatives stop it now the United States will become the biggest country ion the world and then watch what happens to the rest of it...
Terry Dean
2008-06-27 12:32:06 UTC
Canada is beautiful, rich in natural resources, multicultural, filled with a rich tradition of pioneering, and cognizant of its contradictions and hypocrisy.

Canada is a vast country with a history of isolated and impoverished provinces and territories, boom and bust local economies, unfettered capitalism, and predominately foreign owned.

It really doesn't matter who owns the companies that reap the resources from the land. What matters is, who benefits from the profits of these resources other then the stock holders?

Are the corporate contracts subject to including sustainability to communities when they move out?

Are there accommodation clauses for first nations who traditionally own the land through legal treaties?

Are there benefits for the other citizens in the provinces in the way of discounted prices on hydro, water, timber and lumber, and other goods and commodities produced?

For the most part, historically and present, the answer to these questions is, no.

The role of government is to protect the interests of the people. Has the government broken the 'social contract' which gives them the legitimacy to govern? I think so.

I cannot see how global trade is going to work for any country, including the US. We need some protectionist measures built in which benefit all of the the citizens of the countries involved, not just the elite and privileged classes who can afford to buy stocks.

Free trade is a scam for the rich. There exists underpaid workers who produce the products and underpaid workers who sell the products who work on the other side of the shore or border.

There is an erosion of the middle class in Canada and the US. There is an explosion of billionaires everywhere who monopolize the markets and manipulate the politicians. It amounts to nothing but 'carpet bagging'.

What we need is an economic revolution. Governments cannot provide essential social programs and services when the profits of it's country are taken elsewhere and put in the hands of a few. We are run by oligarchies, not by democracy.

Abe Lincoln once said, "I am afraid for my country now, more then the threat of civil war, by the corporations that dare challenge the authority of this government". He didn't need a crystal ball to predict what would be happening now to this once great enterprise of freedom and democracy. A government that was once was a government for the the people and by the people has become a government for the benefit of the few. Canada has fallen suit.

I worry about this. I worry for the people who fall victim to unfettered capitalism and the global markets.

I hope I am not alone on my observations.
2008-06-29 14:37:04 UTC
Yes it is. The Conservative Alliances Just another name for the Progressive Conservatives and we all know what happened last time we had them as a party in Power, they sold off much of Canada and lined their own pockets with the cash and said the heck with the rest of Canada. Looks like it is happening again and we are the ones to blame thinking that a Leopard could change his spots.

When this Country is finally sold off and everything belongs to some other country, Will we be able to call it Canada anymore or do we just call it the land that everyone else owns that used to be Canada.

Foreign investment is great so long as it helps us out but the way things are going, Foreigners will own Canada outright in about 10 years and we have no one to blame but ourselves and the Canadian Alliance Party leading us down this path and everyone saying it is okay.
Mike D
2008-06-29 08:58:12 UTC
Thank you for bringing up this topic.

To answer your question, there appeared to be some titanic shifts in large corporations while the last Liberal government was desperately trying to hold on to power. I suspect at the time of Inco/Falconbridge takeover, good government could have used persuasion to keep the firms Canadian.

Now we have the most incompetent finance minster in several generations who has worked (deliberate or accidental?) at selling off Canadian assets. His attack on the Trust structure has led to a number of foreign buyouts, since they get preferred tax treatment when they leverage the buyout with debt. Don't blame the foreign companies when there is such a good deal out for them - question the sanity of our political leadership.

On the positive side, the Teachers pension fund has also acted like an aggressive predator and helped with the Bell takeover.

So, is it really bad if the hewers of wood and drawers of water report in Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, or to someone with a Yankee drawl? You still draw the same paycheck, government coffers tax get filled based on the resource. Isn't it good that a grade 10 drop out can pull six figures in the oil patch?

If we use Winnipeg as an example of the loss of head offices, the city used to be a place of significance. They were at one time a city with head offices and a high quality of life. That is not to say that they still don't have a lot, but now, who goes to Winnipeg for a board meeting? Arguably, the same sort of thing has happened to Montreal. I live in Edmonton and if it wasn't for the oil sands, we wouldn't have much going on (as far as corporate decisions).

I see the high end jobs going where the head office is. The major decisions will be made elsewhere. Lets say you need to control steel prices and are worried about excess supply (very hypothetical right now!). Do you shut down production in the land of the head office, or do you let those nice Canadians take one for the whole team? That is where the long term danger lies.

In the end, it still maybe better if we all report to offshore management. The chuckle heads running Ottawa right now are a prime example of why we need foreign leadership.

I can't believe I went to the same University as Harper. I have asked U of C for a refund.
2008-06-28 16:42:36 UTC
I always thought we were supposed to learn from history. Without going way back in world history we can just look at Canadian history to get our answers. First the French and then the English landed on our shores and 'traded' our Native Canadians' resources for toys and trinkets. There was no real thought in having those resources developed within Canada to create an on-going benefit. Look at the 'Natives' now! Clustered in stand alone communities at the mercy of the political, judicial and economic whims of its 'Conquerors'. So perhaps it is only fitting that the 'Conquerors' are fast become subjugated by the 'Multinational' explorers. It only stands to reason that that "history will repeat itself". We should all be asking ourselves: "Are we OK with being told: Where to live! Under what conditions we will live! Whether we can educate our own children, farm our own crops, make our own products, use our own natural resources as we see fit! In other words, are we on the road to a similar fate we gave our Natives? I guess it would be some sort of 'poetic justice'.

Ultimately it should be Canadians in control of the Canadian situation. I find it interesting that many multinationals have the same genetics as the early foreign traders to our lands. We are being plundered once again, with political approval by 'foreigners' under the guise of corporate structure, economics and rhetoric.
2008-06-28 15:53:08 UTC
Because of the way the Right wing currently has the whip hand, it_DOES_ seem as though Canada _IS_ for sale. Whether or not this _SHOULD_ be the case is another thing. The Alliance/Conservatives, (for that is what they actually are) are selling us lock, stock & barrel to the Republicans in the U.S., doing all they can to pander to the will of the unholy crew at present in power in Washington. Look at the world situation- Bush has prosecuted an illegal war, against people who had nothing to do with 9/11.Now, we have been dragged into that too!! Our patrimony is being exported to give the Americans our oil to fill their bottomless maw. Our softwood lumber was sacrificed by Harper, the sorriest excuse for a "prime minister" Canada has ever seen. The "free-trade" tribunals never judged we "owed " the U.S. any of the money they stole from us as "tarrifs" yet he gave them 20 % of it as a gift. Don't the Asians need wood too??? Why was nothing done to secure a better market for it there.??

It _IS_ probably too late to stop the rape of Canada now, but when the time comes that we have become but a pale copy of the entity to the south, we will have lost our most precious


Our reputation. The world sees us now as the tail of the American dog, because no-one in power here now _knows_ how to say _NO_. NO-MY CANADA is _NOT_ for sale, but the oil interests in Alberta, and the Bloq Quebecois unwittingly between them keep this joke of a "government" in office in Ottawa for their own petty ends. We seem to be falling prey, just as in the U.S. to the religious right.. If oil in its' astronomical price rise ends up crashing all this hubris by bringing down the economy to its' knees, perhaps there will be some irony in the fact, that what common sense, honour, and patriotism could not do- reality did!!

John Allcock -Montreal
2016-04-05 10:46:59 UTC
People are missing the point saying that the deposit should be increased to promote recycling. The carbon footprint that this industry leaves behind is unacceptable, especially considering the environmental challenges we face today. All the resources and energy that is being used, or should I say wasted to sell consumers basically what they are already getting out of there tap is ridiculous. The whole process of packaging, shipping, selling, and then recycling the leftover bottles is absurd. At the very least the small 500 ml bottles should be banned. I know it's convenient but at what price? And I know I am guilty of it as well, and I kick myself every time I do it because of all the waste that is left over, I have installed a water filter under the sink and am very happy with the results from it. I drink a lot of water and the only reason I filter it is because all our water here is very hard so therefore we need to soften it, which unfortunately doesn't taste very nice. I hope it does get a country wide ban, People will find other alternatives to having pre filled plastic bottles. I know at work I just have a 500 ml bottle that I keep refilling from the large water cooler that is supplied for us. I hope this promotes a change for the better.
Should of know Better
2008-06-29 07:54:19 UTC
I think Canada has quietly sold it self to states as soon as free trade started in Canada .

We have no control of our resources and big American investors and other nation have picked us clean.

If we where still in control, we would be setting a made in Canada price for our oil and other resources and this would of helped working Canadians and Canadian business be completive in world Market. (More jobs and strong economy!)

I believe it too late our Conservative governments Past and present have sold us off to world at lowest bid and only one making any money these days are our greedy. government and rich oil companies.

Watch NOW!!!As we take the plunge to being have NOT country! Our industries are shutting down, people are out of work, wages are going down and prices of everything are going up or being Taxed to death.

I feel sorry and upset that this is what our children will be left with! Canada had such a bright future while I was growing up.
2008-06-29 07:18:50 UTC
Canada is already the most economically infiltrated country in the world. Well more than 80% of the economy is under foreign ownership, known as foreign direct investment (FDI). Why would we want to sell the rest? In who's interest does this serve? Who would benefit from this? Selling anymore would reduce Canada to simply being a client of foreign hegemonic interests, and strip any remaining governmental power to mere symbolism. I suspect the agenda behind this type of impetus serves the interests of very few in Canada, and does not benefit the majority of the population. Don't be fooled into thinking we need more foreign investment -- there is nothing beneficial in this. Perhaps a 'Canada First' group should be started to represent the voices of silent majority.
2008-06-28 23:09:18 UTC
Well with the North American Union thing going on I think all of this is a moot point.

Heck yeah we should know more about it's foreign investment. We've been pimped long enough by the US, do went want to also be China, Russia and India's you-know-what?

We need to protect our resources, yet at the same time not to appear as stingy so that other countries won't put trade sanctions on us. If we are going to give our resources then it's got to be us that's calling the shots and it's got to be us that's primarily in control. We can't let these foreign investors control our present and our future because they will, especially China.
Govern Simply
2008-06-28 21:31:10 UTC
It's simple. Is the sought after resource an asset or a liability? If it is a liability... Lease it. One day it may become an asset. If it is an asset... Own and Control it. Most likely if someone wants it, it is an asset.

If a foreign investor would like to invest capital into the Canadian Market fantastic! They can invest and receive a dividend check just like any Canadian Investor. However, Canada must control it's assets. Canadians must determine the rules and processes for development of Canada's assets. Not Foreign Investors.

But not so simple, maybe foreign investment will not flow if they have no control. Investment is needed to develop our Canadian assets. Hmm...... it's not foreign investment rules we need to fix, but...... the Canadian tax system.

To fix Canadian Taxes, we would have to start from scratch.

1) No taxes.

2) Implement Income Tax of Individuals. This tax must be a flat rate. Income is considered to be payments of funds to an Individual from a Corporation.

3) All entities that trade goods or services must be corporations. Corporations are responsible for paying Income Tax to the CRA.

4) All payments from a Corporation to an Individual must be taxed. (Income Tax)

5) All payments from an Individual to a Corporation must not be taxed. (No Sales Tax)

6) There are no Tax Deductions.

7) All Transfers of Goods or Services from a Corporation out of the Country must have at least an equal value of goods, services or funds into the country. Any negative differential is treated as a transfer of funds out of the country.

7) All Transfers of Funds from a Corporation out of the Country are treated as payments to Individuals. Those transfers are taxed.

8) Done. Do not change. Ever.

Yep, it is simple.
2008-06-28 18:04:59 UTC
New to Canada and arriving from Europe, it feels rather strange that it is becoming so easy to own being Foreign. I do understand that Canada takes a rather mild side and is very friendly. However to be able to protect its People, yes the government will need to make decisions based on the needs of Canadians rather than our brothers down South. There is no need to please others if we are not satisfied. Protecting its resources should in my Opinion be a high priority as yes down the road all the resources will be drained and the Canadian generations will scramble for survival which should not be allowed just because we want to be the same as America. We do not even need to keep up!. We are Canada and they are America! Different, different interests and different needs!
2008-06-28 17:38:55 UTC
This is a tough question. There's a fine line. You need foreign investment in country like this where there is a small population, but too much leads to outside control. If there's too little internal capital for a desirable project, the government would do well to partner with Canadian entrepreneurs who are capable of taking the project to the point where a public offering can be made. An offering tends to dilute control, so even if foreign ownership is high, it isn't concentrated in the hands of a few foreign owners.
tim w
2008-06-28 17:34:55 UTC
The ramifications are we lose control of our own destiny yes we want some foreign ownership and I am not convinced selling off everything is the way to go just ask the privatization of argentina they were left with nothing after things got ugly. We all complain about government regulation of foreign ownership but without it do you think the banks would have been more susceptible to the recent mortgage crisis like some foreign banks in europe i dont think so i know so. So yes we might not get the big gains from foreign ownership but we also dont take the big losses so somewhere in between seems to be the answer
Ska C
2008-06-28 16:56:16 UTC
I like seeing that this concerns Canadians. In the 90's we lost ourselves to corporatism and the mom and pop corner-stores were all but wiped out of this country. Everything seems like it has to have a dollar value according to the capitalist. They'll keep with that belief until like other viewers have said 'the waters will be poisoned and nothing will grow or be alive around it'. Very troubling to me seeing Hudsons Bay company and many other things that we take National pride on - all being sold to foreign corporations. You bet I'm concerned about the North American Union and the one currency called 'the amero'. Whomever controls our shouldn't be all business but it has become that way. I want leaders to stand up for canadians as individuals. Bring back small business. Lose the word corporations. I consider that a word of evil in my house.

I am treading water hoping we don't merge with the states. If it happens, then I'm outa here. Going to a more independant country like New Zealand or Iceland.

My last bit...rather than keep bringing in all these people into Canada each year and giving them citizenship to fuel our economy, I'd much rather see the leaders helping the people that were born and raised here...I'd like to see those leaders help develop the people from here so they get Canada's economy going and have the help they need to succeed.

Right now, we've lost our soul and our direction as an independant nation. We've given up our nation to anyone with a buck. For the sake of fueling the growing economy. That sucks. That's not cool. Give me back an independant country that has value in who they are as a people and as a country. Thank you.
dave m
2008-06-28 16:36:49 UTC
The Canadian government should take control of the huge amounts of oil deposits,(Bitumen) in northern Alberta/Saskatchewan now!, not foreign investors who couldn't give a dam about this country & the people who have to survive here after the resources are gone! I've been working here for two years now and can honestly say that 90% of Canada has no idea what is at stake here, do some research then get involved for your childrens sake.

Oil field worker.
Drew P
2008-06-28 16:21:11 UTC
In this day and age when a majority of Canadians can seemingly not understand the full and more complex ramifications of foreign investment the future looks dim. Our democracy only gets positive answers and response to these questions when its citizens fulfil their civic duties and are involved with this dialogue. Kudos to the asker of the question.

Democracy is broken when large issues like foreign investment and the environment are seen as having nothing to do with the individual. Indeed our own demand for oil contributes to foreign investment and high oil prices but few of us are willing to trade our SUVs for small cars or bikes until the economics are unbareable.

We need to be the change we want to see the world and not follow the often hypocritical example set for us by our Southern neighbour and the strong influence of its media. Canadians - awaken!
2008-06-28 16:19:42 UTC
I am a Canadian immigrant for 10 years and unfortunately I discovered that the money in Canada “don’t smell”. For example if I want to buy a million dollar property and I am not a Canadian citizen no one would be able to investigate where I have the money from i.e. if the investment is from aka “dirty” money. But if I am a Canadian citizen then I would be under “attack”. Is this good or bad for Canada? Is this a discrimination of Canadian citizens? I would like to say that if someone has so much money to buy a million (or multimillion dollar property or business) no matter he/her is a Canadian or not he/she should be investigated thoroughly. Otherwise only the Canadians would be investigated, but not the foreigners. Well – it is not bad if you find some Canadian who is “laundering money”, but I am sure many of the foreigner investors are also in this category or many of them are using the money stolen from their own countries as those people are “close” to someone who is high ranked person in their own government and was able to funnel money out of the country. Well – for the Canadian economy probably is good to have money coming in and I am sure it is very difficult to estimate which one is better – to get money in the country no matter they are “dirty” or not or to stop them and allow them to be invested in another country. I think this is a big dilemma – unfortunately it won’t be solved soon.
2008-06-28 15:30:17 UTC
I don't want to go into deep details about this issue because I think it's must too complex to answer here on Yahoo! Answers.

I would like to say, however, that given the aggressive policies I have read about used by the US to acquire natural resources from foreign countries, I have always wondered how much the Canadian government actually tries to hold on to our resources. I mean, I know that politically and economically we could never really be in conflict with America since we share a continent and a common border. However, based on this fact and my observation that conflict between Canadian and American government policies are minimal on the economic front, I would guess that we are selling off a lot of our companies and natural resources to the US at a low price.

I feel that Canadians are very proud to be Canadian, but in my book that means holding on to our own companies and resources for our own good. Canada is part of the G7 countries--for a country with such a small population that is a quite an accomplishment. But we Canadians aren't really self-sufficient. Our armed forces can barely defend our country as we depend on the US. We couldn't engineer cars of our own because of Autopact and whenever we will be given permission to (is it now?), it will be too late to develop in such a complex industry. Sometimes I look at a country like South Korea with amazement as they produce so many varieties of product. I acknowledge that they are in a different continent and that economically they are relative newcomers. But certainly they also have the industries they have because they can't depend on their natural resources to feed themselves.
2008-06-28 15:03:59 UTC
foreign investment? sure, no problem. pay the rent like everybody else! why shouldn't Canada get a piece of its own action? what kind of lunacy is it otherwise? is Mr. Big Capital gonna let me live rent-free in his 8 million $ condo on Yonge&Bloor? No? Well then Mr. Big Capital can pay the rent for doing business on a territory not his, or else get the eviction notice and the police lock on the door from the sheriff's office. And to avoid the rape of our natural resources (which nobody seems to connect to an abject neo-colonialist attitude and process where they take all the mangoes and bananas and leave nothing but their garbage behind), the Canadian government, as, in theory, the steward of the good will, security and prosperity of the people of this land and NOT the paid puppet of Mr. Big Capital, should legislate the extraction of natural resources from Canadian land exclusively by at least 51% Canadian owned companies. Good for Canada? Good for business? Good for economy? Good for jobs? Good for Canadians? ya think?!? Good for Mr. Big Capital's bottom line or a free lunch, breakfast dinner and midnight snack forever? no? tough titties! and whatever the hell the politics of personality aside, what Canada needs right now is another PET (or a whole lot of PET's) to stick that middle finger high in the air and say 'JUST WATCH ME!' (btw, Chretien didn't do too bad either with Iraq).
Robert H
2008-07-01 12:41:10 UTC
Most definitely is. After Brian Mulroney put us up for sale with the Free Trade Deal anything was a go.

I wonder what our government was thinking - if the business makes money it goes to the owner, who being a foreigner takes the money out of the country. That money now isn't syphoned into projects the Canadian owner is working on ... projects such as home building or buying big ticket items like yachts or condos.

This means that the folk in those industries sell less items - and big ticket items bring in big ticket tax money. Anyone in Ontario wonder where the health care tax came from? it's compensation from lost workers wages after the mulitple buyouts & selloffs.

The real question is why does the government allow this to happen when it only has a negative impact on them?
Jay K
2008-06-28 14:43:48 UTC
It's important to have a good mix of canadian and international investment. As a country of 32 million people in a world of 6 billion, we cant possibly think that we are always going to have the best problem solvers, investors etc for a particular job or field. It's best to be able to mix the top skills from around the world including canada in order to deliver the absolute best products and services. Protectionist barriers only serve to hurt our economy and results in substandard products and companies who's work is rarely marketable beyond canada if at all.
bill n
2008-06-29 08:20:28 UTC
The problem, as I see it, is that everything is for sale. Corporate interests and the accumulation of more for the wealthy. The average Canadian is owned by the big business interests, banks to be specific. The illusion of democracy, the mysticism of religion, and the lure of power and control have created a society where the only reason you are asking this question, is to mislead the public in that we think we are still participating in this, or any other debate concerning the country and world we are living in.

I encourage meet up groups to discuss and disseminate the realities of what is happening to our society that we inherited from our ancestors, and gave to the investors.

Get educated, get organized and get involved in determining the best way to live on the planet we all call home.
2008-06-29 07:47:28 UTC
Most countries in the world do not allow important businesses or resources to be foreign owned or at least insist that 51% local ownership be maintained. These resources we have are being sold cheaply, robbing future generations of the benefit of our initial investment. Most of our resources and valuable national businesses were started with some form of assistance from our government which means the Canadian people should reap some benefit not foreign moneymarkets. Resources are like longterm investments and selling them before they mature is shortsighted and a true reflection of the incredible greed that permeates our society at this time.
2008-06-29 06:54:25 UTC
I work in Accounts Payable. I am in a position where my contacts and I are are always afraid our jobs will be outsourced. I feel if we can make it in Canada then we should. Stop selling Canada before theres nothing left. Soon Canadians won't be able to afford anything because we won't have jobs. My husband and I have considered moving to the US because there is more work in my husbands field there. The Brain Drain will occur in more than a few fields soon. Doctors won't come to our area because there is no work for their spouses. What will wake the government up? Maybe when the entire population is on welfare and foreigners have all the money? I don't blame a specific party. They both are greedy and don't really care about Canada's needs. I really have given up hope for this country.
Terry D
2008-06-28 18:50:33 UTC
Short sighted investors and company insiders will sell anything for the right price. The Chinese government owns most of their companies, and they are kicking the free enterpriser's butts. Canada may have the resources, but not for long. Alcan, INCO ... one by one they will all go. We will be left paying 56% more than Americans for our cell phones, world prices for our oil, gas, uranium and coal. We are a closed consumer market, so they can shear us like sheep and an open commercial market, so our resources can be sold for the benefit of a few and cheap imports can be imported ... and sold in a closed market at premium prices. Anything Canadian is dumped on the U.S. market at cost, while the same stuff is sold in Canada at PREMIUM CANADIAN PRICES. Our ancestors may have paid for our freedom with their lives from time to time, but we pay through the nose ... a constant premium to be called Canadian. Maybe we should just give this country to the Americans for 31 million U.S. passports. Happy Canada Day, eh!
2008-06-28 18:03:16 UTC
Canadians do not own Canada's economy in the large form but in many small forms. I started a small design business a little more than 4 years ago. It was working well until DEC 2007 and then all of of went flat. Prices that I quoted were five times higher than China prices (my prices were very low to start with) I can't compete. A new small business in Canada seems to be impossible to start due to economic situations and laws plus our governments initializations of free trade laws have resulted in almost a 100% Chinese trade market that has taken most of Canada's business opportunities away. I didn't sell out my business but my government did and have sold themselves and us out. (buy a Canada hat and see where it's made). I have put 4 years of hard work into nothing.

Dennis G Marchand
2008-06-28 17:56:33 UTC
Is Canada for sale, is that a joke ? Canada has never been a independent country, just a illusion. Fact is the Queen of England has, and still does run Canada. There is secret meetings going on right now behind the peoples back of Canada. The NAU, I'm sure if you are awake you would no about it. USA, Mexico, and Canada. They plan on having this up and running by 2010, won't happen. The New World Order will be stopped!!!! mrfitness
2008-06-28 17:54:11 UTC
Canada is a nation of compromises and it doesn't seem to know when and where to draw the line. Putting a face of being "friendly" and "peace-keeper" in front of the world nations is actually its way of masking its weakness. In reality, it is a weakling it couldn't protect its own people, its own interests, its own land. Its once proud values has been distorted.

While it may be healthy to allow some foreign investments, yet it becomes self-destructive to allow too many foreign investments take over key corporations and ownerships, especially in the natural resource sector.

How does Canadians feel to be employees of a foreigner in their own land? Meaning, to be a Canadian employed by an Arab employer in Canada?

How does it feel when everywhere you go you are surrounded by Made in China goods - food, clothes, tools, furnitures, etc. and you almost have no option? How does it feel to be Canadian when your jobs are taken away from you and given away to some foreign land? How does it feel to have your raw materials exported and then imported back as a finished product?

Hateful, isn't it? Canada being an open economy. Is China, for example, an open economy? They are taking over us and we are allowing it, much to the hate of many.

Free trade... free trade only works if there is a balance of trading between countries. But if free trade is to open up for the goods of other countries to flood into the local markets suffocating and eventually killing ones own local products, there is a real serious problem. I wonder how many "Made in Canada" are there in China? We barely can find any in our own country!
2008-06-28 17:40:44 UTC
Yes Canada is for Sale....and its terrible! We pay much more than the people below us, when we are in a better economic condition. Look at the Hudsons Bay owned by Americans! That is our history and was sold. Our oil, water, tree's, iron ore....everything we have we sell it, so it can be manufactured somewhere else, so the 2% of the wealthy can make more money and leave the middle class to struggle not to become the impoversherd. I think Canada needs to become as interested in who OUR next Prime Minister will be and less concerned with Obama and Clinton.....we need to start having our television shows interupeted when our Government makes big decisions and when our political debates are happening!
Eric D
2008-06-28 17:16:44 UTC
Canada, like almost all recognized nation states, has a defined border and a defined government elected by its people. One of the keystones of our legal system is that all property was originally "owned" by the monarch. To this day we refer to the "crown" when granting articles of "incorporation to businesses.

Now the absolute monarchy has been replaced by the electorate. In other words, the people of Canada, through its elected representatives, grant ownership privileges to various proprietors, partnerships and corporations.

It's a basic tenet of our legal system that if the "Crown" (which is another name for the people of Canada) has interests which are more important than the individual (or corporate) ownership of property, then the Government of Canada can force the sale of private property to the Government.

So from a legal point of view, the Government of Canada has the legal right to decide who owns what after making a legal argument that such appropriation is in the interests of the owners of Canada, the people.

So when it comes to deciding whether "absentee landlords" will act in the best economic interests of Canada, the government does have the legal right, and obligation, to make such a decision.

Now predicting whether such foreign ownership is actually in our best interests is like any prediction. There are no guarantees. However, selling one's patrimony has, if history is any guide, not a very good means of assuring long-term prosperity, at least for the ultimate owners, the people of Canada.

Eric Dempster

Markham ON
2008-06-28 16:53:39 UTC
I didn't realize this question was already here so I also asked it!

I want to know how far off, if at all, my thoughts are as to where Canada is heading.

My thinking is that Canada has been for sale for years. One just has to look at our natural resources and who owns what.

Over the last 30 or more years we have been slowly selling off our real estate, our minerals, our trees, our corporations, our electricity, well you get the picture! Our water is in demand by the USA. Where will it all end. Will our grandchildren have anything truly Canadian left? The more questions there are, the fewer answers exist.

We are getting to the point where we can't afford to keep our university graduates, another natural resource, because they can earn more elsewhere. Can we solve our problems ourselves? We don't seem to be doing very well unless you consider our ability to turn a blind eye to our problems.
Donna O
2008-06-28 16:15:43 UTC
Canadian politicians live for their day in the sun, their time, not their children’s or their grandchildren’s time. As pessimistic as this may sound, we might as well get used to the idea that the U.S. will own Canada, one way or another. When we “sell” the U.S. our natural resource, they don’t pay, ask Arnie in California, they still owe us money. When they don’t like us supplying lumber to them, they tax us and when the courts overrule the tax, they don’t return our money.

Canadian’s should hang on to our resources and treat the states as a customer/client that just isn’t worth the bother doing business with. If we treat our dealing with the states as we would any business deal, would we really do business with a client that didn’t pay their bills???

Would we sell our country to a buyer that would only suck up all the resources and turn our country into a low class housing project?

Keep in mind the Americans don’t like Canada, they think of us as a joke, people to push around and to be bullied. They are not nice neighbours to have, but we are stuck with them. Canadians should distance themselves from the states, start now to protect future generations of Canadians.
John T
2008-06-28 15:16:11 UTC
Canadian politicians have been selling off Canada since the first free trade agreement. In an agreement was so heavily one sided towards our larger neighbour to the south, Canadian natural resources, such as soft wood lumber, uranium, gas and oil have been sold as raw product.

The free trade agreement was originally set up to eliminate tariff and taxes on goods travelling between the countries. Yet the USA still have barriers in place to stop Canadian soft wood lumber from being imported to help their soft wood producers.

This agreement worked so well in the governments eyes they entered into the NAFTA agreement. Canada manufacturing jobs have disappeared and the federal and provincial governments praise the agreement for creating a wealth of low-paying call centre jobs that have replaced the manufacturing jobs that used to sustain families, now both parents have to work at several part time jobs to pay the bills. Our families are suffering, but the biggest loser in all this is our society itself.

Our government has eroded the very thing that makes Canada the best country in the world, our society used to care about the health and well fare of all. Now we are as self-centred as our glorious neighbour to the south.
Man N
2008-06-28 15:00:14 UTC
What a lot of nonsense is being spouted here. Ever heard of private property? If I own a mine, or an oil well, and I have bid for it and won what business is it of yours what I sell MY property for? and to whom? If I want to sell every last scrap to foreigners rather than to locals because they pay a higher price, since when does the public have any input in the decision? I guess you had better apply the same logic to farms too.

By the way, Canadians are actually buying more of foreign companies than they are buying of us.

By the way, there is a country which until recently practised this notion of self-sufficiency, discouragement of foreign investment, etc. It is India. These policies are a disaster economically. Maximum trade and freedom raises standards of living.
2008-06-29 12:01:24 UTC
No I don't think we would sell Canada. Canada is a country that is too strong as a people and the people wouldn't let someone else buy or takeover the country. No matter what the price is. If people want to live in Canada let them but if your only coming for the natural resources and not freedom of culture or just the beauty of the country then you won't be kicked out you just won't be very welcomed.
2008-06-29 11:55:44 UTC
The real problem lies in apathy towards and ignorance of the problem. Most people I speak with don't care past next week's paycheque. They work, plan for the weekend, get their beer, party Friday and Saturday (or watch the hockey game), recover on Sunday and then do it all again the next week. These people don't believe anything they say or how they vote will affect the country politically and they will readily admit to it. Only a minority (40%?) of the population actually votes in an election.

This provides fertile ground for foreign investors who gain economic control and then, because of our own political apathy, gain political control through economic coercion of our government; meanwhile, most of us don't know or don't even care about what's going on.

This used to be a great country. Trudeau ruined it. He started the ball rolling on foreign investment in Canada, and the Libs kept getting re-elected. We shouldn't allow a party to have power (majority government) for more than two terms in a row, similar to the American system where the president is only allowed two terms in office.
2008-06-29 08:48:59 UTC
Why is it that Canada spends more attention to what George Bush says?I really believe we depend too much on Americans,thier politics and economy.Canada holds more natural resources than any other country,on the other hand were selling most of it off.We should be way more independent in dealing with other countries in trading for the goods we need.The United States actually believe we cant get along without them,they need us far more,oil,lumber.water,electricity.just to mention a few.I think the time has come to step up to the plate and say,whats in it for Canada??
2008-06-28 21:04:37 UTC
Well, i have read a lot of the comments about this issue, and have only to say this. ...

Elections have become a media circus..take for example, the recent primaries in the US, or whatever they are don't get me wrong, i have no real quams with our neighbours to the south, although they blame a lot of what goes on on their country on Canada..( what else is new)..but the one big problem i have, as someone stated in a post here, they do have too much control in the world, one way or another, they are like the nosey neighbour next door, watching everything going on and if they don't like something we are doing, for example the recent climb the loonie had undertaken, they do something about it like pump millions of dollars into their economy in the form of tax rebates to give give consumers the illusion of extra money, hoping it will make them spend more. Well, thats a little of topic, but needed to be said. Our government sucks... they are so afraid of the rest of the world thinking poorly of them, that they have lost their backbone. Foreign ownership in this country is way to easy and highly profitable. Some of the factories around my city have closed over the last decade or so, due to the free trade crap, now they are opening new ones under foreign ownership, getting butt kissing tax bereaks and incentives, which should have been offered to the locally owned manufacturers to keep them open.

As for the gas/oil problem, we have enough to keep our own country supplied...don't we?? Import and and demand...blah blah blah. Oil companies make billions in profits and then go in front of some US senate comitee to explain themselves, get a "you guys are bad " speech, then go on their meery top it all off, the prices take a huge jump starting the day after those hearings. And one curious question... the US has a large oil reserve where they have been pumping millions of gallons into it for years, do we have one of those in Canada??? And if oil prices are driven by supply and demand, why havent those prices dropped since the US "said' they have stopped diverting oil to their reserves.

We need a new government, a stronger government structure in all levels, municipal, provincial and federal. People in the government now have become too comfortable in their positions and we should clean house. Isnt our government supposed to be our voice, to reflect what we want and to do what is best for every Canadian, rich or poor.

Cmon Canada, wake up!!! Before the words " North America" take on a whole new meaning to us.
Mike B
2008-06-28 19:10:15 UTC
The first 10 comments (Jun 6 28 -921pm) all sum up as negative with regards to selling Canada(out from under us). An interesting question of the future will be ownership of the North and water passages; and as someone mentioned "Water for drinking" .

While i have a business degree, I find myself more in conflict with the concept of "Corporation" as an entity(legal) and have come across some physical locations on earth which do NOT recognize their legal existence. I think this is the core of the fight against global economies. Will we have physical geographic nations or will humanity migrate to feudal like world corporation entities? Afterall, nation(geographic) states did not really exist prior to about 1500. Granted, humans had numerous "empires" commanding local geographic landscapes from time to time for periods of time. The most enduring(from Western perspective) were the "Romans" . My thinking is that the Americans simply inherited/took over the British empire as the latest empire. China "influenced"(China and surrounding countries) will be the next empire. "English" is thus the premier language of the planet as it has been a major language of commerce for some 400 years. Even the Chinese seem to find it more acceptable to speak neutral English rather than settle on a specific dialect/language of China. Somewhere, I read English is the only? language where gender does not impact upon language(spelling/pronounciation) Somehow, Canada offers the world a vision of numerous nationalities living in relative peace and harmony. Perhaps this is just a happenstance of a small population "owning" a large geographical piece of land...that no one else really wants.

It is perhaps worthy to think/investigate HOW a nation state comes into existence. Hunter/gatherers, explorers, commercial exploitation, commonalities of language and cultural norms...comes to mind. Serbia(1970 to present) comes to mind as "nations in being". Africa may likewise go through such a transition(Rwanda?)

Positive... potential wealth becomes actual wealth . Infrastructure development occurs(roads, communication to obscure locations) Note Labrador and far north Ontario appear to be "obscure locations" requiring amphibious planes to arrive . stated, all roads lead to a port via which the seeds of wealth are sent away and one imports the finished product in a begging rachet like method. The americans have more debt, but Canadians buy more from outsiders as the decades go by.

Also, it becomes "engrained" that this is the norm. Canadians are becoming more aware of the impact of "Free" trade and legal and political ramnifications. HOW/What to do about it is NOT being discussed as an option by ANY political party. Let the party continue. With a 300 year history(starting with Beaver pelts, fish) of living off exports of natural resources, HOW does one encourage a people to change??? Indeed, this predates the existence of Canada as a nation state!(if it is a nation-in the singular)

Mike B
Serge G
2008-06-28 18:24:02 UTC
I'm a Canadian -American born and raised outside of Montreal and have studied economics for some times. Not only have I seen a HUGE shift in outsourcing in the U.S these past 20 yrs with relatively little regulations (with huge corporate tax loopholes unregulated by the government!) I am now witnessing an equally alarming sellout from large Canadian companies (i.e. mining companies, etc..) to foreigner corporations from the U.S, China, Australia to name a few. Some of this actually boost our economy in today's world economy but indeed too much of our natural sustainable resources are being 'split' with foreign ownership. It is my opinion that the Canadian system has not come up with strict and protective enough regulations to safeguard our (I am still Canadian citizen...) national resources. European nations as a rule (I lived in France and Switzerland for some times) are far more conservative and protective of their national resources than we north Americans are! I also find that Canada should make more efforts to shift its economical dependency of the U.S market by trading more with Europe and Asia, thus expanding and protecting its GDP export's portfolio. N.A.F.T.A. has shown us that once more, the working class overall has suffered a tragic loss and corporate interest set record profits. Let's not make that same mistake while outsourcing.
Skaria P
2008-06-28 18:08:01 UTC
If canada is made in to a country where individual initiative and corrasponding rewards are the main driving force, then none of these scenarios would have arose. The main problem is that Canada is such a manipulated country by special interest groups, so that people inside Canada find it hard to make this country in to a truly great one and consequently become some sort of easy target for people who are looking to own a piece of Canada.

The answer is to make this economy and system a truly competitive one and to give proper rewards to those canadians who are truly ambitious and ready to put in the effort to achieve things for themselves and for Canada, and to stop compromising Canadian Vitality through mediocre existence and mediocre ideology which profess a parasite existence for the general public.

Making people artificially equal is the dummest approach ever.
2008-06-28 19:10:08 UTC
The country is foreign own, look at are natural resources being exploited with the most of the benefits ending outside of the country, laws and policies being written not to the benefit of Canadians. The obscene level of influence by outside groups/ governments. Heavy subsidies to big business. The worst is the lack of planning and leadership from our political leaders, when everything will be gone(mining, oil, etc) what will be left for the people to live on?
Ali Nejat
2008-06-28 18:32:03 UTC
"Causes" and "objectives" are good words; yet one needs to know what they really mean and how deep they can go...

Canada has been a free state for new things and people but not for new methods for a long time .The main concern however is where the Canadian money and assets are going and not who is buying Canadian companies.In other words Canada needs a basically "Canadian" NATIONAL CAPITALISM.We "need" to be "open" but not "lenient" toward economic identity of our country.Canadians are also famous for their unique "moderate" methods.It is obvious that we are slow and "traditional" in many fields.Therefore, we as Canadians have to improve our very basic trends and methods of management inside the country and then think of an Internationally "visible" Canada.

The Canadian processes and procedures are generally very time consuming in comparison with those of "others".We have always kept the doors open and have made good progress as a result.Canada has been able to absorb economic and human investment from other countries and this has become a part of our identity.Now other markets are absorbing what we have into theirs and this not only an "economic" problem but also an "identity" problem.Here comes the importance of a moderate method where both "economy" and "identity" will hopefully stand in agreement.We do need to take this seriously....
2008-06-28 18:30:41 UTC
Canadians had a chance years ago to have a government oil producer...Petro Canada, but failed to support it. Instead, comments such as, "I'd push my car a mile before filling up at a Petro Can" the government sold the interests. The major oil companies are foreign owned. Here we are today. The major companies are the only ones with the capital to invest in projects like the oilsands. Sad, but true. You cannot blame the foreign investors. Why did Canada not support Petro Canada? Fools!!
2008-06-28 16:03:21 UTC
If you would like to see what happens when you sell your country to foreign investors/ banks, one only need look to our neighbour to the south and The Federal Reserve. The U.S., in 1913 handed over control of their monetary system (against it's own laws by the way) to what amounts to a criminal cartel of European banking interests. Canada would be wise to remember the lesson that the U.S. is just waking up to now as their currency plummets in value due to the wanton profiteering by these same bankers, that when all the riches and resources of that once great nation are gone, in effect, raped...we will be the ones left to deal with the consequences while the investors will be enjoying the fruits of our labour and natural resources ELSEWHERE. The short term gains do not outweigh the long term cost to us all.
2008-06-28 15:45:34 UTC
The failure of Canada to maintain significant ownership and/or ownership control over our resources will directly affect our political policy through the efforts of deep pocketed lobbyists. The larger and/or wealthy the entity is, so is their influence on Canada. That is the nature of our politics. The question should be "do we as Canadians want our economic policies dictated by corporations or individuals based in such countries as, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, China, Venezuela, Iran, India or any other country including the USA." Allowing controlling ownership of Canadian Resources or Infrastructure to reside outside Canada is doing just that. Laws governing their operation are only as strong as the will to enforce them and based on past experience that is definitely not a Canadian strong point. Once such an owner is fully in control, issues such as their profit margins and our employment stability often trump far more long lasting impacts such as pollution, habitat destruction, resource depletion etc. Their long term goals rarely if ever operate in conjunction with what is the long term benefit to Canada as a country.
2008-06-28 15:19:47 UTC
There is no price for Canada.Everyone comes to Canada feel like home and treat Canada as his new and some final home.

Investor come with money they does not buy Canada.They came to be a Canadian.Canada does not need money but needs people to you look to our neighbouring country USA they have 10 million non legal immigrant and still is the best country and the Strong economy in the world does not matter they are now in re-session but still money can not make people .people making money.our population getting old and Canadian does not want to get married and have a kids so what we do? we choose the best from the world and we live together in a Harmony.
2008-06-29 10:08:16 UTC
Clearly, the major corporations have been sold to foreigners. As the foreigners take ownership of these corporations so to do they take the senior positions out of Canada. Our manufacturing sector has been allowed to relocate offshore where they pay people less than 10 cents per day. The Canadian manufacturing jobs go out of the country along with the manufacturers. Clearly, we are loosing top end and blue collar jobs as well as those in between.

We have lost our mineral, energy, manufacturing, big box retail, and softwood lumbar economies. The government and the people know that we have lost these assets. They do not realize that we are loosing our country in the process and we will be left with nothing. Our freedom, itself, is being lost just as fast as our ability to control our own economy.
Sugary Goodness
2008-06-29 08:49:58 UTC
Interestingly enough, I am pretty much all capitalist, but I am against all these little sales of Canada. Especially when they are cultural icons or resources. Such as Tim Hortons, Hudson's Bay Company, Canadian beer, etc. With multi-culturalism taking precedence over anything "Traditionally Canadian" (yeah, whatever that means), We have nothing to call our own! No wonder we aren't as patriotic as Americans.

We've sold our gas company off here in BC, which used to be a provincially owned company. It makes me sick that these companies make huge profits off of British Columbians and the money doesn't stay here. It ruins our economy rather than helps it. We need to hoard our resources as they are the best thing we have. We don't want the Americans or anyone else, taking all of our clean water, lumber, etc. and leaving us with nothing, or having to buy our own resources back at crazy, inflated prices!
honey b
2008-06-29 08:37:24 UTC
As Canadians we are heading into a real crisis. There will be wars in our country, with terrorism and bombings. so far we have not been subject to this. The last war our ancestors fought to protect our land was during the war of 1812. Our ancestors and the help of England succeeded in keeping our land free. We as Canadians are letting this go. We no longer have any rights. We are allowing the rest of the world rule us. We have all the natural resourse. Why are we paying the higher prices and the countries that are using our products are not.

When I was in Ont. I was stopped on the street by the press. They asked me what I thought of free trade. I told them then and I am going to say it again. Free trade is going to benefit the other countries but not us. Our industry will be closing down and moved to Mexico because they have slave labour there. Our Gov. in Alberta wants the same for us. Slave labour. I am a proud Canadian who cares about the product she puts out. Quality workmanship because yes it is made in Canada.We need to stop the sell off, of this country, or we are heading into a major war. It is already started but people are so caught up in their own lives to see it. Nobody wants to step up to the plate and do something about it. Not until its to late. Then all the rich people will be laughing at the rest of us. We should know everything that goes on in our country and vote on it.

How many Candians especially New immigrants know about the war of 1812?

Why is it that the New immigrants are making all the rules.

They immediately cry racism. We as Canadians are bending over backwards to accomodate them. We no longer are allowed to say the Lords Prayer , sing our National Athem or say Merry Christmas in our schools with the fear of the immigrants putting a stop to it saying we are prejudice. This is not the case I can assure you. Why are they allowed to take time off of school or work to have their prayer time but we are not?

When you go into other countries you have to abide by Their rules. If not then you are put into prison. So why are we allowing other countries to come here and make all the rules?

Why are there more visible minorities working at our Canadian airports than there are caucasions. Even with all the qualifications you may have and all the training the positions are given to visible minorities. The rich are slowly destroying everything our ancestors fought for. Is this right?
Adam R
2008-06-29 07:54:34 UTC
It really does make you think if Canada is up for sale. One problem with our economy is the purchasing of oil. Oil is what makes our economy go around. Just about everything is a product of oil, from plastic to rubber, lubricants to paint. We have alot of products that may not be able to replace with a synthetic. Canada may not have that much oil in the ground for everything that is made from oil today. Canada banning the electric car, whats up with that? Oh right, it runs on electricity and not fuel manufactured from oil. Government will loose tax revenue at the pumps. The government is a sookey business here in Canada. They control to much, if they have competition then they act like mafia and puts a stop to it!

Is Canada for sale like what seen in the movie "The Trojan Horse"? Maybe. It really sure does seem like it is since Stephen Harpper is running the show! As a Canadian who ellect's the government have little next to no say of what goes on with the country. We need a new government. We need a government that is based on moral's and not who has the most education in politics. Their is too much corruption, to many backstabbing politicians. How much raw deals are going on that the Canadian people just don't know about? What's going on in Ottawa?
2008-06-29 07:02:09 UTC
This has already been done. We have seen many American companies buy out Canadian ones over the last 60 years and then when American investors decide they can get it cheaper from China they close the factories in Canada and give our jobs to the god dammed Chinese. For example American canning companies have put our fruit farmers out of business in Ontario because American investors can make more profit on food from China. So this is a double burn because not only do we put our farmers out of work and loose our jobs but Canadians still pay more for it because Canada imports it from the states where they still make money on it and provide their people with jobs. This kind of foreign investment has been proven to put thousands of Canadians out of work with no hope because investors just want to me make money. They don't care that thousands loose their jobs they only ask their assistant to sign the pink slips.

The biggest problem is that our Government is filled with people who don't know what they are doing. They give several billion to the automotive industry to keep manufacturing jobs here then they close the plants anyway. What a dumb decision! We have been paying inflated prices for domestic cars for a long time now and then they screw us out of our jobs too. The Canadian Government is not competent enough to come up with a plan to help Canadians and they don't even care. They only care about increasing taxes, taxes, taxes to pay their inflated salary to pad their own pockets while Canadians are used as a cash cow! When you add up all the tax we pay in the end you might as well hand over your pay cheque to them.

The Canadian government needs to be REPACLED from the ground up and put smart Canadians who are not rich or come from a privileged life into the office. We need Canadians who know and remember where they came from and who give a S*it about Canadians! This country will go no where and it will continue to go down. Our country is being sold for a few $$$$ to power hungry billionaires who don't care about the people who live in it! Canadians need to smarten up take back their country they live in and hold their own. If we were back 200 years ago the ***** Canadians of our generation would have never pushed the Americans back.

It is sad to say but this country is useless!
2008-06-28 23:06:15 UTC
When we flood our lands to make water and hydro electric for the US, when we sell hydro to the US and make our own people suffer, when we tie up our oil sands for the US and have to pay so much more for our gas though complaining less than the US, when we are tied to the Free Trade Agreement that favours US at our expense, when we have to pay big penalty taxes for shipping our wood, that is not repaired by the US in spite of several tribunals agreeing with Canada that it is punitive and unfair, when we can't develop our Potash so US has no competition, when we are blamed for US errors such as the source and training of terrorists in 911 when it was they who admitted them themselves to US and trained them themselves, when we have to send our troops to 'mop up' US errors overseas, when we help in emergencies like the airplane crashes, and the 911 disaster but get no public recognition from the US president, when we have to pay for companies condemned in the US like the gas additive, when we help the US consume our virgin forests and submarine experiments not permitted on US territory, when we have to subsidize the US public because our pharmaceuticals are more reasonable,etc, then yes we have been sold by our leaders. Water is still a huge resource, but we will hand it over like everything else. We need to know our own strength and not just be a US 'lapdog'. Sorry, no time to read all the resources here, but information I've gathered over the years especially from Council of Canadians. Not really against Americans as most are generous and friendly, but it is the leadership on both sides that is destroying us while pandering to economic profits for a few companies that want to monopolize everywhere.
2008-06-28 17:13:29 UTC
I am continually baffled and amazed at the willingness of the Canadian government and the people of Canada to hand over our sovereignty,our culture,our values,our land,our money,our children,our senior citizens etc to special interest ethnic groups and foreign meatgrinder corporations.

The very people who have the least respect for this country are the ones that seem to dictate how it is run.If you look on any of the many discussion forums found on the net you will find infinite postings by recent immigrants and ethnic minorities boasting about the imminent takeover of Canada.Usually when a post is made in defence of Canada it is censored and removed and i've noticed this trend right here on Yahoo!answers as well.

The world views Canada as a land ripe for the pillaging and the people of Canada a collection of spineless,passive,politically correct fools.

As much as I love my country,every day i'm more and more inclined to agree.
2008-06-28 17:08:49 UTC
After living for more than a decade in the US, and witnessing first hand the disdain with which American politics and, I'm afraid, the average American have for Canada and its sovereignty, I fear for the future of Canada if we allow more foreign (read U.S.) ownership. Canadians seem to forget how many of our companies are bought, worked a year or so and then shut down by the foreign owners (many American) in order to maintain a monopoly of products and control of prices. And let's not forget, the 'Big Three' auto makers have no problem shutting down jobs in southern Ontario.

Canada NEEDS to protect the interests of Canadians and the country in its entirety not just business. Canadians NEED to stand up and say we are CANADIANS and we run our own country. We are rich in natural resources and in intelligent and innovative people and if we are to be exploited, let us exploit ourselves for the betterment of OUR country.
2008-06-28 16:25:00 UTC
I'm firmly against too much foreign investment or ownership mainly because with that comes the loss of control. If we are such a rich country we should keep our resources and the money they make in Canada not going to other countries.

If we don't control our resources we will lose them and then Canada will no longer be a country who's people control their own destinies.
2008-06-28 15:54:25 UTC
Our abundance of natural resources not only gives us great financial leverage in the world market, it also allows us to dictate how those resources can be used. To hamper free- markets and prevent foreign investment is not the answer for many reasons.

We can use this leverage to promote our national policies including human rights. This could also give us an opportunity to emerge, once again, as a forerunner in environmental policy. For example, we could set defined guidelines on how those resources are spent and what impact they play on the environment.

By no means am I implying that Canada should sell everything to the highest bidder as that is never the right answer anyway. We should, however, create new partnerships in this ever-expanding global market and use our position to shape a greater Earth.
Terry N
2008-06-28 15:29:02 UTC
YES; It;s been up for sale since ; The -1984- voters said -go ahead and sell the country! It means nothing to us!! The people that voted in '84' Thought that the conservatives were better off being ruled by the" chin'' rather than" turner"!!! So -Under that government ;The LAW stated that all -take overs of Canadian companies were to be looked at if the price was -$5 million or more- To see if it was in the interest of the country!!! Then they changed it to -$50 million!! And it's been going downhill from there!!
2008-06-28 15:22:32 UTC
This is a great topic and one that has been overlooked for the past 30 years when we began selling citizenships for foreign investment. We only have to look at the housing crisis that we have created for ourselves in the most recent years whereby the average home price has doubled in most areas and tripled in higher sought after areas. Now the younger generation has to go further into debt just to be able to afford shelter.

As the housing, oil and gas, and exploratory minerals have increased in demand the environment and our style of living becomes further overlooked. We continue to see ourselves selling our resources short to continue the pseudo-economic growth which is being compounded in British Columbia with the Olympic dream. You only have to look at the past 20 years to see that with the exception of Calgary and Lake Placid in 84, no country has broke even from the olympics. The only people that are truly profiting from this swept-under the rug inflation are the foreign entities that don't have to live here.

It's time to wake up Canada and believe in ourselves, foreign investment is beginning to realize what a wealthy nation we are when it comes to resources, isn't it 80% of fresh water is in Canada, so why do we continue to sell it at a discount to foreigners instead of holding it tightly for future generations.
2008-06-28 14:43:59 UTC
Are goverment already sold are country there is no work for canadian born. Only work for those from other countrys.

Employers hireing only those that do not know thier rights.

At the same rise the cost of eduction so the rich are the only one who can buy it.

At the same other countrys that own a company in canada will only hire thier own country men and women not canadians. At the same time dicide what to sale and how much.
2008-06-28 14:37:04 UTC
Canadians should know that the elite of the business world are Americans or de-facto Americans because of their trade affiliations.

These same people are the ones who make major donations to Canada's political machinery and those who pay the piper call the tune.

The tune is sell, sell, sell.

What is a 'country' if its resources are either owned by foreigners or controlled [as NAFTA does our oil, gas - and maybe soon, water].

If there are supply shortages because of climate, US-UK-NATO like military banditry, our own resources cannot be used for the full benefit of ordinary citizens. Trickle down is the only option.

Globalization is a perverse, runaway beast that needs to be shot in the head.

Canada first, for Canadians.
2008-06-29 08:57:39 UTC
Unfortunatly, Canada was sold a long time ago when Prime Minister Mulroney signed the North American Free Trade agreement in the 80's. Most Canadians have no idea what was included in it, and would be very surprised to know. There is no limit to the amount of foreign (especially american) investment and ownership in Canada. on the flip side of this, no more than 1% of foreign ownership is allowed in the U.S. We were immediatly screwed, and it has shown in spades since. The majority of Canadian corporations have been bought from U.S companys, we've stopped producing most goods and have instead begun shipping our raw materials south and then buying back the finished product. why? because we don't own anything anymore. Even one of our most prized and recognizable products, Molson Canadian beer, was sold in recent years to the American owned Coors.
2008-06-28 21:53:48 UTC
My answer is- I see a lot of people posting anti-capitalist , "nationalist" type sympathies..II imagine a lot of these people are from the eastern part of the country.. It 's beginning to sound like the NEP again.

Remember, the resources belong to the provinces. It's up to the provinces to decide how to develop the resources, and who is allowed to come in.

So those of you from central Canada with "nationalist" ideas and leanings of how to manage the resources in the provinces that have them- don't even think about it- otherwise the dream of a lower Canadian dollar and Canada meeting Kyoto targets will be met quit quickly- when the Western provinces break away.
2008-06-30 16:28:54 UTC
The Canadian government and special interest groups are notorious for giving away our resources. From the fish stocks on the grand banks to our forests. Multi national companies, big business, these have the lion's share of the benefit from free trade. Small business has been plundered by giant chains like Wal Mart etc. The majority of the jobs they have created are minimum wage, part time, no benefits jobs. Jobs that can be shipped out to poorer nations for less money have resulted in closures of small companies who can't compete all over the country. You don't need to be an expert to see what is happening. In my town more than 14 small businesses have closed their doors as Future Shop and Wal Mart and Jiisk moved in.
2008-06-30 13:27:46 UTC
Yes canadian assets are for sale to the highest bidder in the case of our wireless spectrum auction going on as we speak. The government predicted the spectrum sales would generate $1.5 billion in revenues. Because of established canadian companies who are bidding on the spectrums being supported by outside investors from Egypt and Europe the revenues have been forced up over $4 billion. This auction was to make the cell phone market competitive. Not at these over-inflated purchase prices. The savings to consumers would have been considerable had the government not allowed foreign investors to drive up the price of the auction just so they can claim to have put more cash toward our national debt. Consumers shafted again.
Shannon T
2008-06-29 12:07:35 UTC
Canada is not only for sale, it has been almost sold. Many major "Canadian" companies have more foreign investors than Canadian though this is often kept secret from the Canadian public. Even Canadian iconic companies have been slowly taken over financially by the US and Asian conglomerates that promote the facade of "Canadian" companies because their head offices and/or outlets are physically in Canada.

The US will never have to take Canada and have complete access to our natural resources by force of arms, it pretty much owns us now.

Thanks so much, "government" of Canada - you have allowed and even encouraged this "sell-out"

S. Tegart
Mike S
2008-06-29 10:39:48 UTC
No matter what corporations will always eventually get exactly what they want. The own the government simply because they can afford to pay them more then anybody else. Does anybody here actually believe that Harper, Bush, or any other countries leader isnt fully and completely in the pockets of the mega-corporations that funded their rise to supposed leader of their respective countries? Corporations are the major reason for all the crappy things that are happening to the world. Their suicidal and murderous quest for higher and higher profits will stop at nothing even if it only gives them a .1% increase in their profits. How do we stop them? Stop buying their stuff! Buy used, buy locally hand made stuff. Eat local organic, buy your food even if it isnt organic direct from the farmer not from these mega supermarkets.

If you are like me and hate mega corporations the only way you can hurt them is by voting with your wallet.
2008-06-29 09:26:57 UTC
The current rate of foreign takeover is not good for Canada in the long run. Diane Francis' opinion that the issue of foreign ownership is a legal one not economic rests on the belief that business interests trump everything else and that when businesses prosper, it trickles down to the rest of us. Not so in a global economy. The prosperity often ends up shipped offshore with the jobs. What she fails to evaluate is the economic costs of lost sovereignty. A country that cannot control its own economy cannot respond to crises.
Nancy B
2008-06-29 07:07:48 UTC
Canada and it's Canadian Soldiers were SOLD OUT back in 1966 and 1967 to the U.S. military and it's Government.

Our government allowed Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick to be used for chemicals (Agent Orange, three times more deadly Agent Purple and Agent White) experimentation and never bothered to informed the people working, training and living there of the deadly effects these toxics would have on us as people.

Sadly this was not the only time CFB Gagetown was used or would be used for chemical experimentations.

Even worst, our own government had been spraying these deadly chemicals starting back as far as 1956 until 1984.

You tell me who owns Canada?
Rabiu 1
2008-06-29 07:04:07 UTC
Good morning all. The common person in Canada really feels left out in this aspect of Canada. Canada as a whole is or should not be for sale. Unfotunately big business including our gov't feel otherwise. From out timber to our electricity etc, etc. we are slowly giving it away. I feel that if were giving it away have one price system for us and another for export. The gov't will find out that if we are treated fairly in this aspect of our country we would tend to spend more within our own confines as a country. Lets face it when were paying more for our gas then the Americans something not right. So think about it. It's Canadians country not anyone elses. Thank you.
2008-06-28 22:10:19 UTC
These questions need to be more finely defined. When you ask, "Is Canada for sale?" are you talking about a retail kind of sale, where the buyer has full ownership over the goods it purchases? Are you talking about a kind of software-ish licensing agreement, where the seller agrees to "sell" a good as long as certain conditions are met? Let's be a little more specific.

However, having said all this, I think it is clear that given we are approaching a time of possible upheaval due to drastic changes in the environment, and also in energy and technology sectors, Canada as a political entity can not give up majority ownerships of sensitive sectors (traditional energy sources) of it's economy, or potentially sensitive sectors of it's economy (renewable resources, agriculture, water supplies, transportation, and related technologies). It would be insane.

The world is going to change drastically, for better or for worse, over the next 20 years (and of course, beyond). We need to be well-prepared. That means holding on to what we have and utilizing it efficently. I'm not saying we can't sell our excess oil, wheat, or even water, etc, but we should NEVER give up our ownership over the source of these things in any form.

What does this make me? I guess that makes me a kind of nationalistic capitalist. You can buy whatever you want from me and my country as long as it does not compromise me, my fellow citizens, or my nation in any way.
2008-06-28 17:59:24 UTC
At the rate of the sale when everything is sold to those who don't need the money and have not asked those that were born in this country. Then the ones who legally have a right to have a say will no longer own the privilege and will have lost what they thought they were born to the freedom at birth. The laws will be changed to accommodate and we will not be recognized for anything that we represent which is 'CANADA'

Our country, our people, our home, with our laws, our education and our right to be who we are 'People in a free Land' with out some one else telling us we need to change because they don't like our ways. We need to keep Canada belonging to Canadians. No matter what part of this vast country you live in, when it comes to Canadian, we are one people. Let's keep it that way and all our resources in tact with us in charge.
2008-06-28 17:07:38 UTC
Canada has been 20 years behind the US in border control and policies. It's killing our country.

Immigration is one of the hugest problems. Our open border policies drown the employment sector, and real estate sector.

We have foreigners that immigrate into our country legally or illegally, that are used to working for $5.00 per day. Factories will pay them minimum wage, now they're making over $8/hour. Like winning the lottery. Great for them, I'm not prejudice about it as I think we should be helping other countries, but we need to control it.

Foreign companies, whom industries they control overseas, may exist in countries under sanctions, can now gain control over Canadian companies which cannot compete against foreign owned companies.

This is an extremely vague description. But as a quick example of foreign control, Ford Motor Company. Their accounting department is located in India. This isn't just a conspiracy therory, just some facts.
2008-06-28 17:03:30 UTC
I strongly believe we don't have very much Canadians company who has a real Canadian owner we are so week in business we only show an image but behind it doesn't look so good and promessive for the future....Our problem is we what to have every thing and we have forget to built a solid foundation so our country is so week and it will not take much to collapse....We all talk about heritages cultural LOL.... but all forgive our economic situation....keep giving money to those Indians who really help us tu built our country oup's I for got they help us too what a joke...they where just spectators and now they are begging and crying you owe us .... we throw so much money all over to different country that will never benefit from those donations when our economical structure is so weak.... so it is so easy to have outsiders to invest and taking our ground but it will not work like the Indians did those out sider will have us begging them to work for them and we will be on our knees in front of them ....I' so proud of being a Canadian ... What a shame .... our GOV has no guts to hold his pants ......Put a smart family couple who has to administrate their finance instead of our so terrific and intelligent minister and we will come out of our debts and will keep our enterprises.We are just stretching the elastic and soon it will snap ....and one so pone a time it was a country call Canada....
2008-06-28 17:00:14 UTC
Canada, well the what I believe, Canada is not what Canadians believe it to be. Europeans are big Investors and now the Asians. Canada is not for sale, it was sold. This so called called protection is a screen which was created by our Government. We Canadians are much too passive and we think only for ourselves, who cares about Canada. This is a Canadian problem. Canadians can not handle the truth, bottom line they believe it's better that way.
myke b
2008-06-28 16:35:02 UTC
The ramifications are that our heritage and history will either disappear altogether or get so distorted by events of today that people will not truly get a complete picture of Canada and how its peoples made a contribution not only to the history of north America but the world, a loss of identity will in fact cripple the country and make it vulnerable to outside influences whom in turn will create their own idea of Canada which will be to deplete our natural resources and cripple our economy making us a possible third world nation. the only positive I can see is short financial gain, but only a minority of the population will reap those benefits, and whatever profits or monetary gains are made they will eaten away by high taxes, high costs, inflation, the paying for such resources from other nations like oil or coal, so in reality there is no real upside as it remains like we had a yard sale and everything must go at cheap ! cheap ! prices and that also encompasses Canada's successful businesses in all sectors.
2008-06-28 15:54:19 UTC
I've always believed we were the United States of North America. Ever since we signed the Free Trade Agreement we have lost a lot. Cheaper, faster and low pay seems to be the norm these days. Is there anything left in Canada that we make and sell in our stores? Not much. I am really worried about our Great Lakes especially since I live on the shores of Lake Huron. I know the US has a shortage but draining our lakes is not the answer. The answers to lot of problems are there but greed seems to bring everything to a halt. We as citizens of the world need to stand up and take back our power and quit being led to slaughter, because that's what I personally see happening right now. Fear is very powerful in our world, fear to speak out, fear to question, fear to take action and it is literally taking all our freedom with it.
2008-06-28 15:25:49 UTC
First of all, let us start with fallacy of the false alternative:

"In my latest book, Who Owns Canada Now, I’ve examined both sides of the debate: the economic nationalists who want Canadians to own Canada’s economy and the capitalists who believe that protection is a legal, not economic, issue."

That is not an exlusive list of the issues to be debated with regard to ownership. The issue is neither economic nor legal, it is a moral issue - do I have the right to the fruits of my labour, or do I not? Do I exist for my own sake, or am I a slave to a govrnment?

For instance, if I go to work and earn enough money to buy food and lodging, the food and lodging does not 'belong' to Canada - it belongs to ME. My work, my effort, my property.

Secondly, just because economic activities take place within a domain where a nation has a monopoly on the use of physical force does not mean that the nation 'owns' the fruits of that activity. They don't. Joe SWchmo, the unemployed drug adict who has never done anything to get money but steal, does not 'own' any part of the fruits of my labor. I do. It is mine because I did the work.

Similarly, just because a business has a greater volume of economic activity than me, or that it has more shareholders than my measly bsiness, it doesn't mean that it magically becomes the property of the government either. The government of Canada, which does nothing other than steal half of what I produce, and then tries to tell me that the indoctrination and propoganda it forces down my childrens' throats is 'education', and the compulsory services that it demands I use because it cannot measure up to any potential competitor is 'medicare', the fact that it uses its monopoly on the use of force, not to protect my rights but to violate them, and calls this justice, and that controls what I can see and what I can hear unde the auspices of NAFTA and the CRTC - does NONE of these things by right. Governments have no rights - government is not an entity, a living breathing thing, it is an unthinking, unfeeling, monstrous abstraction that exists for the sole purpose of separating people from the rights to life, liberty and property.

So no, my efforts do not 'belong' to Canda, and neither do the efforts of its businesses. Ownership means the right to the use and disposal of property. Rights exist as a protection of the individual from the power of his/her government. Since governments have no 'rights' and property is a right, government can have no 'right' in property nor in ownership. Exxon does not belong to 'Canada', and neither do I, and neither do you.

Canada exists to protect YOUR rights, the use of force has no other justification. You do not exist as a chattal of your government, to be used and disposed of as it sees fit, or more properly, as those in power see fit - IT exists for the sole purpose of protecting your rights, and your rights insomuch as you are an owner of a business such as Exxon, or merely the owner of such meagre resources as your ability to do useful work.
waseem w
2008-06-28 15:20:20 UTC
I think, investors from any country that offers the same investment laws to Candian investors should be allowed to invest in Canada. If other countries allow Canadian subsidised enterprises to invest, only then Canada should permit subsidised foreign investors to invest in Canada. If Canadians are not given the same investment rights in any country, then Canada should not allow them,too. But at the same time, Canadian businesses must try to be competitive and responsive towards ever changing global economic trends. If Canadian enterprises are not capable of generating business within Canada and out of Canada; then we would have to compromise with many foreign investors in order to be able to save our local economies. I think, rule of the game is to be very strong in managing our own national resources and the business managers have to have global vision. Many Canadian businesses need to improve their understanding of the global markets and they need to formulate clear strategies to access the growing markets around the world.
Ron G
2008-06-28 14:40:29 UTC
Yes, I am willing to sell Canada.

The Federal Government has no control over natural resources. Large corporate companies are removing energy resources from Canada and leaving the environmental clean up to Canadians. The Federal Government keeps taxing ordinary working citizens for their own greed. I say sell the entire country , with the money going to all Canadians, because we are not controlling our own resources any way
Curly B
2008-06-28 17:02:35 UTC
It is to late to discuss this. It has already happened. Very little of our natural resources or transportation systems are still owned by Canadians. The only hope is that after we run out of resources we will have enough agriculture and technology to still have a small downsized economy. But the boom for us Canadians is past. We are now just going to be the labour pool. Our politics are ruled by offshore investors and the World Bank, we are just wage slaves and will continue that way.
naresh t
2008-07-01 16:35:33 UTC
Foreign companies do not care about canadian.Yes GM is providing work but they took subsidy from the Cnadian government and now they are closing the auto plants.Similarly after foreign companies are allowed to take the resources we would not be able to stop them ,they only care about making profits for the foreign share holders.Everything we buy in walmart is made in China because the companies worry only about profits..Canadian resources belong to the people of Canada.All foreign companies should be taxed and and our income taxe should be reduced or we should get a debate check from the government.They take our own oil and sell it to us for $140.00 a barrel and we pay $1.34 a litre for the same gas that comes from our backyard. Next they will sign a contract to take our water and we wont be able to stop them
2008-06-30 16:00:26 UTC
It is amazing that a question is asked and everyone with no understanding of world economics tries to answer it. This is how the media controls input and output of Canadian opinion. Maybe the question should have been " can the media cause a panic over nothing with the stroke of a pen?" for all you worry warts.....Canada owns quite a bit themselves overseas......and if worse came to worse in 40 years we could just do a "shut the border, kiss your investments goodbye move" , like the Cubans and Chinese, and start all over again!
2008-06-29 06:27:56 UTC
In order to compete in a globalized market, every country must allow foreign investment, this is how it works. Closing Canada off to these investments will mean we miss out on opportunities for growth. Just look at how the Swiss franc compares to the Euro today...

But more importantly, using the word 'foreign' brings out all the racist xenophobes who will instantly say it's bad despite having no idea what the subject is. But if you use the term 'European investment', these same people will say it's a good thing....
2008-06-29 00:13:29 UTC
First let me say that I try very hard to have a kind heart and to hate no one. What follows is an honest opinion to the question asked. I am not looking for any "best answer" tag. I only wish to state what I feel is one point of view.

In my humble opinion, there is far too much foreign everything in Canada. There is very little left that is genuinely Canadian. Everything is being bought by outsiders for zero Canadian gain. Our country is being legally stolen out from under us all and Those That Be in the houses of power are more than happy to allow it to continue. Why? Because as long as they get their slice of the profits, they don't care. In fact, they're going out of their way to sell Canada, one piece at a time, allowing such atrocities as outsourcing to be permitted.

I am also tired of the "racist" label that gets attached to anyone, like myself, who agrees that foreigners are taking over our country. I have nothing against people of other races, creeds, countries, and colours.... provided that they stop coming here and trying to turn Canada into wherever it is that they come from. Not all are doing this, but many are. They bring their protests, they bring their gangs, they bring their habits, they bring their wars, and they bring other things to us that degrade our culture and our ways. They are the first to cut down the trees and put up monster houses. They don't want to learn English (or French) or to be a part of Canada. They want to move here and still be what they left behind as if it's just a suburb they've come to instead of adopting a whole new way of living.

This is why I don't want to see any more foreign investments in Canada. I'd like to see tighter immigration laws. I'd like to stop the flood of "refugees" who illegally come here and disappear into the big cities, hiding in the cliquish neighbourhoods of their own kind. Shouldn't those who come to Canada want to become Canadians? Shouldn't they want to leave whatever they hated about their homelands behind and become something that they hope is better? They don't. So let them go elsewhere.

No more foreign outsourcing. We Canadians need the jobs. No more lax immigration. No more cheap and shoddy imports. It's time Canadians stood up and shouted that we will not be taken advantage of anymore by the rest of the world, English- speaking or otherwise. We welcome the world to visit... but not to stay unless you want to BE Canadian.

It's time we took Canada back.
fekadu w
2008-06-28 17:18:09 UTC
well it is a good Q. who owns Canada? in my opinion foreign investment s encouraging as long as it doesn't affect the sovernity of the country. however most of the investment goes beyond the limit. Canadian satellite company, MacDonald was on the plate for sale for USA based company. there was no interference until the dead Minuit's by the government. such kind of companies should be under the control of the gov what so ever cost it may take.

thx for the Q
2008-06-28 15:34:20 UTC
If we sell off everything to foreign investors then we will no longer control our country. Others will decide our freedoms and what we do and when. He who holds the money holds the power in today's society. I for one am not a fan of all this foreign investments. I say we should keep the money inside our country and keep what we have been blessed with. We have many national resources and we shoudl start charging appropriately for the things we export instead of selling everything cheap and buying it back for more than its worth.
2008-06-28 15:17:27 UTC
Things have sure changed since I made Canada my home over 35 years ago. Back then, Canadians were truly proud to be the "owners" of this terrific country and its wonderful resources, natural splendour; everything. The Cdns I met (in Alberta and then Manitoba) were not prepared to even contemplate any real possibility of the US of A ingesting their nation. The idea was a bad joke, back then. Now it's happening under our indifferent noses; by fed. government connivance with US foreign policy, US corporations, allowing significant takeovers of Cdn. business; allowing huge assets to be weaseled away in offshore tax havens; the whole sad story. Mulroney and NAFTA started all that; and now Harper is gladly following this nefarious Takeover agenda with the sneaky, badly under-reported (by right wing media lackeys, CanWest) of the SPP, aka "Security & Prosperity Partnerships". Security & Prosperity for whom?? Alaska likely has more autonomy & wealth than we do these days. By the time under-informed, uncaring Canadians realize what's really going on, it may be too darn late. NO, eh?? {that's on my T-shirt, with the new blended Ameri-Canuck flag on it). Long answer: NO Eh, Canada is NOT for sale, thanks Wal-Mart. Read Mel Hurtig's book "The Truth about Canada..." and get a real jolt..unless you want it to happen of course. Read about the Predator drones patrolling along the 49th parallel as we speak. Read about our water resources being privatized and bargained for under the table through SPP. Tar Sands, we won't go there. Wake up everyone & smell the Free Trade (non-Fair) coffee!! Help save the land that your grandparents fought and died for.
2008-06-28 14:52:09 UTC
Canada has been for sale for a long time. We don't invest in our own country and we let foreigners take control of our natural resources. We have plenty of oil, but does the rest of Canada benefit. We have Alberta dictate to the rest of Canada and benefit with the high cost of oil, but nobody blames Alberta , we always blame the Middle east for controlling the price of oil that we have to pay. We should look in our own back yard. Are we one country or every Province to themselves. Something to think about before it's too late.
2008-06-27 11:21:58 UTC
Canada is not up for sale. Hasn't anyone heard of the New World Order plan for Canada, USA and Mexico? It is quite the discussion on the CNN channel. How about the Amero? That will be the new money. How about R.I.D chip? Already inside passports. The people with the money are in power, always have been. One world government, one bank. If you think Canada is in trouble over the oil and wood, thats just what they want you to think. Those deals have been settled for decades. The Americans will be scared into thinking NWO is a good idea, we Canadians will be logically coerced by men that know how to talk a good line. We are already half way there, all we need now is more Conservatives in the Government and we should be well on our way.
2008-06-29 13:35:20 UTC
First and for most Canada is not for sale period. Depending on how we all look at it. As far as the oil and gas industry is concerned they have held all of our country Strong. When Quebec was having financial problems Alberta came to the rescue, and anytime there was need for assistance they were there. But like most of us we forget what a great Country we have especially the politicians. If you want to see sellouts there is your ans were. Canadians as a whole put there heart and sole into the country they love we are not sell outs.I know first hand about foreign countries investing here, remember the only other people getting fat is our politicians not workers, like myself, whom have become crippled to do a good and honest job. We as a Country are the epitome of good fortune, and i thank God everyday for my blessing. As far as foreign investments if it will benefit our people yes, if not then they shouldn't be allowed here period.
2008-06-29 13:34:32 UTC
I don't think Canadians understand what economists mean when they say "foreign investment"? And you don't define it either. If you mean, investors buying Canadian Government Treasury Bonds...then no...I don't think we should be too enthusiastic! Too much of this kind of investment can erode our domestic policy, as was done just after the Mulroney years. On the otherhand, if you are referring to foreign investment in stocks of Canadian owned companies, including resource extraction business, I don't see any harm provided Canadians get their royalty on the resource. If you mean foreign investment to mean "multi-national corporations" coming into Canada, setting up shop, looking for government subsities (corporate welfare) so they can export Canadian resources, then we probably need to be more cautious...especially in a 'boom or bust' industry such as oil...cause once the bust comes, they will abandon the communities they lobbied...taking profits and subsities with them!
2008-06-29 13:08:06 UTC
Whoever owns you....controls you!!! If we continue to sell off our rivers (BC is) and our natural resources then we are at the mercy of whoever owns them!! Money talks. Foreign Companies could threaten to pull out if we didnt "work with them" on polution issues, guidlines etc. Another related point to ponder..Look how much we rely on other countries with human rights violations for cheap labour, cheap products etc...can the Canadian Government do much about the human rights issues??? In my opinoin their hands are somewhat tied because now we NEED them. So who do these foreign companies really benefit??? Do they pay the workers a good wage? Do they make quality products? Do they improve our environment? Questions to ponder. Have a great long weekend all!
2008-06-29 12:22:13 UTC
Canada has a lot of natural resources and the raw materials are sold to other countries or foreign investors. I think Canada should build her own factories, e.g. oil refineries, so we don't need to spend lots of money to buy the final products from other countries and can provide job opportunities for local people.
Justin W
2008-06-29 00:56:41 UTC
I find it upsetting that we sell our resources for such a cheap price. But m'eh. I'll be dead before I see any serious side effect.

I would like to say however.. thank the gods for the local "The Beer Store" being open on Canada day (It's combined with the gas station). No matter how many cases you buy to prepare for the celebration, it's just never enough for the holiday. And I hate getting thirsty around 10AM and having nothing to quench my thirst.

So there's a 1up on the americans who close all businesses on July 4th.
2008-06-29 00:46:11 UTC
Canada should remain a country owned by it's people. In my opinion, foreign corporations can buy our supplies, our manufactured goods, but they should never be allowed to own any piece of our own industrial base, real estate etc.

A time will come when the rest of the world will need Canada more, especially it's resources and that's the time true prosperity will come, but that will not happen if large corporations and tracts of land are already in foreign hands. FvV
2008-06-28 17:01:31 UTC
Hardly any really successful countries don't allow free movement of capital. The UK has huge inflows of capital and is way up there about 7th in the world for GDP and way above most countries of similar size,

Besides Canada is a country of foreign investors not many Canadians can say their grand-parents were born here.

Canadians are far to conservative to risk the amounts of capital required to develop SK for example.
James A
2008-06-28 15:23:08 UTC
Canada was mostly sold off long ago, but what little is left is still apparently for sale too.

Try to find a Canadian retailer amongst the long list of foreign owned companies. Same for fast food, restaurants, realestate agents and oil companies.

We lost this battle sometime long before I was a kid in the 50s.

Through good management we should try to keep a few last crumbs for ourselves.

Al Khan
2008-06-28 15:21:26 UTC
Canada should never sell its natural resources or treasures to anyone from outside who will eventually control

and manipulate them for their own good and not for the Canadians. Remember what I told you because I believe Canada is a great country with lots of God's unique gifts to its people.

Al Khan

US Indian Citizen
Bobby J
2008-06-28 14:57:36 UTC
CANADA, is being sold piecemeal to foreign investors, read Americans too, although I have nothing against America, I find that we are losing our National Identity, and becoming Little America.Why should Canadian oil be sold by the barrel to our own refineries at world prices? Answer...American and Foreign oil speculators who take our oil from us and sell it back without it even leaving our shores!

Our officials, from Harper on down, do nothing to prevent the rape of our natural resources,and they do less to prevent our gasoline and diesel fuel prices from escalating.....I ask only THIS...CANADA, do you want a roof over your heads or do you want to eat.... you can't have it both ways...the way it's looking now, you won't soon have that option! Think about it!
Mic R
2008-06-30 16:29:47 UTC
I am 47 years old, am I wrong to remember in the very early sixties, or before, each Canadian was offered one million dollars to become part of the United States. This proposal was defeated with with a very high percent saying no. I have a hard time believing our present Government would be inconsiderate of this history. Whatever they are doing, it would therefore be presumable that foreign investment be good for Canadians.
2008-06-29 11:08:04 UTC
One of the biggest problems in this world today is the wasteful habits of the population. Many countries, especially the U.S., rely on Canada for resources because they do not effectively use theirs. While they bleed us dry, they waste our resources and lead a wealthier lifestyle when Canadians receive no benefits. The abundance of resources that Canada has to offer NOW makes countries think the resources will always be there for their usage. This belief takes a huge toll on Canada's environment. Canada should not service other countries and slave away our resources to make another country prosper. Canada is not a factory for other countries to use as they please.
2008-06-29 07:38:12 UTC
Canada has been for sale to the Americans for a long time, they own all but one oil company and i wonder if that is still Canadian owned as they were considering selling it out also, they own most large department stores and own the biggest lumber and hardware stores, they own our lands and soon will own our fresh water supply, WHY because we like money, I am a proud Canadian not a Proud American and in a few years we will all be another state to them if this continues, trading with them for trade is fine, but to the point where they can already own from here what they want to me is so not right, we have a prime-minster that kissed Bush's back side, for we cannot make make them mad, he sends our troops to a war because of them, that will not be won but will just kill more of our military, a war that Mr. Bush thinks it right. we cannot or are allowed not to think Canada unless we think of the USA first. Our premier is now in the USA selling our oil from the oil sands even though most goes there already and then to plan to build a pipeline to the USA from northern Alberta why to please the USA .... KEEP THE AMERICANS OUT OF CANADA ... makes one think why in all the countries i have been to they dislike the American people but in reality is not hard to figure out why once you know them..

2008-06-29 06:33:00 UTC
sale? may be, very much so. However a sale is an honourable act if what is sold retains its intergrety/original form in its intended glory. .. What many fear/dislike is the pollutin of the system---the noble system that took many years to institute. The system that attracted the "Buyers". The focus should be on Canadisation of the new purchasers to avoid importing the issues that made them leave the old countries to journey to Canada. Briefly to Maintain the Canada System --of human dignity/fair distribution/ etc etc.

With the Milleniun human greed/science and the human mind fighting all legendary wisdom/commonsense, It is too late to stop the "sale". May God bless O Canada.... Fannie M.
2008-06-28 17:21:31 UTC
The answer lies in a Federal Government that puts always Canada first.

Made In Canada solutions are the only ones that will solve the regional and international problems which face us.

Fair not Free Trade because as the old folks warned us, nothing in life is ever free and these days there are huge cost attached with the greedy global venture fund vultures who lurk to attack middle class working folk.

Oh Canada, I'll always stand on guard for thee...

Happy Canada Day!!!
2008-06-28 17:04:48 UTC
On one side of the coin its a good thing to sell our resources and obtain a green mark in other countries books, instead of going further into debt like the Americans find themselves doing. Were a strong country with alot of resources and I think its a good idea to share that with the world. Do we not care for other countries? Do we not want to help other countries that dont have the resources we do? Are we not known as a country that will be there for any country that is in distress? The answer to these questions are yes we are a good hearted country that is proud to help others out.

On the other side of the coin we need to look out for ourselves as well. We need to invest into the future so we can hold this status qoue of being a helpfull caring country a country that doesnt look at itself and say were first, no, we need to look at this country as the number one country to stride for a better world, everywere! We can not and hopefully will not be selfish and self centered that will get us no were in the future, but in the same sence keep us full of resources. We shouldnt worry if were selling our country off we should worry about moving forward and finding alternatives for example new forms of fuel and power when resources like oil are becoming scarce. We must keep the image that this country is a peacefull peace keeping helpfull country and that were not going to turn into a selfish country that cuts off foreign investors. The answer to this question is we need to lead the world into the next age instead of scrambling to survive the end of this one. With resources and time running out we need to focus onto new ways of doing old things. We have tooken what we have for grantit to long and stop prolonging the situation. One day there will be no more oil we must find a replacement that is efficient and enviroment friendly instead of worring about who were selling it to. I say sell it and use that revenue to invest into tommorow were as others are buying it and investing into yesterday!
Theresa H
2008-06-28 15:10:13 UTC
Personally I do believe we need some foreign investors, but to many could put Canada in jeopardy of others trying to take over. I believe other countries rely more on Canada then Canada relies on itself. We have everything we need in this country to make it work I believe. I think more politicians and Canadians need to believe in Canada and that we can make it without all the foreign investors. Time to go back to our roots.
2008-06-29 09:02:56 UTC
Just look at Toronto and Vancouver. You'll have your answer. What bogs me the most is the selling to the rights to become immigrants and our Charter of Rights by our own government to any who claim this country as their own as soon as they set foot on this land. We are not only paying immigrants to stay in this country, we also have sold our own rights and our own identity as Canadian of origin from the day this country was built to the present. I am not talking here about the early immigration, where Europeen people came and did their very best to help built this country and adjusted perfectly well to the Canadian way of living defying the odds of having a very good live. They worked very hard to help built this country. I praise and admire these people for having left everything behind and come live in Canada, where very little information was known about this country at the time. They adopted this country as their own, built their own houses and made a living as good as they could without claiming anything. These people give their life for it. As oppose to the new immigration, I am talking about the current immigration, where the Canadian ways are being wiped off and replaced by cultures other than two Canadian cultures of origin.

Canadian now means that we have to hyphenate the description of being Canadian such as: African-Canadian, Chinese-Canadian, Sri-Lankan-Canadian, Asian-Canadian, Indo-Canadian just to name a few. I have ommitted the English-Canadian and the French-Canadian terms because this is our own identity from day one. They were the founding nations of this great country. It was my father's, grand-father's, my grand-grand-fathers and I can go on with this as far as the year 1600's.

THIS IS WHAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS SOLD AND IS STILL SELLING: OUR OWN IDENDITY AND CULTURE ! Walk the streets of Toronto, Vancouver or any other cities of importance in Canada and you will see yourself walking the streets of a foreign land, depending of the area you are walking, not walking the streets of some cities in Canada! My view on the subject might be seen as discriminatory but it is a simple analysis of a Canadian situation which I deplore. Sorry to be so blunt about this, but in this country called Canada, I still have the right to my opinion.
2008-06-28 21:13:11 UTC
One must not forget that Canada is a capitalist country that was established by capitalists for the benefit of capitalists. For the ordinary people, it does not matters much whether they are being taken advantage of by local or foreign capitalists. Our special system of democracy and our kind of government are creations of the wealthiest people, and our elected "representatives" will not do anything to protect us against, for example, excessive gas prices. Instead our government adds to our burden with their excessive gas taxes and their oppressive levels of personal income tax. As for our business people, they are happy with charging us three times what it costs in the United States for many kinds of articles. It the face of the situation, one can ask the following question: What is Canada anyway?
2008-06-28 21:03:18 UTC
To me the The Conservatives started this mess and Harper is continuing it. The Free Trade deal was a mess. How could you have free trade and exclude the forest industry

A Province Newspaper reader wrote in saying if we have to pay oil countries such a high price for their oil, maybe we should get an equal price for our wheat and other commodities we export. As long as Harper keeps bowing down to the demands of other countries, Canada will always be in a lose lose situation. He is selling this great nation down the drain.
2008-06-28 18:54:54 UTC
It is interesting how no one (including the individual who asks the question "Is Canada for sale?") understands that the British Crown owns every square inch of Canada. Crown lands, combined with imminent domain, gives the Queen (or those she grants authority to) full control. The feudal system is still in full force but has morphed into the apparency that we can actually own land. Well, no one but the Queen can. Ownership is ultimately about control and, under imminent domain, your property can be taken away from you under the Queen's authority--at any time. So, is Canada for sale? No, it only changes tenants. The Queen owns it and always will.
2008-06-28 17:05:24 UTC
I am older, so I remember when Cuba had too many foreign investors. The foreigners who owned Cuba were doing great. The Cubans, though, were desperately poor. Foreign investment did not bring them jobs. It just meant that they couldn't hang out in the best areas of their own country because those places were 'owned' by foreigners. Their solution didn't really help them (except maybe their pride). We should be extremely careful as to how much foreign investment we allow and how we allow it. We should also be careful as to what countries we allow to own us. (I consider myself a capitalist, but I wouldn't sell my children or their home).
2008-06-28 15:55:44 UTC
I am a permanet resident in Canada. I think Canada is owned and operated by US. Canadian elites deceive the poor Canadians sellng the country to US in the name of creating few low paying jobs.

I have lived in US too. Some Canadians think US interest is their interest. They fail to see they are actually richer than US given the natural resources. With so many natural resources,

if all Canadians think carefully and get away with this free trade ( = free natural resource to US and you get useless US dollars ), they can lead top quality life.

Believe me, if you natinalize your natural resources like intelligent countries, then your quality life will be higher. Canada needs to get rid of potitical elites who have hand in hand with USA. It is not about immigration. Not about race. It is a right of a citizen about the wealth of the country on which he has every right. Look at NAFTA and then you decide.

Canada is confused by free trade talk of US, which means

- Free hoarding of natural resources out to US

- Dump the prepared products back into Canada
Nice C
2008-06-28 15:41:27 UTC
Canada needs to learn from Norway. Norway has the same resources, they are oil rich as well as economy is one of the best and stable. They allow foreign companies only to come and research into their oil field not to own it like Canada did it in Tar sands Alberta. Secondly Canadians are not intellectual enough to understand that whets going on politically. They had selected a conservative government led by an Albertan Harper. Canadians only get affected after US inspired media yelled at Liberals for their wrong doings. Canadians should chose their leader to on the reasonable grounds and do research who's the best and who is the wrong by research not to judge by media. Canada's natural resources should not be sold to foreigners. Another important thing is start less depend on US and start trade and exports with other newly economical engines on the planet such as China and India. Countries like Saudi Arabia and UAE are subsidizing their own people by providing gas on the cheaper prices to their citizens; they have refineries to purify the gas for local residents. We have the capacity to do that but unfortunately we do not have a gas pipe line from Alberta to eastern Canada, is Ontario and Quebec are not part of Canada? Why is Canada signing contracts with US by limiting their oil productions to the only country? Why Canada do not open a refinery to subsidies their own citizens and make a pipe line to eastern regions? Patro-Canada and other all national companies should not be sold to other countries. Our national and natural resources should be protected. We must tender other trans-national companies to come and help us build our own industries and wood manufacturing foundries instead of selling them off. Canadians should wake up before it’s too late and get the rid off from these leaders.
2008-06-28 15:15:56 UTC
It will become America: no public health care, poor quality education, corruption in business, selling everything (even air and water) and a struggle for a subsistence living. Namely, it will be a strictly market economy with no consideration for the people in the country, their values or their welfare.

The Canadian government is far too reactive and is insufficiently visionary. We should be setting up alternate forms of eco-friendly power sources and thereby protect our resources and welfare. We should also have much stricter resource renewal programs by building in renewable resources into the business price of those companies that exploit resources. Pollution should be highly regulated and monitored with businesses responsible for clean up as the cost of doing business.
2008-06-28 14:46:22 UTC
Unfortunately it is very serious question, especially for Canada. Why?

Because some people in Canada think that everything is for sale and everything is about the money.

The power are not the money but only when comes a word about economy and Living; otherwise the people who are for good in Canada are the power and I do not believe that anyone of those will answer YES on the question: :

" Is Canada for sale?"
adam h
2008-06-29 11:09:10 UTC
Canada is not really a country to begin with, just a satellite of the United States. I think that globalization is a good thing. There is one world and one race. Having all these political divisions is pointless. The government uses patriotism to manipulate the public. "Canada is a free country, Canada is the best country, the US is evil". It is all ********. I lived in Korea and Japan and they say the same things. "Korea is the best, Japan is the best" etc.
Vivek C
2008-06-28 18:24:32 UTC
Anyone who has been out of Canada will know how much Canada misses the corporate international interface. Foreign companies in Canada will be the next growth engine for Canada's economies. It will take the Canadian companies out of corporate obselence and augment the current growth engine - the immigration industry - as well.
The Observer
2008-06-28 16:56:21 UTC
Canadian Corporate Welfare Bums have already begun disposing of Canada, piecemeal. Witness the Petroleum crisis we are presently in. Canada is supposedly self sufficient-energy wise, the loonie is at par with the US, and yet, we are paying 47% more for a liter of gasoline than the US. Our Federal Govenment, in the meantime is navel-gazing and counting the massive tax surpluses derived from the outrageous tax free profits of the petroleum industry.
muscled z
2008-06-28 14:25:09 UTC
In that book they need to add Ipsco which was founded 50 years ago in Regina, SK. It has now been COMPLETELY sold off to a Evraz a russian company. Ipsco has also been renamed Evraz and have had the head office moved to the US.

The money hungry government either doesn't care or doesn't notice that we are selling off Canada one thing at a time. I don't understand it.

Between chronic problems with the natives wanting more and more money et all (2), our conversative government wanting to bring in laws secretly (1), the environmental concerns and health care problems I am ready to move out of this country. I love this country and was born here but it is so sad to see what is happening. It's absolutely sickening...
David G
2008-06-29 11:01:10 UTC
For many years I worked in the deepsea shipping industry, which carries the vast bulk of Canada's non-American trade - about 8% of our total trade. It is only this tiny proportion of our import-export activity that gives us any degree of independence from the American economy and American foreign policy. The Harper government has worked to reduce the significance of our non-American trade, at a time when the USA is well past the high noon of its economic and political power. They are tying us to a declining metropolis when we should be developing our trade with the Chinese, Indians and other growing economies. We should be making every effort to grow our trade with anyone but the United States, lest we be sucked down by their decline.
2008-06-28 23:56:58 UTC
The very rich controls their mother country and other countries. They have deep pockets and connections to politicians. More profit is the goal. Less cost and more profit. Foreign investors have connections to wealthy Canadian family who have connections to Canadian politicians who's connected to them through friendship or by blood. With politician friends, they think up laws and pass laws beneficial to them. Voting to have a change in government doesn't seem to work nowadays. Most politicians are in and with it. Remember the French and Russian revolution. I feel sorry for the few well meaning rich people but it happened. Not in my lifetime but the way things are going it might happen again. Us we all do, us workers, us commoners, I hope for better things to the next "us" generation.
2008-06-28 23:05:46 UTC
If Canadians do not own our country's major assets, we will be at the mercy of those who do not have the Canadian people's interests as part of their agenda. This will have long term tragic consequences. Do multinationals care if Canadian children grow up strong and healthy, if our people have opportunities, if our rivers run clear, if our heritage is protected? And if they don't care about these things, can Canadians affect their behaviour?

Economic arguments are partial arguments. People, their shelter, health care, education, and culture, the land, are what matters.

Look what happened to King Midas.
2008-06-28 20:02:07 UTC
Dear fellow loyal Canadians,

My deepest fear is that it may be too late...Canada, in essence, is already foreign owned and stealthily controlled by very rich & powerful foreigners who have no interest in betterment of our country or its inhabitents!! Let's think on this, do some personal investigation and plan some 'grassroots action!" asap. Hopefully there is still time before we become mere surfs to the worlds power brokers!!
edward k edward
2008-06-28 17:49:44 UTC
I have always thought that the Trudeau era protectionism (and earlier versions thereof), created a culture of weakness in Canada, whereby many people have a rather simplistic idea of how the world works and their reaction to any tough international challenge is to just put up walls. Other simplistic notions seem to follow from this kind of thinking. For example, if we all give Ottawa some carbon tax money that will magically solve the climate issue. Well, you don't get something for nothing, and Canadians need to shake off their slumber and get more active in the fate of their country. For a country that began as a manipulated colony this kind of thinking is to be expected. Hence I generally admire the determination with which Quebec has pursued acting and thinking for itself. The rest of Canada needs to wake up and follow suit. Should we worry about foreign takeovers? That's a tough question. In times of energy (or other shortage), political parties espousing government controlled distribution of resources have a powerful message to the masses. How many masses really understand the issues? News generally acts as crass syphon for those who don't know, don't understand, and therefore can rarely be of much use other than to continue the culture of weakness that includes apathetic winging in addition to government protectionism. Whether we like it or not, the world has already gone global. The world of big business is a difficult one for many people to understand. Knowing the values and objectives of international business people is even harder. Governments have the advantage in the trust sweepstakes because they can tap into nationalism quite easily. Yet given our level of endless dis-satisfaction with politics and politicians and the general feeling (that is now quite rampant), that we are wasting too much time in politics, perhaps the solution is simply to provide some solid guidelines (such as the dis-allowance of state run companies, and environmental or other guidelines), and focus our political efforts on empowering the grassroots. As Preston Manning used to promote, Canadians need to get more active in their constituencies. The old top heavy Ottawa behemoth model is outdated. Canada needs to learn from Quebec and get powerful locally. Ottawa needs to be arranged as top level of government that looks after that which is truly national, and obviously should be the place where guidelines such as these are established. Yet this can not be done without a better and balanced senate so that rules are respected and agreed upon throughout Canada. However, mechanisms to enforce guidelines should be effective in provincial jurisdictions, and perhaps civic jurisdictions as Ottawa (throughout it's history), has demonstrated thoroughly it's ability to sound good and well meaning and sell out entirely that which it swore to protect or promote. As for the ability to invest internationally that is not a concern of mine. If globalists are trying to promote a truly diverse global world, the concerns of that world need to extend beyond mere investment and business concerns. Money is politics, and politics is money.What about law and culture? What about people? What about the land itself? Why shouldn't foreign investors be forced to have an appropriate regard for our national objectives? Why shouldn't they have to meet and perform various obligations to Canada? We should not allow our country to simply become a free-wheeling resource whore. These objectives and obligations should be so clearly established and enforced as to effectively dissuade the interest of those we wouldn't want making a takeover bid from making one in the first place.
Jim P
2008-06-28 15:39:47 UTC
When foreign investors want something from us we must ask ourselves, "What do we get out of this other than jobs?" A percentage of the money they make must stay in Canada to make all of us more comfortable. It's time Canada was run like a fortune 500 company not a fire sale.
Ozzy M
2008-06-28 15:31:24 UTC
It's too late people. Paul Martin, while temporarily Prime Minister signed the extended "free trade" act, in essence joining us with the US and Mexico, we are no longer Canada. In all but name we are now the North American Union, just like the European Union.

Hasn't anyone wondered how our dollar miraculously hit par and has hovered just above or below par ever since? The world banks control the fluctuation of currency, and as part of the NAU our dollar must remain around par with the American. They own us, and we take it. Then Harper has done his share ever since. Our softwood lumber is still charged Duties, when the US owes us 8 billion in Illegal charges, but will we see it? ofcourse not. Now anyone crossing the border needs a new card that includes the RFID chip? Welcome to the new world order, and laugh at the "conspiracy theory" all you like, it just makes it easier for them . We've lost our country, and Identity, and most people smile and roll their eyes.
2008-06-27 08:14:49 UTC
Canadian business has always been about and revolved around the VETCOM markets. The lines of the 49th parallel are almost removed, and English is a second language in a lot of Canadian cities and towns. Canada is about the people, not the brand or red maple leaf flag. Canadians live in an ethnic melting pot, that developed Canada and continues to do so. Canada has never been for sale, it's about how it has developed, and changed and continues to do so.
David S
2008-06-29 03:56:38 UTC
Yes I agree that there is far too much foreign ownership of Canadian companies/resources. This is quietly hidden by the politicos (Tories) in this country. It is ridiculous that there are so many poor people in Canada when we have the richs that we do (resources, bright, talented people). However, we agreed to Nafta and it has led to the complete destruction of our economy except for those who sell their services to American multinationals (Microsoft, big American oil companies etc). Thank you.

2008-06-28 21:18:35 UTC
Well from reading some peoples answers to this question and coming up with my own response, it is sad that we are almost on the sidelines while the corporations and industries of other companies are playing the game, and like the gas we are the same way with our wallets and our minds on the sidelines, it seems that like canadian politics we need more canadian citizens that are proud to live here as much as I am to do more and get in on these "unique opportunities" and cash in better and bigger like the american slogan......something along those lines
2008-06-28 18:03:32 UTC
I hardly know where to begin. My great (4 greats) grandfather owned the biggest dairy farm in Que. He sold his milk to J.L.Kraft for his cheese. I've been told that 60% of Canada is already owned by foreign intrest. What boils my water is, the Americans now own water rights in B.C. thanks to oh sadem bin Campble. If we let this go we're dead. People down there, (the U.S.) are wanting our water, and have for years. For what, so they can water their golf courses. They don't care about Canada, and they never have. They don't even care about their own people.(look at new orleans.) It's what they can gain! And it always will be. Don't forget, because of our medical, they consider us a welfare state. So my major concern is the water. They can take the gold, but they can't drink it. Besides don't any of these idiots see what they're doing.
2008-06-28 17:34:49 UTC
As a person who was born Canadian, lived 10 years in the US due to our stupidity in Canada in the 1990's to cut back on health care and force thousands of RN'S to leave I welcome foreign investment. Many Canadians live abroad and own homes and businesses in the US and overseas. Personally I think a change in borders, at least economically, would be welcome. Protect our constitution, our culture and land, but open the economics up totally... Total free trade to allow Canadian business to sell without restrictions and compete within the North American market... no tarrifs... no protection... an open market.... so our gas and goods will be bought here at the same price as across the border...........
2008-06-28 15:32:56 UTC
Of course its for sale. The conservatives first seriously put the country on the block with NAFTA and are continuing their fine tradition of selling all of our assets to the highest bidder. All this without any serious debate with the general public. Any debate at all is couched in terms of the negative consequences of being "protectionist", rather than any serious discourse on whether the public actually wants the sale of Canadian assets to foreign interests.

Should it be for sale? No. Canada's economy should be managed for the benefit of all Canadians. You protect your strategic interests while keeping the country open just enough to be able to manage whats going on. Currenlty we're in a "fire sale" situation thanks to every conservative government since Diefenbaker sold us out on the Avri Arrow.
Marcus D
2008-06-28 15:27:22 UTC
What are the ramifications of canada having too many foreign

investors? i thought it was blatantly obvious.I just recently found out that the canadian national rail is owned by americans and now its not called canadian national but cn rail.It seems that this

government is selling out to americans.Their forever kissing american butts .Canada would cease to be canada as it is and become another american state.
2008-06-28 18:06:32 UTC
It is a sad reality, the coubtry is owned by foreig companies that dictates who gets elected. The country is long gone. Taxpayers created the wealth that was sold out by the likes of Mulroney, CVhretien, Paul Martin, King Ralph, Lougheed, Gordon Campbel, Harper and our business people are sale outs.

We have nothing to leave to our children
2008-06-28 17:28:52 UTC
I hate to see how everything I worked for and helped Canada to become what it is today being sold off to foreign investors.

Remember our children will have little to rely on once foreign interest dictate our way of life.Take nafta and all that free trade junk as an excample.Keep Canada..Canadian...
2008-06-28 16:06:17 UTC
Persons who are not Canadian citizens should hold NO rights or opportunities to own property in Canada. Period. As an Aboriginal person I think that enough of our land has been sold down the river. Time to reclaim our lands for all Canadians.
2008-06-28 14:39:23 UTC
unfortunatly, everyone but Canadians own Canada..Why should we allow Canada to sell the resources that the whole world wants by letting EVERYONE buy or start companies to give the resource products to themselves. BOTTOM LINE should be : stop/majorly limit foreign buyers stealing and raping our country...the world can buy our resources through Canadian owned companies. Even our Canadarm manufaucturers are owned by American Military Contractors..the worst problem makers on our planet. Canadians should be sick. Time for political uprising if we will save our country. We need to sell our resources and strenghthen Canada, not sell the companies that sell our resources..WE HAVE IT, YOU WANT IT
2008-06-27 09:02:33 UTC
There is no doubt that CANADA is for sale. It's been that way for a long time now. Just take for instance our public utilities being sold to the highest bidder when it's actually the job of the gov. to run it. The gov. continues to expand and exceed what they are supposed to be doing. Over legislation is killing the middle class and poor especially. Sorry folks, I'm a born Canuck, 51, and will vote against anything I see in the gov. at this point including selling off our country piecemeal. mark
gregg s
2008-06-28 21:46:55 UTC
Canada is for sale to the highest bidder if the government gets a kickback. The thing to do is declare war on the U.S. and surender 10 minutes later. After that they have to pour money into the country to help us. They do it everywhere else in the world.
bob s
2008-06-30 11:07:47 UTC
I strongly believe Canada, under sells itself, in most cases. Canada has the knowhow to develop it's own resources, after all we are one of the best educated nations on the planet. The Government does not seem to clue in to the fact, that selling out to other nations is like cutting off your nose, to spite your face. Canadians are beaten out of the jobs created by developing our own resources. I think the Government, no matter who it is, at the time, can make up for their bad decisions, simply by introducing another new tax to its citizens to make up for their mistakes.
2008-06-28 21:23:05 UTC
There is no land called Canada!!! There is no agreement between the Natives of this Land and the people who assume this Land is called what they call it. The so called canadians are a bunch of people who by now have no culture to call their own, no traditions they can use and nothing to teach their young ones about their homeland. The Natives of this Land have Culture, Tradition, and Teaching to give their Young ones, this will never be something that can be taught to so called canadians who have nothing to offer!!
Eric E
2008-06-28 16:45:50 UTC
Yes we should kow more about our foreign investors and be careful not to give away our resources, to the point where other countries see an easy entrance to taking advantage of it.

We should stand strong and hold true to our thoughts and opinions about the environment and give other countries what their needs we should be as helpful as other countries in various global issues to take into consiruation what's going on around us.
Abby H
2008-06-28 15:16:32 UTC
Two points here : First, our Canadian dollar is tied to resources, like fisheries and oil. Especially Oil. As the price of oil goes up, so does the dollar (but not entirely). Second, we ship (thanks to the Free Trade Agreement) over two thirds of our oil to the US as crude, only to buy the refined product back. We sold the country a long time ago to American interests, and it is long past time we Canadians took back what is ours and allow the mighty US feel what the FTA has truly done to both of us. Scrap NAFTA, and develop an Interprovincial Free Trade Agreement.
2008-06-28 15:02:56 UTC
What this really boils down to is that Canada's governments and business leaders are fundamentally lazy. It is much easier to make money by selling our trees, minerals, water and other natural resources than it is to build and manage knowledge based enterprises that actually provide living wages for Canadian families.
2008-06-28 14:42:13 UTC
If anyone were to buy Canada out It would be the USA, I'm not a huge fan of the USA due to there horrible president. But I believe when Obama wins America will be a better safer place and I would have no problem combining Countries.

2014-06-11 09:43:28 UTC
The states own so much of our property that it is disgusting. We are Canada! We are unique and our government has no right to sell us off at any price. China's products are killing us off a little at a time and the PM doesn't want to do anything about it. I guess he is afraid to make an enemy there. I say it is an enemy if it can sell us things that make us sick or die.
2008-06-29 09:06:35 UTC
Canada was sold years ago. Just ask Trudeau when you're dead. Last I checked Canada had 30% of it's land owned by foreign investors. Apologies should go out to all the people that have fought and the people that have died for Canada just to have their leaders sell us out. "Go Canada! " Oh yeah, it already is.
William P
2008-06-29 08:36:34 UTC
With so much global graft and corruption at political and corporate levels, do we really know what we are getting into here? What control mechanisms are to be incorporated into this approach? Remember the NAFTA process!

As we know, most political parties are overly influenced by big business. Canada, as I see it, will be controlled and manipulated by foreign big business. Canada will be just another country selling off to the highest bidder, damn the consequences.
2008-06-29 05:24:09 UTC
no the country's resources should be Canada's first and what is left over after that should be sold abroad. Canadian oil /electricity/minerals should used in this country to produce refining/manufacturing jobs. Canada would be the worlds industrial leader for generations, with our own resources and the power/fuel to refine and manufacture them. why do Canada sell its power/fuel/minerals to other country's and have them sell finished products back to us?
Christi C
2008-06-28 23:20:42 UTC
Is it really possible that there are actually Canadians who are naive enough to believe Canada belongs to us. I was born here in 1926 and with each passing year, since 1945, I have watched,, helplessly , while our country has been gobbled up by crooked, self serving politicians who get elected and line their pockets by selling off our assets to any and all takers. Here in Vancouver,we witness thousands of homeless lying helpless on cold sidewalks, while millions of dollars are being constantly wasted and while hospitals and senior residences are being closed and our beautiful water front is crowded with highrise buildings which are valued far beyond the reach of average Canadian. We are bombarded with liberal garbage of the benefits of privatization of our precious health care system etc.etc. etc. News of happenings in other parts of Canada are equally sickening. The 'SOLD' sign is widespread throughout this country named Canada.
Anthony h
2008-06-28 23:04:02 UTC
When companies are sold off to foreigners Canada loses control , loses profits and loses sovereignty. It's like if a workman sells his tools, he loses his ability to make living for himself. So we are all impoverished by this activity. Other countries are not so stupid as to allow their commerce to be taken over by others. Nafta is a disaster for canada and Mexico and for a lot of American working people and it's only going to get worse with our politicians and their business friends.
2008-06-28 18:36:04 UTC
Well to be plan and simply about the whole issue. We as a country have a right to sell off whatever we wish however as far as natural resourses go there should be a maximum of only 49% foreign ownership. We must retain controll of our resourses otherwise we lose controll of our future.
Yoram A
2008-06-28 17:44:55 UTC
As an immigrant I adopted this fine and strong and sovereign country. I chose her over the United States in 1967. What has happened to our Sovereignty? When was the last time an elected politician swore an Oath of Allegiance to the Sovereign's Interests? (by the way the Sovereigns are you and I). When was the last time an elected politician had any cojones to stand up for their constituents?
felonius punk
2008-06-28 17:31:03 UTC
we should necessarily reduce to eliminate immigration, esp. from china and india who desperately need the best we would attract. next we should establish free post secondary education for canadians only. those "canadians" holding passports but not living here full time and not originally born here should have their passports taken away and lose their naturalized status. beef up our military to defend our borders and protect our resources. make canada a high tech manufacturers paradise. reduce capital gains taxes on canadian corporations to zero. foreign corps pay 25% tax on EBITDA. flat rate income taxes at 18%. join in free trade partnerships. no third world immigration. party is over! time to fix our own cultural house and abandon multiculteralism in favor of US style melting pot. And this is just for starters. Canada is not for sale ......
Cvoja v
2008-06-28 17:16:57 UTC
the type of globalization they practice annuls soveriegnty of

everypeople, renders a country entirely vulnerable to foreign

fluctuation, and economy is another lever that is responsible for

sexual and cultural genocide. no matter what you think; other people are NOT going to behave like you; there nature is NOT the same.

this globalisation KILLS native cultures; get enough americans talking in canada and it IS america. get enough canadians in russia and it IS Canada; get enough chinese in Canada and it is China. you can say 'same accent' but look at total equation. these are NOT the same people.

Foriegn investment should only be allowed using domestic skilled populations. you should NEVER foriegnors to directly reside, work in ones own country. the idea of this leads inevitably to sexual crossover, that is NOT wanted.

economy is another road to conquering a country internally; being able to penetrate it with spies and steal technologies; and cripple domestic culture. and everyone knows only one people ever achieve concensus. and i ask when canada has 10 million chinese and they severely dominate most business, and sexually capitalise and you begin to see the ceassation of Canada past native populations of french and english, scottish, irish peoples through sexualmeans. what wil you have? nothing. you were subjected through economy.

every people must live in THEIR country. with their people. economy must center on SELF SUFFICIENCY> i would never enjoy a relationship where i am increasingly dependent on someone. if i have to pay 1.25 for a single banana and produce it my own country. so be it. if i have to payt 3,000 for a lap top computer rather then 800. so be it. if i have to pay 30% tax on my business and personal income, so be it.

foriegn people want to trade? then establish pure eccentric treaties where foriegn investment is sincere and using only domestic populations.

i dont want some chinese or zulu or any other man coming into my country, saying 'i am wealthy, i am business, im your boss, you do what i tell you! or you be a homeless person' se the idea? thats happening to a lot of people in canada.

look at city edmonton. downtown locations are 3.all were bought out by same owner; chinese. formerly all employed native canadians. now guess what? all chinese. think about that. wheres the money going and where the opportunity for native peoples? nothing. then look at tim hortons, again this type foriegnors! they dont give up their culture; they clash with every culture; and they dont hire native peoples. every tim hortons downtown is like that. then look at the mall eaton center, same! now go to WEM; it is same thing. if you can read it, why are people of local canada sad? we know why. the political leaders ARE corrupt. they need to be removed, the laws severed. a new constitution and evict these peoples.

or you will lose your own culture. remember influence, sexual, political, social, corrupts.

chine does not believe in canadians going into china, owning business and catabalizing their national entity by economic means. imagine employing only canadians (the real ones) and not chinese? do you think they will like that. no. they know whats right and wrong. they dont care about canada. never did. america does not.

globalisation is a 'front' if canada wanted soveriegnty a better society, make effectives law determining local employment, enterprise for locals. there is an alternative globalisation; its called moral globalisation; RESPECTING other people. RESPECT means leaving them INTACT, not sexually penetrating them and not influencing them so much that you hurt the practice of their culture. as they say...visit the country for a week, but never for a month. be a nice guest, but never live there. thats proper. if the mood ever changes; then you wont live long. no domestic peoples want foriegnor catabalizing their existence.

developing a SOVERIEGN ECONOMY is inherently an issue.

i can recall 15 years ago, the feeling in canada was much better. today it feels very ill. it looks sick. and indeed many people are leaving. yes its true population has been going up; but thats FORIEGN; and its not from poland, as like england whom migrate a QUALITY 1 million of them. but from the poorest echelon. theres a reason there poor. people dont have the same principle of nature.

today many cry racism. but look at those subways and tim hortons. its a small picture of a much larger picture. study ancient brittania, what happened when the saxons moved in on the poor britons? they were there under contract work to serve as soldiers; did they? did they have other ulterior motives. soon canada must sign off as canada and change its name to NEW CHINA>
Alain B
2008-06-28 14:57:34 UTC
What's this,Canada was sold to foreign investers a long time ago.Boy are you guys slow.The U.S. has gobbled up almost every Canadian corporation imaginable,for example Molson and Labatts.Banff,Alta is owned by the far east.Just to name a few examples.Wake up,it happenned a long time ago!!What about all the big box stores??
2014-06-19 19:44:38 UTC
I think I'm asking more questions than actually answering the one Diane Francis has posed. I guess my answer would be to ask that the government be more involved, and I suppose that puts me in the socialist side of the equation, if only to realize that greed might not be the best way to drive an economy if 10 years from now we're all starving, our cars are rotting in the driveway with no fuel to power them, and our children can't drink clean water.
2008-06-28 14:24:01 UTC
I think that we should have a Canada first policy. As a country we need to have a lot more control over our resources. Also we need to go about re-securing ownership over the resources that have too much foreign control. We should not be removing oil from the ground here, having it sent to the U.S. refined there, and then buy it back from them at a higher price. if it comes out of the ground here then it should be refined here.

That's just oil not even going to go on about the other resources that we are losing due to our current policy.
2008-06-27 10:17:28 UTC
canada has had 2 world exhibitions/expos. this has attracted miriad speculators. yes, they range from your executive tycoon types to the seedy underworld contraband dealer types. per capita, we are not a force to reckon with and we are the last bastion of virgin nature and resouces, especially british columbia.

now from a business standpoint, i'd say canada is not for sale. yes, we often have the proverbial wishy washy politician/s who can't be subtle about anything and what they say may be easily misconstrued but canada has a quiet strength in that much canadian capital is at work in other countries, particularily the u s. in this way i'd say that we are at even strength with pretty much anybody.

it may seem like canada is for sale. we seem to have that appearance being next door to big, big brother, the u s. don't forget, at some point in time the world plans to be global village.
dayen raven
2008-07-01 04:08:39 UTC
I happen to be an Ojibway...but I prefer to be recognized as Anishinabe, I believe that all governments have taken the world in a totally unacceptable direction. In terms of 'outside' people trying to invest into the future of this country...I think we have actually seen enough 'foreign' interest in this beautiful land of ours...I have not had the opportunity to peruse your book...yet, however, my people have always 'owned' this land and always will...I apologize for bursting your bubble, but it is time to wake up.
John M
2008-06-29 06:18:26 UTC
Canada is letting herself be sold out right beneath her by the whores in corporate Canada and the politicians who enable it.

When foreigners own your country, they control your economy.

They can shape your trade relationships.

That can force you to follow a certain foreign policy because your trade has been shifted to countries who might try to coerce you into following their lead or threatening trade sanctions if you don't.

Take back Canada. Force the politicians to act in our best interest, not the corporations.
2008-06-28 18:36:50 UTC
I think that Canada was sold along time ago, when we let Temporary companies in our country,when we let oil be shipped out of our country and then buy gas back from the neighbours, when we can't stand up and say enough is enough.I'm sick of the way we let the government spend all our tax dollars on other countries and then wanna ask us for more. I say let the government go with out.
Darcy L
2008-06-28 17:08:19 UTC
I think we lost Canada ever since free trade came in i live in Bc and was a mill worker with our raw logs going across the border we are getting screwed,but also with our hydro from the dam's being sent to the US and then they sell it back to us well it's pretty evident that our government has no backbone when it come's to dealing with those americans.I don't mind when Japanese or German investor's come in to Canada i don't consider them a threat like THOSE american's.
2008-06-28 15:40:30 UTC
Canada is made of foreigners, the English, the French and the rest, they took the lands from the first americans, so what is the big deal of having more investors? After all, the land belongs to nobody.
Greg R
2008-06-26 19:06:47 UTC
Foreign investment is not necessarily a bad thing....depending on what sector we are discussing. Canadian business people and government have been rather shortsighted to the problems of selling out the country; however there is more to it than meets the common eye and at this point we all we can do is hypothesize what the futrue will hold....there is a much larger resource threat from the US.

My humble opinion is that when we accepted the fact that we were to be under US protection and downgraded our military infrastructure we gave up our rights to self direct our resources. We are merely a vast oil/gas/water deposit for the US and oil is power...after reading and doing a review on a book by Daniel Yergin, for a masters degree, it was clearly evident that the US realized the simple fact that being a super power is totally reliant on a secure supply of oil...oil that is needed to move tanks, planes, missles and related equipment. Why else are they involved in Middle East polotics? The ME military involvement is simply a matter of need to preserve a supply of oil...a decline in future ME oil supplies will see the US leave the ME to sort out their own problems.

I honestly don't believe that it is simply an economic question but more of a future security issue. We are influenced to a great extent by US policies in every economic sector as I believe that 80% of our GDP is bound to the US and US policies will always swerve to the side of preserving their place in the power struggle with China, Russia etc.

The "Free Trade Agreement" spells out the crux of our problem in this area as much of our country's resources are already promised away...oil, N/Gas, water, electricity etc. They have controlled our forest industry with the tariff on softwood lumber and continue to thumb their nose at rulings negative to their own views on this....and do so with impunity!

The economists can prepare their statistics, their reports and spout opinions at symposiums all they wish....the simple fact is that our resources are in the "Bank" for the US and a few Foreign investors....all else is irrelevant arguing.

As I stated....just my humble opinion.

Take care
great gig in the sky
2008-06-30 16:35:52 UTC
Over my dead body. God Save the Queen, O Canada, etc. I would become an insurgent.

Most of us know about the foreign investment here, and voters have a HOT BUTTON when it comes to nationalism.

Just ask anyone about our water for example. Canadians welcome foreign investment, but we would never sell out.

Jobs are one thing, peonism another.
Les S
2008-06-29 11:52:54 UTC
There is a much bigger question for Canada. That of making Canada One Country owning all the resources and not allowing provinces to claim them. While we are at it, we should dispose of Provincial politics and gain strength with one strong Federal government that is not encumbered with provincial rhetoric and threats of separation.

Best Regards,

Les Southwell
2008-06-29 11:40:17 UTC
I think we have sold too much of Canada already to foreign investors. We need to keep our country more privately for ourselves so that there will still be something around in the years to come that we could still call OURS.
2008-06-28 18:03:18 UTC
It seems to me that we"born here" Canadians are becoming to rare in this fine country, over run by other nationalities, so we might as well sell Canada as we don't have any identity of our own any more.
Blissfull one
2008-06-28 17:36:20 UTC
The only way that Canada could be for sale.. is that Canada is not a country but a corporation as well as all other corporation. Isn't why you register any corporation or business with Canada (inc.) So if Canada is a corporation, then you must be an employee of that corporation. Isn't why you have an 'employee' number (social insurance number) ?
Mark A
2008-06-28 17:14:45 UTC
In my opinion, in order to protect our natural resource, any foreign company or foreign controlled company or foreigner should not be granted the right to vote in any natural resource company in Canada. The federal government should take effective action against any attempt to control canadian natural resource by any foreigner, foreign company or foreign controlled company.
2008-06-28 16:38:55 UTC
Canada is for sale.

Our rich people lack vision and ambition so foreigners beat us at the capitalist game.It is good that we have these vital resources,otherwise we would all have miserable service jobs.

We must insure that our resources are processed here in Canada so that we can have jobs and learn new technologies and eventually develop new industries.

We must not export unprocessed raugh materials.!
2008-06-28 16:00:21 UTC
Just wait!!!

The Americans are runing out of oil and gas. Water will be next. What are they doing in Iraq?

Well folks,when they are out of water guess where they'll go!!!


They will just use some lame excuse to (raid) us like they are doing in Iraq...just walk in and take our water.

We are also governed by big-shots who are only interested in money,whatever way they can get it.

So these rich people will just sell our water away or give it away.

It is sad that in 2008 we are in such a situation.

We are slowly becoming a third world country.

I may not be around to experience it but our kids sure will.

Too darn bad!
Sabba I
2008-06-28 15:49:35 UTC
If we sell our natural resources for pennies, it will be shamelessly obscene. What would make us better than third world countries or bannana republics? Canada belongs to Canadians, not heartless multinational companies, not the selfish politicians, and not the unscrupulous business people.
2008-07-01 07:30:16 UTC
Some sad/very true ideas brought to the forefront here. Our gov't is structured in such a way that the people that make the decisions already have scapegoats in place. They can do no wrong, they just make the decisions that fit their best interests. This is nothing but old money cashing out. The very same money that has been cashing in for many decades. Ireland ranks #1 in places to live, and its starting to sound very tempting. We're going to hell in a rented hand basket, we're over due in late fees for it and its impossible to return it because we need it. Thanks for renting us the hand basket though Mr. Harper!
2008-06-29 10:01:36 UTC
Absolutely not. I do know that investment is good, but I think we also need to consider the ramifications and not just think of all that money.

Of course we can help others (peoples) who need help after all, we are our brother's keepers, right? We want to be part of humanity and that means caring, sharing and helping. Who knows when we need help. I think when we only think of the benefits, or money only, that will give us very poor impression. I'd like to believe that we still have decency and respect for ourselves and others.
R. S
2008-06-28 15:43:17 UTC
Canadians should own Canada. That is how you keep the quality of life ar a reasonable level.

Otherwise we give our wealth away to other countries, nor should Canadian's take another countries weath.
maria s
2008-06-28 14:58:57 UTC
I think that this question applies not only to Canada and its economic stand on encouraging foreign investors. Just living in Canada is already proof that Canada is for sale. For sale to those who want to migrate to this country. To enter as an immigrant, you have to pay, to be a citizen, you have to pay, to build a house you have to pay for property taxes, to work you have to pay taxes before you take your pay home, to go to public school, you also pay to be a member of the school board, to get medical assistance, you have to pay monthly, to park, you have to pay, to be part of a church group, you have to pay 10% of your income. Well in every country, this is also true, but it is just normal for Canada. Oh and also, if you vote for the wrong leaders, you also have to pay. Did I just use the word pay in every sentence? Wow, then Canada is for sale - but not cheap.
2008-06-28 14:42:49 UTC
Many Canadians might be surprised to now learn that our politicians have already pretty much sold Canada, and have reversed the heritage that was once every Canadians right.
2008-06-29 08:53:08 UTC
If Cdn assets are only sold to Americans, then, i am ok to sell.

We should not be selling our assets to foreigners. CanAm economy, culture, religion, and politics are irreversibly intertwined-which is a good thing as the Republicans in the States are the only thing keeping our collective citizens safe from terrorism, anti-Christian liberals, immorality such as gay lifestyle, high tax and no accountability Liberals. Cdns are lucky and proud to be economically blessed by our relationship with the USA.
Antony S
2008-06-28 15:04:17 UTC
Did you know that:

Canada and Mexico will soon belong to a Union with the United States, which will also bring in the "Amero" (new currency) and open both boaders? NONE OF OUR POLITICIANS and LEADERS have commented on this since this agreement was done behind closed doors.

2008-06-28 18:18:34 UTC
Great question...just a tad much too late. Where were the journalists and our elected politicians (refering to back bencher here) as the US kept carpetting our nations wealth and kissing **** whilst our soveriegnity is being raped.

Hate to say it, but I think it has been sold. We pay more for gas that the US although we are in the top 10 producers worldwide.Why cant I buy gas at $2.00/gallon.
2008-06-28 16:32:46 UTC
We have sold our selves to the Americans already., The Chinese want a peice of it too. Our natural resources have been taken over or shipped out to these countries, mind you diamonds to debeers, coal to China., this comes back as hybird batteries for cars. Then carbon tax, are we paying this to Chinnese or to the Americans.. Americans dictate the terms on lumber.

Just sit back and look at the big picture..Oil prices are so high on just wall street speculation., our own oil is being shipped to the America. We have sold ourselves out already.
2008-06-28 14:35:54 UTC
Yes, Canada is for sale, just look at the corporate financial reports, Stats Can, etc. for proof. Canadians will ultimately regret selling off control of our natural resources (oil, gas, coal, timber etc), financial services, industry & agricultural land. Branch plant industries such as automotives suffer when the foreign parent corporation cuts expenses to improve the botton line or retrenches in hard times & closes the braches in Canada to preserve their corporate core. Losses to Canada. NO Thanks!
Luis F
2008-06-28 14:30:50 UTC
Canada, Canadiana. Lost country, lost word.

The country I immigrated to in 1967 is long gone. When I came here we adapted and fit in. Today, there is no Canadian pride or identity. Today's "new Canadian" has more pride in from where they came from than they do for Canada. We old immigrants tried to keep the Canadian way as we were shown. We were Canadian Citizens not immigrants, today they are immigrants first, Canadian when it suits them. As for selling out Canada. There is nothing to sell, Canadiana is history. What is left is real estate. Lets sell to the highest bidder. God bless Canada......wherever it may be and whatever it may become. Ohhhhh Canada.
2008-06-27 11:03:13 UTC
Both at the federal and provincial levels of government our current politicians seem to think they were given "ownership" rather than stewardship of our resources and economic developments. Canada belongs to the citizens of today and tomorrow. Selling off our country is both immoral and extremely shortsighted. If this continues we will all be reduced to tenants in our own country, with no rights and subject to market whims and profit margins.
2008-06-26 11:18:09 UTC
Canada's been for sale all my life, it seems. I guess that's okay as long as Canadians invest at least as much elsewhere. But that's pretty iffy, as the average Canadian now saves less than ever, so obviously doesn't invest all that much. Canadian capitalists are no better than any others, really.

The true issue is sovereignty: when the hard times come (and they always do, eventually), how will our minimal control over our own natural resources affect us?

Personally I'd be content to sell our whole country to the highest bidder. That's ultimately what's happening anyway. I'd settle for, say, a quarter-million for every Canadian citizen -- child, woman and man. When we're all up on the auction block, surely Europe, China and India could put in decent bids, not just the U.S.
2008-06-26 10:49:10 UTC
Our federal government probably the weakest government in developed countries. The fact is that our government sell off our natural resources to multinational companies specially from US because of lobby groups in Canada. Our multicultural policy also have an impact on our socio-economic development. I am an immigrant and I know for a fact that the Canadian economy is based on what the US does. We trade too many thing with US than any other country. Most of our investors are either form US or have strong links to US market. We need to stop US investors from garbing everything here. I would like to see more European, Japanese and Chinese trade investors to diversify the international trades. If we depend 100% on US, then if US screw up, we also screw up. We are like the 51st state of USA.

"What are the ramifications of Canada having too many foreign investors? What are the positives?"

Negatives would be that we will run out of our natural resources. We will have a shortage and will end up in a position where we can't feed our own.

Positives would be, well there are very little. But if we do not favour saturated US based investors and diversify, we will have a stable economy even when US markets dried off.

Currently by looking from an economic perspectives, Canada mimic the US markets. We have too much influence from Americans. Welcome to Canada, the 51st state of USA. Why don't we even change our flag to a flag similar to US one?

By the way, according the "Canadian Law", all 12 major religious holidays should be federal government regulated holidays. Why do you think that this government violates its own so called, "multicultural law" and "Charter of Rights and Freedoms"? This is because we depend on US market. US won't shout down its operations on all 12 major religious holidays. They only do this on Christmas.... well same as the Canadian. I thought Canada is secular or if not unbiased! Canada is having a double standard policy on federal holidays. One way we are NOT bias towards any religion. On the other we only care about Christians. THIS IS BECAUSE AMERICAN IDIOTS!
2008-06-28 22:53:18 UTC
For those left out redneck types, so sorry so sad. Any ways It makes me want to throw up when i hear average WASPS in Vancouver crying about immigration. When 2/3 of the bently's, cruises, trips ect have been paid for by foreigners pouring huge lumps of cash in to the beautiful province of British Columbia namely Vancouver. Your average home owner in West Vancouver who bought his or her house in 1980 for 150k and sold it last year for 3.5 mill to an asian,persian ect is not complaining one bit about are they. Many of whom now act like they are sophisticated and such, when really they were the manager of Mcdonalds for 30 years. But the individual who purchased the home for 3.5 is the real deal sophisticated individual..If you can not see this you my friend are a MORON. With out immigration we would be useless, how many so called immigrants are top scientists in all the top schools in Canada eh...Just get back to pouring concrete or drywalling and leave issues which require a brain to those with one...Regards
2008-06-28 21:16:28 UTC
I remember having a discussion like this at a class once. On the Plus side, Big business means more jobs, but the negative side, the big business kill off smaller businesses in their wake. Personally I think everything should just be free and we have robots doing all labour for us. lol
Anna Wells
2008-06-28 20:55:51 UTC
Although I may not have the documents or statistics to cite to buttress my sentiment -- I would say yes; Canada is for sale. My experiences on the subject are limited, but it seems like the auctioning of our Country's assets has been happening for as long as I can recall.
2008-06-28 16:28:58 UTC
I have heard people commenting on weak governments and weak-kneed politicians, as the cause of the poor business dealings for Canada. I suggest we look in the mirror and encourage all we know to do the same.

We need to get off the sofas and exercise our democratic rights. Citizens must be active and participate or as they say, "snooze you lose."

My vote is GREEN.
Omkarnath D
2008-06-28 14:18:29 UTC
Such questions arise in socialistic setup only and in contrast Canada is a capitalistic country. When more and more questions like this will appear in the mind of elite citizens we will understrand that Canada has matured enough to transform from capitalistic pattern to socialistic pattern. In short Capitalism to Socialism, Socialism to Communism and from Communism to Capitalism is a cyclic process.
alan t
2008-07-01 00:58:37 UTC
We should be making sure that our oil resources are firmly under our control and not being sent to the US or China, particularly the US - let's look after Canada first and only later consider export.
jabril angelo
2008-06-29 13:00:35 UTC
the problem is because our political guardians have , as always, their own agenda, their own monetary interest, and their own

retirement in mind.

politics is a joke, no matter where we pride ourselves to be.

in 3rd world countries, corruption is the thing of politicians,

in our grand country, lobby group and perks are "corruption" hidden in a facade.

we vote to choose a better party, but really, they are all the same. either one that is totally out to lunch, or one that is traditionally devious.

the system encourages politicians to cheat us hard-working people. we all know that the middle class ie. the working poor, the most heavily tax-burdened, is being taken for a ride... it has been for ages.
2008-06-28 17:30:24 UTC
Canada needs a backbone,something it lost years ago. It would be nice to see Canada worry about Canadians and invest in us. We need to take carer of our selves to become stronger as a country.
2008-06-28 17:04:54 UTC

I believe that no foreign investor should be allowed to buy out our Canadian natural resources. They may be allowed to purchase failing or mismanaged companies or create new ones. I feel that free enterprise is good for the economy and that too many restrictions may hinder our economy. Along with foreign investors, and fresh money, come new job creations... and stimulation of our domestic economy...Off course, there should be some basic rules and fair play schemes entrenched in our business rules and regulations. Conditions of fair play should also be part of our business dealings with foreign investors. These conditions should be in place to make sure that foreigners invest for the sake and the good of Canada. That investing in Canada's market primary goal is to benefit and produce two sided winners. Foreign investors would benefit by gaining access in a developed and sophisticated market as well as expanding their business and develop new markets for their goods and services. In return, everyone benefits by lowering our unemployment in Canada... provided that real jobs are created and I mean meaningful jobs and not just part time and low paying jobs. In addition, foreign investors who are subsidized by their home country's government should be banned and reciprocity should be in place to allow our Canadian counterparts to buy and operate in the home country of the investor.

The Republic of Turkey had similar dealings with foreign investors when Citizens of Saudi Arabia wanted to buy properties in Turkey. The Turkish government did not allow Saudi Citizens to purchase any property in Turkey as long as Saudi Arabia did not allow foreigners to invest in Saudi Arabia. So why isn't Canada treating our foreign investors the same way they treat us?

The ramifications of having too many investors would not hinder Canada as long as a rational system is in place. For example if we are dealing with Chinese investors, we could place a rational system which takes in consideration the investments of Canadians in China per capita versus the Chinese investors per capita in Canada operating in both countries. Equality should be in mind and that should be the goal of the market size and business dealings. Reciprocity in fair trade and investments in both countries would partly alleviate the fear of foreign take over. In addition, the above business investments should never include our energy resources, meaning that anything could be for sale, except our energy resources. Our Energy resources are for the Canadians, and by the Canadians. Pure and Simple!

Furthermore, Canadian natural resources should never be in the hands of foreign investors and the Canadian Government should subsidize our natural resources so that it remains for the Canadians by the Canadians. As noted in your book about “Is Canada for Sale?” Middle Eastern countries do not allow their natural resources bought out by foreigners... and Canada should exactly be doing the same. If we sell our natural resources, we will end up re-purchasing it again for our own consumption at a much higher price. What an irony?

No doubts about it, Canadians should be informed about its foreign investments through a quarterly magazine, published by the Federal government. Why then do we pay so many taxes? It should partly be for the sake of being informed by our government of the well being and health of our country.

Adam O. - Montreal, Qc.
Stewart E
2008-06-28 14:18:55 UTC
This is a reply to Cpt. Canuck who said that it would be foolish not to sell our water. To monetize our water would be the biggest mistake, because once our water is bought and sold as a commodity we will not be allowed to stop selling it because of NAFTA. Truth is if we tried to stop the US from buying up our potable water our government could be sued.

The question as to whether Canada is for sale or not is a moot one. Canada has already been sold down the river by the signing of NAFTA. We need to get abrogate NAFTA and take back our sovereignty.
Orion S
2008-06-28 15:04:06 UTC
Our government has failed us. The elitists at the top have sold out our intellectual property and resources for their own gain and have spun it as "good" for us. Ultimately we have no need to indebt ourselves to the US, our governments should stop borrowing money from them. It is also insanity to ship oil to the US for NAFTA obligations, and then import the rest to make up for it! We have more then enough for ourselves. As well, if anyone thinks we should simply join the US, the problem is they won't take us... because then they would have to treat us fairly.
2008-06-28 17:08:35 UTC
Isn't it a crying shame that we actually have to ask that question?

Seriously, who do these slimy politicians think they are? This is OUR country, not THEIR country to be giving away. Me, my parents, my parent's parent's and their grandparents and so forth, worked the land here. They paid for this country in sweat, tears and blood. As did yours...if you are Canadian. This country is NOT for sale. If we'd stop 'hiring' used-car-salesmen politicians who are catering to USA and other foreign interests...we'd NEVER have a problem in Canada.

I thought, and seriously I really do think this; what if we just took our country back from the bankers and its fiat money system? What if we stopped passing out corporate welfare and welfare for other countries, and what if we stopped concerning ourselves with the 'global economy' and simply relied on ourselves for our own needs?

Canada is not massively populated...but we have enough smart and hard working people who are conscientious enough to care for our land, resources and our people without needing foreign anything. We want toys? We give jobs to Canadians to make toys! We want to save the trees? Stop shipping them to the US at next to nothing!

We have the means to create and produce all manner of goods and services. We still have (thank God and NOT our politicians) a decent amount of natural resources...lets NOT allow these globalists to plunder them! These are OURS...and OUR Great-great-great grand children's. This is all we have to leave to our own. Our nation. Glorious and free. If you are Chinese, Black , Indian, French, English, Arab or other and you live here and call yourself a Canadian now, then be a Canadian! Keep Canada FOR Canadians!

Why did we have the dirty 30's? Because we lacked resources? Workers? Ideas? Bosses? Needs? Desires? BAH HUMBUG! Because those dirty villains in the banks WANTED it that way. And here they are doing it again, don't be so blind! History repeats itself and the unwise never see it.

The Bankers and their ilk need to be vacated from the premises. Stuff their mouths with this so-called currency we use now and let them keep it! The real value is not in this worthless paper money system. It is in the resources (land, water, oil, trees and other resources) of our country and OUR people. If we'd just wake up and act upon it, we'd not need concern ourselves with these 'economic troubles'...because they could not inflict them upon us...short of outright war.

Rise up Canadians...before your ability to rise is taxed and sold to foreign interests along with your children's inheritance.
Jackie R
2008-06-28 14:48:55 UTC
I hope Canada is not for sale because I would have to move to a country ran just like Canada is or I would have to quickly get sure to a new Canadain ruler and all of those new rulers.
Mookie T
2008-06-27 11:26:56 UTC
Hey...we are all just borrowing time on the planet. Living in Canada is just great for the lucky few, but there always seems to be people trying to stir things up to sell their books. I wonder if people would give a hoot if they had to find food for their family or were ruled by a brutal dictator. Well we don't have those worries so we debate annoying things.
2008-07-01 13:47:07 UTC
Don`t know what the exact number were as I heard it on th radio....

lets say for 50 sectors of Canadian economy - 30 are majority owned by non-canadians... in the US - NONE!

Ken M
2008-06-28 17:30:11 UTC
We have slowly sold the country to,first the USA and now Japan.

Alberta and bc especially.

Now slowly our oil and then wqater to the usa.

No pride.all for dollars

Also the government has NO GUTS to make decsions that effect the whole country

Like Native affairs,We are paying and paying for som e mistakes that may have been made years ago

Time to STOP.

Alvin C
2008-06-28 16:05:08 UTC
Myself personally we invited people overseas to come to Canada for years, and now your asking us to unveil who they are then why don't you ask who you are as well.

Is Canada suppose to be an all white country, if so stop telling foreign people to come and work, you know what's going to happen as soon they get enough money they too want to invest in the housing market.

I think you all are wrong headed to say such a thing. Now would you tell us to unveil who you are as well?????
2008-06-28 14:26:59 UTC
Canada has always been and continues to be the resource basket for the U.S.A. even more so now than in the past.

The oil from the oil sands of Alberta are all going straight to the States.

It is not unusual to find better lumber prices in the U.S. and when you travel to the border to pick up your load of lumber, you will often find it has been harvested and processed right here in Canada but it's price here is more expensive.What's with that?

Canada has been selling itself out and selling itself short for years and thanks to Brian M. and the Free Trade Agreement, our water is next.
2008-06-28 14:24:06 UTC
Well. that 's almost over for Canada.

Harper wanted to go to war in Irak.That would have cost millions a month.

(he went to Washington with a letter he wanted to give personnaly. that he wanted to send Canada to war in Irak.)

He was not a prime minister then.

And if he has his way to create a Senate like in USA, Then Canada would have no identity and money would become what runs everything,

When a Prime Minister imitates U.S. all the time. then the contry becomes USA itself.

And Canada then becomes for sale.
Gianni L
2008-06-28 14:18:51 UTC
It's incredible but the Canadians are selling off the country to the Americans and the Government of Canada is letting them do so by not putting up the restriction barrio.The country is for sale to the highest bidder .PLEASE STOP THIS FROM HAPPENING BECAUSE THE AMERICANS WILL LEAD ARE COUNTRY INTO SHAMBLES.
2008-07-02 01:30:31 UTC
No. No country gets sold just because foreigners invest in a large way and buy domestic financial assets.
2008-06-30 10:21:56 UTC
Personally I think Canada is going down the pipe. The politicians only care about lining their own pockets.
2008-06-28 14:54:44 UTC
Yes canada is up for sale we have sooooo many foreign investors. canada should sale it self to the us we would be better off to the us . hay USA canada is up for sale just give the people who where born IN canada $500.000 and the usa can have the rest.
2008-06-27 10:26:51 UTC
The country is clearly for sale!

Just look at how fast our forests are disappearing and how our oil is being shipped to the US. All our water is being polluted just to extract the oil sands. Even our Hydro is sold to the US and then sold back to us. Many of the manufacturing companies are outsourcing their work to China and customer support to India.

I fear that soon, our country will be broke and out of resources due to the over consumption of the US. It's time to cut the umbilical cord from the US and let them fend for themselves!
2008-06-28 17:30:32 UTC
when we've sold everything off and given everything away. what's left? We have a history of giving/ selling off resources dirt cheap then buying it back at extreme over inflated prices.look at the Gov and the east& west coast fisheries. our forest industries, auto plants steel mills and now the oil patch. to bad we can't export our politicians, send them to a lower paying country and let them try and survive. their out of touch with the working people.
gary m
2008-06-28 14:41:41 UTC
canada for canadians. big business have the gaul to think that they own our resourses. but our government is inept, and allow the destruction of what is canada. our resourses should be sold in the finished product, then canadians have jobs and we all prosper. foreign ownership, no way.
2008-06-28 14:32:48 UTC
Let them invest in Canada as much as they like, if they try to hold us ransom just freeze their assets and send them packing. We have enough natural resources to feed and power ourselves and that's more than can be said of most countries. Even if these countries have the resources, they are invariably poor at trying to manage their food baskets.
2008-06-28 14:08:50 UTC
Here is my answer:

Canada has already gone too far in being sold off to foreign investors. We should remember the warnings by authors such as Mel Hurtig and Maude Barlow. It may already be too late to save this country. The European countries are laughing at us. They are economically more astute in their long-term planning.
2008-06-26 16:10:18 UTC
Yes, unfortunately, and the time is rapidly coming (if it hasn't already) when we'll need to stop selling our resources to other countries who don't know how to use them wisely. What will happen when our resources are gone and we have nothing to show for it? Our resources belong to all Canadians, and it is past time that all Canadians had a say in what happens with them.
2008-06-28 17:16:56 UTC
I am just as much a capitalist as our neighbors to the south

of us,but if we can't invest in our country's industries of any

kind --why should these companies be in Canada ?
Stan S
2008-06-28 15:04:28 UTC
Foreign investors as travelers are welcome but always for limited time frame. Citizens learn how to produce investor product and say goodbye to investor. Just Money investments shouldn't be allowed under any circumstances. Anyone can produce money from nothing.

Best regards,

2008-06-29 08:15:21 UTC
foreign investors are not bad as long as canadians are still in control of our country , economy and natural resources, etc.
Esmeraldo E
2008-06-28 18:55:33 UTC
One of my observations is that a lot of us are just not interested in politics like the americans. but like the americans, we canadians are whiners too. we care less about politics but we complain a lot. the americans on the other hand, complain a lot but they care (and way more than we do) about politics. in a democracy we should 1. pay taxes 2. elect officials 3. watch the officials that we elected... and 4. condemn them if they do stupid things and do something like don't elect them anymore in the next election. complaining and talking are DOING NOTHING!
2008-06-28 17:22:31 UTC
why does it matter who owns the business? as long as it operates in Canada it pays taxes to our government. The businesses we're talking about are obviously corporations, and whether private or public they are going to act in interest of themselves or the share holders... not in interest of the nations future.

and as for the economy.. it's up to them if they want to operate in Canadian currency or not. no matter what, a business's interest will be in itself, not it's country.
Nick P
2008-06-28 15:16:55 UTC
Canada had been bought from United States of America decades ago. America's sister company is Canada. Canada is American and will also be American.
George S
2008-06-28 14:53:46 UTC
I used to be of a very Conservative mind in my younger days, but now that I have lived overseas and travelled a lot more, I am sad to see that our elected officials are stepping on or shoud I say "stomping on" the needy while catering to the whims of the "grredy".
don't want to wear a burka
2008-06-28 20:21:37 UTC
This was the plan strategy of the terrorists in how to "win" the war over North America. Before anyone would know what hit them, we'd be owned by them, they spelled it out in an interview that this was a tactic. And a clever one, if we are owned, then ......we're theirs.
2008-06-28 16:00:50 UTC
I believe ..all over the world changing very fast, lots of things changing every where, in every country...and thats the time to change, we can't wait and watch, we have to go with them...this time to globlization..everybody knows God didn't creat any line on earth or boundries ....behind all of this devil brains, who when they feel loosing grip on throne and crown, then allways they put slogan about patriotizm, religion ect. times changing all big indusry moving to south asia big reason behid all of this is manufacturing cost of product. if some of people wanna invest in canada then we have too open our heart to welcome them.Not late yet ....later on just regret....very soon people will be hand to jobs.
2008-06-28 15:56:37 UTC
Canada is not for sale. Not at any price! Canada belongs to the people living here.
2008-06-28 14:23:02 UTC
i`ve lived in sc for 11 years now,partially by choice but other factors not let your leaders and gov`t sell canada out as has been the way since the loonie era.the states are a mess and if you do want to be a country that doesn`t care about your neighbors,kids futures as well as their well being,then get the best price for everything you can without foresite,and just trust in seems to be working well down here(excuse me i hear a noise,gotta get my gun?)
2015-11-07 06:05:16 UTC
I think it's already been sold. In the late 1970s there was a little noise about Americans owning over 44% of large corporations in Canada. A little while ago, I read that the number is over 90% now. If Canada actually had the balls to do like Venezuela -- sell resources to the rest of the world at the going rate but give a cut to their own citizens, it would make our economy grow. That's hard to do when a foreign company owns the production facilities and the the free trade agreement probably doesn't allow it, but they could also tear up that piece of paper if they also had the cajones. The free trade agreement seems to benefit the US although that is not usually allowed to be spread by the media--maybe our media is also owned by Americans.Quite a few were sold to "Foreign Investors" just south of Canada's border. No names

Once the purchase went through, they were closed down. Which must have come as a shock to the employee's.

This left only a few refinerys here in Canada, and most raw oil is sent south of the border. Where it is refined, processed into numreous products and then sent back North again for sale at an inflated cost plus markup.

The Canadian government should have been accountable for stopping management and the shareholders rail roading the employees and Canadian general public.
Chas C
2008-06-28 16:01:35 UTC
If Canada were truly democratic and sovereign, the question "Is Canada for sale?" would never enter into debate, therefore the person who posed this question is an idiot.
2008-06-28 14:54:44 UTC
It's to late... whether it's the bleeding heart liberals or the 'for sale' Conservatives, if you read the trade agreements we have with other countries and listen to what the gov. says and does we are and have given ourselves up to the government and corporations of the world and we are so easy to push over that we allow it... serves us right
2008-06-28 14:27:36 UTC

geneva has many investors as well as london, but did any one asked they are for sale? Canada is not for sale not now and not after 1000 years no matter what. and i find this question as offensive, we are not a product to be for sale, only products can be posted as for sale or not. we can sell our oil or gas like all other countries who has such resources.
2008-06-28 14:15:17 UTC
No! Why should we canada be for sell it's the greatest country. It welcomes immigrants.It helps them. Canada is a great country, and plus we govern our own country. Why would we want to give it up for other people to rule over us? Impossible. We should fight for our rights! this is our country.
2008-06-28 17:42:39 UTC
The question is irrevelant- this country was already sold down the river, decades ago. Further foreign ownership of what is left, will be accomplished by the profits from operations they already control, here.
2008-06-28 16:22:41 UTC

Well just one note, most of the private timber on vancouver island is owned by Americans.They ship raw logs straight to china! All of them! Now they want to buy out the pacific salmon fleet for 30 million!! and to put it to us right in the wobblies, they pay 2 dollars for one barral of oil that they sale for 140.00 that comes from the Alberta oil feilds.(which is a huge part of Global Dimming)

If you dont no what Global Dimming is ,then go to wickapedia and figure out what is really happening to our enviorment.You see ,all that polution in the atmosphere (from the fifty non regulated coal burning plants that open in China every year)

goes up into the enviorment and heads across the jet stream and converges over British Columbia with the artic air mass that comes from Fort Mac Murry in Alberta.

That mass of Air is like a reflector, it sends all the heat from the sun back to outerspace, and that is why we had june-uary in B C . in june(very cold , then very hot,) sound like a poluted place i no, hmmm Ontario!

You see, it takes the American companies one Barrel of Oil to produce 2 barrals(in the Alberta oil sands) , that in it self is maddness!

Ok one more last rant! Will someone with wobblies please step up to the plate and be our next PM, this guy , who i cant even remember his name, is gutless (and really the body language that he brodcasted with bush was laughabble)

It was like he was saying , " goerge do you really like me , i want to be your friend, goerge was definatley the alpha in that picture.!!!!

Goerge (Bush) , one last word. GOOD FUC.... riddens!!!!!!
yaser k
2008-06-28 16:00:38 UTC
from my view .the poltians not care about canada .thier important in thier poltica life .is wage and stay in thier politac place long as can .not any one thing in canada and cuartunig every one look him self .do not plame them life is very diffculat and eaxpansive .but another hand do not care about canada and ploticatian also do not trying to be guto or eaxmple to public and also finical system not like russia it is effact this your queastion .but in end back to plotic and countian pople and addutio pople change since 70'sand jugmentily and not patian and the polictian have must change frist and then public by go to god or allha and change aduttio and limtied freedem and have guotian go to learn from east culutre as russia and arabic countries .it is all i said in this time .thanks
2008-06-28 15:25:07 UTC
If we want to sell ,we need to sell the rest of the world.

because the price of Canada means the price of the other world.
2014-06-11 18:42:29 UTC
Most of this stuff is way over the heads of the average person (ding, ding, ding!!) but people need to know thier voices can be heard and should be utilizing their right to do so by complaining to their MPPs so that these matters are debated more in parliament.
2008-06-25 20:56:23 UTC
The debter is slave to the lender ... goes the ol' cliche' !!!

Canada is a "slave" ... or more better rendered, "prostituting" herself out to foreign buyers. Canada is rich in many resources There are pros & cons on both sides of the arguement. A major problem hindering Canada dancing to its own drum is our population size, in comparison to the size of the land mass of our country. We are addicted to foreign investment, to the point where we have become codependent. Foreign investors, very well know, that they are at the economic controls. Canadians in general, hate to take risks; therefore, dependence upon others to do for them, in terms of providing employment, military protection, and a future , provides the security blanket

for us. Too many foreign investors know a good thing when they see it ! Water is a very viable resource for Canada to have. With the majority of the retirement population in the U.S. moving to the South West region, water will be like oil is in value. We would do wise to market this resource and sell it to our American neighbours. The last thing Canada needs is to become reluctant to sell water to the U.S. . The U.S. will most definitely, invade Canada or even, worse, pull out investments and cause a major collapse of the Canadian economy. The U.S. owns up to 80% plus of the businesses in Canada. There is no getting away from it, foreign investment is crucial to both, Canada's economy and future.
2008-06-26 18:55:21 UTC
I think you're multiplying apples and oranges and ending up with lemons. Canada shouldn't be considered as for sale, Canadian resources are and should be, but at reasonable prices rather than at prices which serve the USA more than us. We need more home grown industry with foriegn investment capped in each company at about 20%. In particular we need a Canadian auto industry.
Jay on the coast
2008-06-26 13:21:42 UTC
Yas Canada is for sale and 6that is something every Canadian should be scared of, sith forein investors bying everything from our oil companies to our water, from our electric companies to our electric car manufactuing companies - electric cars that are made in Canada and it is illeagal to sell them here in Canada. What is there left for Canadians.

I don't have a problem with selling water or even giving it away to thirsty people, it is when it comes to using our water to keep golf courses in Dubia green that is where I have a problem.

Canada have been for sale for a long time and there is very little left in Canadians hands.
2014-06-28 18:40:19 UTC
It's also been sniffing around the Arctic too, staking territory. Whatever happened with that? That concerned the PM enough to immediately take action and fly out there too. So what are all these Arabs and others up to and why are we letting them invade and take over our country and especially OUR OIL?? How long before it's theirs or is it too late already? Russia wants to buy out Petro Canada? Where are we going wrong here?
Lorne K
2008-07-01 11:46:06 UTC
Forget about resources - our very culture and our freedoms are being stolen by US media monsters - consider bill C61 and ACTA! Join 'Free Copyright for Canada' to fight back.
2008-06-28 18:59:01 UTC
This is a very good Question because alot of usein Candian dont even Know about what you have said here and it is good to know things Like this because we need to know were ower money is going to go to if it is going to some one easl and not the peson it is to go to , I know i am not that smart i am on disblet and i know we need to look more in to this thxs
2008-06-28 14:29:20 UTC
You do not have to be a ROCKET SCIENTIST to realize if we keep selling of our mega industries and natural resources we will sooner than later become just an other State of the USA.

We have already sold off away to much.
2014-09-01 18:37:21 UTC
Okay, its 1:00 am and I'm probably not making my point clear. I guess I'll stop here before my answer becomes a rant. I just believe a country should protect itself by making it law that ANY company/corporation/land should have a maximum foreign ownership of 49%. Maybe that would increase the chance that economic decissions made would benefit fellow Canadians. I, myself, try to buy Canadian products whenever possible. It's scary how difficult that is becoming and saddening to know that even though it may be Canadian made, the profit is probably going to a foreign investor.
2014-10-31 15:37:50 UTC
Canada is rich in resources but we are being harvested and taken advantage by foreign governments and corporations. The Governments of Canada, including Feds, Provs, and Territories, need to collectively and expeditiously review the Foreign Investment Act and limit the harvesting of Canada's valuable trees.

You need not look far to the East to see another savy Government (i.e., China) has instructed their corporations to go forth and invest in the rich resources of other countries, while the Chinese Government saves their resources for the rainy days or drou
2015-01-22 08:41:23 UTC
Canada is the wealthiest country with regards to its natural resources: minerals, lumber, renewable and non-renewable fuels, gems, food crops, fisheries, etc, etc. I actually have NO idea how much of Canada is owned by foreign investors, but I know its far more than I'm comfortable with. More and more manufacturing plants are closing down in Canada and reopening up in other 'cheaper' countries. Jobs are lost, the economy suffers. By allowing so many foreign investors, a country loses its ability to flex any political influence over any human right violations of these 'cheaper' countries. China is a prime example. Our economy is dependent on China. We have NO political influence over the atrocities the Chinese government willingly inflicts on its citizens. Can you imagine what would happen if China put economic sanctions on Canada? I shudder at the thought.
vaibhav m
2008-07-07 10:29:36 UTC
I'd be surprised if we even still own the rights to the Canada flag or national anthem.
2008-06-28 16:02:31 UTC
Canada has already been sold along with the US and Mexico. In 2005 Paul Martin, George Bush and Vicente Fox signed a deal to create the North American Union, called the SPP on the official government website. One would think this would be over all the major networks in North America, why not? Yet in virtually all other parts of the world they are aware of what is going on. Why a media black out?

The North American Economy is about to collapse, and has been slated for such. Yes it is planned. Did you know the US is now printing 2 billion a day. It is not being accepted around the world as it is such a weak currency. Take Zimbabwe and Mugabe printing money, what did that do for the country? What does it take for a ballon to pop? Just one little pin.

You may say this is a post about Canada. What two countries in the world effect all others Rome and USA. Friends WAKE UP!!!

The Collapse of the U.S. Economy

Thursday, March 13, 2008


"Once the House is fully cleared, members who have signed the oath of confidentiality -- (all but a handful have) -- will be recalled to the chamber, select staff with appropriate clearances will be administered an oath of secrecy, and an hour of debate will ensue,'' Blunt's office announced. "At the conclusion of that hour, the Secret Session will dissolve.''

Word has begun leaking from last night’s special, closed-door session of the United States House of Representatives.

Not only did members discuss new surveillance provisions as was the publicly stated reason for the closed door session, they also discussed:

The imminent collapse of the U.S. economy to occur by September 2008;

The imminent collapse of US federal government finances by February 2009;

The possibility of Civil War inside the USA as a result of the collapse;

Advance round-ups of “insurgent U.S. citizens” likely to move against the government;

The detention of those rounded-up at "REX 84" camps constructed throughout the USA;

The possibility of retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses;

The location of "safe facilities" for members of Congress and their families to reside during expected massive civil unrest;

The necessary and unavoidable merger of the United States with Canada (for its natural resources) and with Mexico (for its cheap labor pool);

The issuance of a new currency - THE AMERO - for all three nations as the proposed solution to the coming economic armageddon;

Members of Congress were FORBIDDEN to reveal what was discussed. Several are so furious and concerned about the future of the country, they have begun leaking info.

More details coming later today and over the weekend. SPREAD THE WORD!!!

from the: Hal Turner Show - Posted by: Gary Varnam | 04.29.08 - 4:27 pm |

I emailed Hal and he replied....

On March 15th, 2008 David40 says:

Jerk or not, I emailed Hal and asked him about his report. I was surprised to get an answer so quickly. Here is his reply:

"Members of Congress are STATUTORILY FORBIDDEN to reveal what goes on in

closed session. Any member who breaches that is subject to expulsion from the House. His integrity would prevent Ron Paul from breaching that. Suffice it to say that the information is valid. I confirmed it with two separate sources. I stand by my report."

So, I guess time will tell if his sources are credible.

See House Holds Closed Session to Discuss Surveillance Bill:; House Approves New Eavesdropping Rules:,4675,TerroristSurveillance,00.html; International Experts Foresee Collapse of U.S. Economy:
2014-09-05 06:51:56 UTC
The question will be one of survival. Once again, it will probably be the wealthy who manage to survive. Will it really matter what country they live in? Chances are they'll have a few more important things on their mind besides shopping in Canada.
2014-10-31 18:16:11 UTC
Canada is rich in resources but we are being harvested and taken advantage by foreign governments and corporations. The Governments of Canada, including Feds, Provs, and Territories, need to collectively and expeditiously review the Foreign Investment Act and limit the harvesting of Canada's valuable trees.

You need not look far to the East to see another savy Government (i.e., China) has instructed their corporations to go forth and invest in the rich resources of other countries, while the Chinese Government saves their resources for the rainy days or drought season of the future.
2008-06-29 00:19:22 UTC
Weve aleady lost too much of our country,. I went to Vancouver and I felt like I had left Canada and gone to an Asian country,.

Too much our of land belongs to Americans now. They didnt have to fight us for it. We sold it to them,

what a mistake.,we will pay dearly for it.

2008-06-28 15:38:12 UTC
everyday we read about another company that is either sold to or owned by a company in the grand ol USA so as far as i am concerned canada is not for sale as they have already bought it .
2014-06-17 19:11:33 UTC
PM doesn't want to do anything about it. I guess he is afraid to make an enemy there. I say it is an enemy if it can sell us things that make us sick or die. I could go on but it makes my blood boil to think that this and things we don't even know about, are happening to our great country.
2014-05-27 19:15:37 UTC
This selling off of everything you can cut down or dig up instead of developing your economy is exactly what colonialism is about, and is just a third world economy.
Jayson W
2008-06-28 17:03:29 UTC
we have already sold our country to the usa and the time we come in the next couple of years when our to econmies will c ome to together and we shall be called the north american union. good example is the dollar
2008-06-28 14:07:38 UTC
How silly. Of course Canada is not for sale. We've given the bloody country away.
2014-06-18 19:27:55 UTC
The action of our government in the case of Alberta oil companies was driven by USA interests and their influence over our branch plant of a Government.
2014-10-12 15:21:26 UTC
ada to have a better future, our politicians should be held accountable for each and every decision they make regarding both Canadians, and our country.

Why is Canada in debt? Why is America buying our oil and gas and paying less than we are?

Why are the capitalists mostly in other countries when we control the products of their capitalism?

The shoe is on the wrong foot and we are either giving it all away, or they are just taking it.

Change needs to happen, both in our minds, and the minds of the elected officials we are foolish enough to vote for.

Without change, we will all be held accountable, and will have a country that noone wants a part of.
2014-10-25 21:19:55 UTC
Unfortunately, we dont appear to have the leadership or team spirit amongst our Canadian Governments to come with a strategic and coordinated plan across our great but diminshing country...Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians from coast to coast!
2008-06-29 08:05:18 UTC
I do think Canada has sold out to the USA
kip 123ca
2008-06-29 04:48:10 UTC
obviously alberta is for sale - the tory government is willing to give it away for oil dollars -there is no holding back oil sands development -the provincial government is taking a short term approach - and dam the environment.
2014-09-07 07:29:55 UTC
What we need is an economic revolution. Governments cannot provide essential social programs and services when the profits of it's country are taken elsewhere and put in the hands of a few. We are run by oligarchies, not by democracy.
2014-09-01 10:40:35 UTC
Far too often racism is prevalent within our country. Although many of us have had families come from other parts of the world, those of us born in Canada, are "Native" of Canada, and should be treated the same, and given the same privileges as any other, referred to as a "Native" of Canada.
murray b
2008-06-28 17:37:24 UTC
Canada has always been for sale to the highest bidder,, these days are no different,,I only hope that our Country does not steel us short,, as they have in the past,,,,

sell us not to the highest bidder ,, but delivery to us the rewards we deserve..............
Scocasso !
2008-06-26 05:33:11 UTC
Your book is too late!

Mulroney already sold Canada a long time ago!

There are few things left in this country that are entirely Canadian. When was the last time you shopped at a Canadian place of business and purchases goods 100% sourced in Canada, from the ingredients/materials to the production?
2008-06-25 17:09:27 UTC
I feel discouraged when I see so many others owning our resources.

I agree with Dominic d'Alessandro that our pride and self- esteem as a nation is hurt by others taking over. We have laws that protect us - but we also know that BIG money can lobby and change the laws if it wants.

National ownership is not only a legal issue but a moral one as well. We Canadians have allowed things to get out of hand and there's not a whole lot we can do about it now.

Last week I went shopping to buy something "made in Quebec" or" made in Canada" for my little American nephew- I live across the street from a huge shopping centre - about 200 stores or more - I came home empty-handed.

2014-10-09 17:21:00 UTC
able trees and entice foreign interests to share in the growing of the fruit.

Canada is rich in resources but we are being harvested and taken advantage by foreign governments and corporations. The Governments of Canada, including Feds, Provs, and Territories, need to collectively and expeditiously review the Foreign Investment Act and limit the harvesting of Canada's valuable trees.

You need not look far to the East to see another savy Government (i.e., China) has instructed their corporations to go forth and invest in the rich resources of other countries, while the Chinese Government saves their resources for the rainy days or drought season of the futur
2008-06-29 05:58:11 UTC
Yes, but we should only allow non-voting share acquisition by foreigners, as in Switzerland!
Bare Bum :o)
2008-06-26 11:51:32 UTC
hello everyone! well what can i say but your guess is as good as mine,pertaining on who owns or who will sell off canada bit by more thing i d like too add is,yes all canadians that are still kept in the dark about our governmentsfed,& provincial should know exactly who when where and how occured.its not their pie!!!! too put their dirty hands in it. my pie that they control without even keeping me informed,of how things get that way.its an embezzlement of property and material of great value!!! they know how too get away with all the sleezy cheatting rip offs.yessssss they are the best of the crooks because, we will eventually become the united states of america... :( we use too be a pround nation of peaceful and free country,but since harper got in canada we are, in great trouble thanks too mr ding dong steven haper the jerk and his cronnies making shady deals, behind closed doors from any canadian too see, too know, and too refute when necessary!!!! long live us and me the true honest canadians and down with the secrecy of parliment and the rest of the bozos stealing the bread and butter from our mouths.bye bye and have a great day, if you can still digest the buffooneries of the harper government and provincial swindlers at their best!!!!!!!! ps. i ll take,my trillion dollars please mr harper and those of you who have your sticky fingers in my pie!!!!!!!!! (i know )
2015-01-12 19:05:32 UTC
Lumber, our choisest logs are exported all around the world and we are left with the worst lumber products on our shelves, mid to low grade at the best. Chipboard for most part. Try to buy good fir, it is too expensive for most people to purchase, even if you can find it in Canada.
Grant R
2008-06-28 17:47:00 UTC
A lot of opur politicians seem to be "For Sale," so why not the rest of the country?
Looking ahead
2008-06-28 17:26:43 UTC
But capitalists care only about the dollar. That is until they find they need people.
me m
2008-06-28 17:19:06 UTC
Government has no choice! Here in Canada we take orders from US , No matter we like it or not .

2008-06-28 20:19:56 UTC
Canada is all ready Sold! It is just matter of time when they ask us to pay the rent for living here.
2008-06-28 15:29:46 UTC
No. Don't say that. I don't like the idea of our distinct culture being invaded by Americans or anyone else.

I will not hear this.
2008-06-25 22:30:06 UTC
To sell raw materials is not to sell the country. In fact, most countries do that, rich and poors. The neighbour USA does it, and no one is complaining about it.

To sell natural resources allows to Canada's economy to revitalize, without this commerce, the country surely will collapse, as it has not enough powerful industries to maintain employment and the flush of cash to mantain its economy in in this day to day more competitive world.

Remember what happend the last 15 years when Canada had the commercial battle against Spain regarding the deep sea fishing, and Canada won. It won not only a commercial issue, but it gained prestige, as a power. Now, Canada is not anymore the seventh power economic power, why?, because is lacking behind Taiwan that it has a growing population working on industry transforming any kind of materials and accepting investing from anywhere. They don't use extensively their soils, because it's relatively few what the y have, but compenses it buying primary resources from countries like Canada.

If Canada doesn't sell them, they look everywhere else, and the country lost.

What a country needs is to see how to feed up its revenues against its debits, if the commerce of raw materials is involved, the government only has to watch what is to be sold and till when, a ethical and moral argument doesn't fit here if the country is not being damaged in any way due to those activities, only matters when the people or the environment is being affected, as in the case of Rain forest of Amazonas in Brazil.

The numbers talk about themselves, if Canada stops at selling primary materials it would loose more than a third of its incomes.

And worse, eleven emerging powers with strong populations ready to move fast to attend increasing demands of new well paided people from all around the world are here to compete trying to take out of scene to traditional medium powers as Canada, which economically depends to large extent on selling its natural goods, with the difference that those powers are willing to use their own primary resources.

As population doesn't grow in chage in Canada, neither a large internal market nor a large industry to satisfy its needs, it is absurd to keep its treasures to futures generations as there are poor prospects on population growth traditionally.

This Country will have soon to good bye to the hardly obtained bonanza during the years thanks to its enormous natural reserves, because is what it has, territory but not enough population.
2014-09-06 07:26:35 UTC
There is an erosion of the middle class in Canada and the US. There is an explosion of billionaires everywhere who monopolize the markets and manipulate the politicians. It amounts to nothing but 'carpet bagging'.
victor l
2008-06-29 04:51:44 UTC
I prefer to listen to the opinions of other economic experts.
gagne l
2008-06-28 16:55:55 UTC
Canada was for sale sense it became a country.
Patrick H
2008-06-29 07:53:59 UTC
Canadian governments have sold out long ago.... to the detriment of our future generations.
2008-06-28 18:10:21 UTC
Je suis personnellement une "mondialiste"! Je crois que les ressources naturelles n'appartiennent pas à quelqu'un en particulier, ni à un gouvernement. Si les ressources étaient partagées également et équitablement, nous n'aurions pas de gens qui meurent de faim... ni de surconsommation. Cette idée de vouloir mettre un drapeau sur ces ressources démontre bien l'égocentrisme qui est en train de détruire notre magnifique planète! Étant tournés sur nous-mêmes, ne voyant que notre bien-être plutôt que d'essayer de pourvoir au bien-être de tous les gens de cette planète, nous ne réalisons pas que nous créons notre propre malheur. L'égoisme n'a JAMAIS rendu les gens heureux, mais plutôt constamment et éternellement insatisfaits! Quand éduquerons-nous la population mondiale que nous ne sommes vraiment heureux que lorsque nous rendons les autres heureux? Je suis née au Canada, mais je suis une citoyenne de la planète Terre... et vous?
2014-08-21 19:03:34 UTC
I have asked the questions of candidates running for office. The answers should have been put to a fiddle so they could have danced a jig. Impressive side-stepping, but nary an answer was given to the questions asked. Politic-talk is what I would call it.
2008-06-28 14:19:16 UTC
7 major banks and a few hundred wealthy oligarch own the country.

There is no democracy here regardless of what you were told.

We are joined by the navel to Dubya and his corrupt family.
2015-02-05 19:58:06 UTC
Perhaps, no actually, voters are now at the point where it really doesn't matter who gets in, as either a minority government or a majority government, they are all the same, all painted with the same black brush. What party has not gone the way of making promises then not keeping their promises.
2014-06-29 14:27:51 UTC
Since WHEN is it improper to shop from their registry? There are TWO times in a couples life when they get to ASK for what they want and not seem rude; weddings and baby showers.
2014-09-14 19:59:21 UTC
I cannot see how global trade is going to work for any country, including the US. We need some protectionist measures built in which benefit all of the the citizens of the countries involved, not just the elite and privileged classes who can afford to buy stocks.
2008-07-01 15:49:40 UTC
Natural resources hon....You are talking ***** kiddo....Ok, Second biggest country in the world...No are just a colony, nothing without someone....BC...British...Quebec...French........Further North, "Inute"...Get a time zone hon.....GMT....You don't have a country hon, the US & THE BRITS JUST ALLOW YOU TO LIVE THERE....Im messing hon. My girlfriend is from VC...Yeah, she is a Canuck...
2015-05-20 18:28:41 UTC
Perhaps, once we have housed all our homeless, found quality paying secure employment for the all the forestry, auto and manufacturing workers who are laid off, have ensured no child in Canada goes hungry or lacks for quality day care, eliminated hospital and surgical waiting lists, paid off the national debt, guaranteed that every Canadian has the opportunity to buy their own affordable home, ecetera, ecetera,............
2008-06-28 15:42:26 UTC
No Canada is not for sale. Capitalism can ruin everything.

Carman O
2008-06-28 14:54:18 UTC
Sounds like the North American Union is setting in....
♥ (~Winterr!~) ♥
2008-06-26 09:49:40 UTC

Sorry, i really dont know, I am an American.

But I like Canada, especially the Niagara Falls Region and British Columbia. I have seen those places on the Travel Channel and they seem gorgeous!

canada shouldn't be on sale. Canadians should be proud of being who they are, and someone buying that land can take that pride away from them.


Btw, I am only a teen (14), so i have very little knowledge on economics.
Deano S
2008-06-29 12:33:15 UTC
well no Canada is not for sale i thinks it belongs to my people first nation for life and don't forget that dam immigrants and if it were most of Canada belong to Native people well i just gave you my opinion
loc d
2008-06-28 16:51:30 UTC
there is no such thing sale country, but if there is, Canada is not a country for sale , because there is have no price to buy this beautifully country
2008-06-28 15:16:11 UTC
first off i wanna give a shout out to my bwoy shaun, he just got out da pen.

umm like to say hi to my momz ya dig?and uhhh 360 sucks iight here it goes....

We as dem Canadians needa kick dem brown folk out this muthafucka ya dig?

peace out nigg
2008-06-26 16:54:27 UTC
Ofcourse Not. Canada is not for sale...I mean anymore.

It was sold out long time ago to the Americans, and now is subdivided to be on sale again to the Chianese, Pakis and East-Indians

Is already call CHANADA.

God bless us.
Timothy L
2008-06-30 12:26:30 UTC
We're not selling off our resources, hell we're practically giving them away
2014-09-13 19:35:56 UTC
Free trade is a scam for the rich. There exists underpaid workers who produce the products and underpaid workers who sell the products who work on the other side of the shore or border.
2015-03-22 20:14:43 UTC
Its true we dont have as many people, or money, so foreign investment is encouraged. But it should have a limit, with serious conditions applied, that guard against hostile takeovers.
2008-07-04 07:03:22 UTC
I think Britan beat it in a war
Nenad H
2008-06-28 17:16:59 UTC
It is sold long time ago to England
2008-06-28 15:04:12 UTC
I think it plan stupid if anything Canada should own Canada and no one Else!!!!!
Trevor F
2008-07-02 22:14:04 UTC
Actually I am not sure, but there is an entire documentary on that subject just go to
2008-06-30 09:17:39 UTC
Yeaa on ebay
Edward C
2008-06-28 19:13:36 UTC
IS CANADA FOR SALE? Dummy, it's already been sold and, sold out by our polticians!
2008-06-28 18:16:06 UTC
2008-06-28 17:36:25 UTC
Everything is for sale,,give every Canadian 10million (U.S. of course) and a place in the sun,,l bet they will jump on it
2008-06-28 17:16:30 UTC
If i had a crystalball i could tell you exactly what is going to happen, But since i don't i can only say its going to be bad.....
2014-06-23 20:15:28 UTC
Maybe that's the wrong way to look at it but how hard would it be to balance the environmental concerns we currently have with the concerns of big business?
Frances N
2008-06-28 14:30:06 UTC
get real. i was born and raised in toronto canada . nov 6th 1933. i lived 32 years with my husband in nova scotia. he passed away july 31 st 1985. i met my 2nd husband in 1997, he passed away in 2005, both with cancer. im now back in ontario.
2014-07-15 09:45:23 UTC
If you can remember the last Election we had the US Ambassador threatening trade sanctions, and the threat of their businesses creating mass unemployment if they did not get the Govt they wanted.

As you lose ecomomic control you lose political control too.
2008-06-28 22:37:47 UTC




2014-10-23 18:49:01 UTC
Are there benefits for the other citizens in the provinces in the way of discounted prices on hydro, water, timber and lumber, and other goods and commodities produced?
Eddy L
2008-06-28 14:20:40 UTC
It is already sold out but we do not know the details. So that is a very stupid question.
2014-10-20 20:21:37 UTC
The role of government is to protect the interests of the people. Has the government broken the 'social contract' which gives them the legitimacy to govern? I think so.
2014-07-18 22:20:21 UTC
I say it is an enemy if it can sell us things that make us sick or die. I could go on but it makes my blood boil to think that this and things we don't even know about, are happening to our great country.
2008-06-28 20:19:11 UTC
Canada is priceless.
2008-06-26 00:58:22 UTC
Only as long as your politicians sell out to the G.W.B. administration and then his republican replacement john McCain people in Canada have to watch their as*sz or your gonna get screwed,

Hell we got to buy prescribed meds from Canada because the high blood pressure meds my Mon takes cost 350. for every month.
2015-01-20 21:31:15 UTC
It is not what we have done, it is what we have not done. We are selling all our resource for cheap, never taking the time to manufacture, to sell finished products to the world and make more money then just selling raw resources.
2008-06-28 20:03:03 UTC
Sorry bud but its already sold
carlisle King
2008-06-26 03:36:50 UTC
No. Canada is not in sale. It may not have a president but it has prime ministers. And LUKUS. CANADA IS NOT WEAK!!!! Canada is powerful just like America And all the other countries in this world. SUppose yout from planet ....!
2008-06-25 15:22:36 UTC
A good example of what happens when a country has many foreign investors is China. That's why China's economy is doing so well now.

Canada needs foreign investors to develop and extract its natural resources. And without foreign help a lot of that wealth won't be of use to anyone.

Perhaps a case can be made that Canada is selling its natural resources too cheaply. And perhaps Canada needs to form an OPEC-like cartel with other countries in order to raise prices.

But other countries probably will view such action as unfriendly. And they might retaliate in some economic way against Canada.
2008-06-28 16:04:10 UTC
Your question seems a few decades too late. Most of the companies in Canada are already owned by people that are not Canadians. There have been many companies that were started in Canada, previously established companies that move into Canada, and those that are hostile takeovers.

Canada can no longer claim Tim Horton's, our old beloved coffee and donut shop, as our own since Wendy's bought it out years ago. Not that we want to clam it anymore with the rash of insufferable incidents that are beating the good name into the ground.

I just saw someone mention that they would be surprised if Canada still owned the rights to the Maple Leaf Flag. I want to put in here that one thing we NO LONGER own the rights to is THE ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTIE IMAGE, IT IS OWNED BY THE DISNEY CORPORATION!!!!!!

I know that Kelowna BC lost a major company, Western Star Trucks to an American buyer. This deal was made and broadcast on CHBC news, the local TV station in Kelowna, on the assurance that the buyers keep the plant in Kelowna. Too soon that word was broken and the company was moves across the border.

BC also supplies California with power, and they were in desperate need many years ago during a heat wave that killed many, especially the seniors without air conditioning. Rolling blackouts is what we heard on the news. Yes, it was horrible, but someone was supplying them with much needed power, the Province of BC, and do you think that they paid their bills? NO. That came out on the news as well. If you or I ever missed payments on our power bills, we would be cut off. Have they been cut off after all these years? NO. We keep giving them more, and it is not like they are poor!

Now there is also the booming real estate game. CHBC reported that the realtors were actually advertising property here for sale in other countries, Germany for example. The results of the influx of the wealthy from other countries worldwide that want a piece of the Okanagan to call home? The people that were born, raised, work and live here are being forced to leave because there is not even the shred of hope for a dream of owning a home anymore. The wages are completely and totally inadequately for the rents that are going here. The cost of food is always on the increase, one reason recently is the rising prices of gas that Alberta has claim to, yet Canada has no say in the cost of it. The cost of licensing a vehicle, and now another tax of the gas to run it has increased, and all to get you to a job that barely pays you to survive. Use credit cards to make do and you did yourself deeper. Utilities cost a fortune and they keep raising that, and even though we can supply our own country, it seems to cost us more to get it than some who don’t pay the bills.

A Canadian in need, on Income Assistance gets around $600.00 per month to live on. The rents in my area of the Okanagan are between $700 - $ 1500 per month, without utilities, phone, food, clothing, or toiletries. A person on Income Assistance with Disabilities gets around $900.00 per month, and the same costs to cover as above with maybe more of a need for transportation and it is not available everywhere like large metropolitan areas.

However, if you enter this country illegally, not a Canadian citizen, Income assistance for you is much higher, around $2,000 per month. You don’t have to worry about finding an affordable place to live; Income Assistance does that for you.

You have to be a criminal in order to be treated well, and to be able to survive. The other options to survival here is financial success.

The rest of us that fall between those two ranges are the ones that are paying for the Governments follies.

They hand out tax payer’s money for those that are not in need, those that are criminals, spending foolishly and lavishly on themselves, and all the while managing to sell off what is left of Canada to anyone, and not even the highest bidder necessarily. Then expecting Canadians to get on board with their programs, and pay another tax, and a higher rate, and tighten your belts, etc.

We stand by and watch piece by piece of our beloved country being claimed by other countries because our voices are hoarse from protest to save our forests, our wildlife, our fishing rights in the oceans and rivers, our land from being flooded out by other countries plans to build dams, our water from being polluted by acid rain caused by another country that refuses to change their ways, our water from being bought by another country that will take it even if we are in desperate need. When our country was accused, and rightly so, of causing crop damage to our neighbors to the south from a smelt in BC, we were ordered to pay by the courts, and we did. When our neighbors were ordered by the courts to pay the soft wood lumber tariffs, they said no and continued to argue. They petitioned the courts again, had another hearing, and the courts again ordered them to pay, and they waited, argued, and were then told it was NOT a democratic process, it was a court order. Only then did they pay. Do we, as Canadians, ever get to go to court, or the Government and say no, I don’t want to, and then get another attempt to shove our wants and desires down someone else’s throats, run roughshod over another person’s rights? No.

Our Government is so quick to hand out aid to other countries but they seem to forget that charity begins at home. Yes, we need to help those in genuine need, and help our fellow humans, but not at the cost of our own people. You cannot help others get well if you become ill yourself. Of course, that doesn’t have any effect for our politicians in the photo opps of the media.

It seems that everyone but, the people that built this land from the ground up, own it. Our parents, our grandparents, great grandparents, broke the soil to sow the future, and their descendants can no longer afford the dream that they once had in their grasp.

Oh Canada, no longer the land of the free, we are all merely renter’s without a country to call our own.
Jeff the Moose from Ontario
2008-06-28 16:33:17 UTC
Mel Hurtig, Look him up, he has a LOT to say on this issue.
2008-06-29 22:26:28 UTC
2008-06-28 20:04:04 UTC
I have not read your book.

Please bear with me in my answer to your question. But the current situation is more complex and other un-addressed circumstances need to be considered. Canada, a country rich in many varied natural and human resources, in no respect should be for sale. I am fully aware of the current state the planet is in and that this country (as well as other developed and developing ones) is in a unique position to play a key role in the search for positive solutions to the global problems facing us. But any efforts under taken should be oversee by a responsible government willing to take risks (calculated) with the primary goal of safeguarding the well being of this country. It will be no easy task. Canada is a very large country with a relative small population, much of which is concentrated in few regions widely separated. This could be seen and interpreted in different ways. Ways dependent on the platform driven by circumstantial needs on which a viewer stands. Lets face the reality that this country could be exploited by those claiming to be friends and partners in the pursuit of a common goal. Policing our resources is a difficult task. To begin with, we do not have a standing army, albeit with the only job of securing our sovereignty, and while the best and the brightest churned out by our institutions of higher learning are being lured away to other countries. We need these two key elements among others to maintain a healthy Canada. To do this, we need to educate the Canadian population as to the potential and dire problems this country will face in the near future. Having resources is one thing; developing , maintaining and using these resources responsibly is another.

Let us start with agriculture. Canada is rich in farmlands. There is no excuse for its inhabitants to face a food shortage, let alone high prices for items abundant in this country, and for items not peculiar to this country but which could be traded for on an equal footting. Our institutions of higher learning should take the initiative in the research of improving agricultural production.

Next, dealing with the concern for the obtaining and use of our natural energy resources. Canada has vast potential of inland natural gas, off shore oil reserves and its tar sands. No doubt these will need capital and technology both of which can be supplied by its own inhabitants. But other alternatives of energy should be researched and tried such as solar, wind and bio-fuel, though, the latter needs to be carefully considered from an economic standpoint. Canadians should not be subjected to cicumstances whereby they are required to pay heavily for items which are abundant in this country.

Next, water. We need to safe guard this vital resource. We may be told that is esource is in very large abundance. But if we do not start maintaining and policing this resource right now, we could have problems in the very near future.

Last, our human resource. We need not only to educate the population, we also need to employ and involve them in the development of this country. This country is littered with unemployed highly educated persons both native and naturalized. If there is a need to go forward, to keep Canada economically healthful, we must use our human resource to its fullest. Let me be clear about the fact that this country is also rich in many mineral resources, resources if properly internally developed could add to the economic wealth of this nation. But I relegate my concern to the above four stated ones as they are key elements in the current global crisis.

Now to address the question on foreign investments and their implications. Sure Canada do need other sources of capital from foreign countries, but the government need to set parameters within which foreign investors must play in order to participate in the development of our resources with the goal of Canadians getting a very meaningful share of the arrangement. The Canadian government need to inform the public of such investments and and their scoped implications. The Canadian government need to stimulate entreprenureship amongst its people, to levy taxes in a fair way, produce products and services sufficient for its people. The government needs to assure the current and next generation that farming and blue collar jobs are as just as rewarding as white collar jobs. Canada needs to be self reliant. We need to export more, and import less. I am aware of the current effort to unify the three countries of Mexico, The United States and Canada within an economic and security framework. One of the main reasons for this effort I understand is to be to in a position to equally trade, if not compete with a unified Europe. This may be all well and good. But we need not have to surrender our sovereignty and dignity, the result of which could and will lead to unfair exploitation.

I know Canada can not stand alone on a globe made smaller by technological advancements. Canada cannot standby and watch as other countries less fortunate undergo deprevation. But for Canada to give, it needs to possess and in abundance. Canada can take the lead but it will require strong, wise and resilient leadership, a government that put its people first.
2008-06-25 17:24:27 UTC
The taxes are paid to our government.

Spinoffs include employment.

Profits go to the owners.

I'm not likely to become an owner. So it doesn't make much difference who owns it. Someone else is getting rich by the sweat of their brow and the risk of their capital.
george b
2008-06-28 16:27:29 UTC
one millon dollars for born canadains each
2008-06-27 10:16:00 UTC
cant s
2008-06-26 21:15:28 UTC
for sale no because the us will just take it and you know it. i really would like to see you try to tell me otherwise

please reply i want to know what you think
Paul Y
2008-06-29 15:38:43 UTC
yee hee
2008-06-28 22:53:55 UTC
knot even when romulan worms crawl up my nose....just blow and dab no matter who it annoys.
2008-06-28 21:08:41 UTC
i got one thing it's big Shane could stop it all
2008-06-27 07:45:59 UTC
peace m
2008-06-25 16:12:13 UTC
What a question to ask within the neocon corporate plutocracy that we have? You know very well that Globalization is an incomplete term without its preceding adjective "corporate." You know very well that our public domain including common goods are privatized, our rights to such as health and water are under pressure to be commodified, our parliament and sovereignty is sub-ordinated to corporate-friendly rules and policies, that the gap between haves and have-nots is IMMORAL, etc., why ask rhetorical questions? And what's happened to you, a pang of conscience has transformed you from being a turncoat for so many tears...I hope it is so, for your own dignity and soul's sake. In a country where thanks to its mainstream media a warmongering, sell-out government like Mr. Harper's is elected what do you expect? FIRA (Foreign Investment Review Agency) to be serving the people? Are you that naive?! If you really care, use your position to awaken the people regarding what is happening, but then I don't know how long you'll last in mainstream media which we all know is an integral part of the corporate agenda!
Tudorik B
2008-07-07 03:04:54 UTC
no, Canada it's not for sale !!
screaming monk
2008-06-25 11:16:13 UTC
The border lines of a growing list of nations are vanishing. Free trade will continue to influence national sovereignty and wealth--- both strengthening and weakening it. We are, for better or worse, at the mercy of a ubiquitous, invisible economic force, one manifestation being free trade, a logical extension of democratic principles as applied to economics.

Foreign ownership is one consequence of a pure, global democratic economic principle. Some loss of sovereignty and control of resources is inevitable.

It troubles me that we are losing the ability to offer a "Made in Canada" product to the world, and that we rely, instead on ripping up the ground and dredging the seas in a big sell off of real, undeveloped capital. And we don't even do the work!

It reminds me of those "U-pick" farms one might see on a country road trip, some summer afternoon. You do the work and hope to get a better price on the purchase. In Canada, it is getting that we have others do the pickin, but we often let ourselves get "ripped off"in the transaction.

Having others rape our land while we expect a national heritage entitlement makes us become indolent, decadent and spoiled and reliant on the nanny state. We expect too much for our efforts and eventually price our handiwork out of the market!

Thanks for the question Diane! It is one that we need to be imaginative yet frank in answering. However, It might not be quite appropriate to plug your book in this forum.
2016-02-10 08:49:58 UTC
2008-06-29 11:33:15 UTC
Super Ruper
2008-06-25 14:36:17 UTC
As long as the businesses for sale are privately owned, the government has no business sticking its nose in and trying to regulate. Either we believe in capitalism, or we don't. And what incentive does any future Canadian entrepreneur have to start large businesses in Canada if they know the threat of government intervention is hanging over their investment?

I think we should be more concerned about our politicians and country leaders who have more interest in pleasing the American president than its own people. We were sold, heart and soul, to the Americans by lyin' Brian - and Mr. Harper seems to be following suit.
chaaimaninja =]
2008-07-04 14:01:42 UTC
i own kanada and im not selling it.
2008-07-09 00:34:32 UTC
sell canada!!!!
2008-07-03 02:08:11 UTC
If it were for sale, it would be $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 precisely.
2008-06-26 12:46:52 UTC
2008-07-01 21:38:17 UTC
yes it is

and the top bid is $0.35
2008-06-26 13:46:09 UTC
it looks like it. everyone is selling across the boarder or over seas.
John M
2008-06-25 18:18:48 UTC
Canada has been sold to the united states years ago that's why Canada has to pay for all imports to Canada from all countries in u.s.a. money . to prove it just think our money is at per or close to it and there gas and goods is still cheaper in the u.s.a than in Canada so who fooling who.
john c
2008-06-28 21:47:39 UTC
Hi Diane. I firmly believe that Canada is NOT for sale.What I do believe is (1) We're "selling out" or (2) We are slowly but surely being GIVEN away.I could go on a "rant" with racial overtones,but what good would it do.? Canada seems hell bent on letting other races infiltrate the country,and be accepted with open arms as well as bestowing gifts upon arrival.I don't see any changes happening in the not so distant future,so we must swallow what has already happened,and prepare for what surely will continue.When they were opening up the west,immigrants were indeed allowed in,but not accepted without a price.If they came,they were made to pay a tidy sum for that place in time ( $500:00 ) which in all likelyhood would amount to thousands of dollars today.Another prerequisite,was when they arrived there was an understanding that they would earn their keep by taking on the tasks and labours of the day.This amounted to NO HANDOUTS OR PRIVLEDGES.They would work,just the same as everybody else.Understandably,there were racially motivated issues and disrespect shown toward them,but this was due,to the fact that they were unlike anything the people of the day had ever seen.They toiled and laboured to proved their worth and dedication,and by and large,they slowly were accepted into the fold.Fast forward to today.The next words are actual facts and are undisputed.They came right from the mouth,of a close friend who is very high up in the ranks of border patrol,immigration,and the processing of the paperwork necessary so these people could be cleared by Customs Criteria, and protocol.The rules that are in place,are adhered to, to the letter,pursuant to what has been layed out by higher authoritative figures.The following is the closest thing to an answer to the original question,and please forgive me for being so long in setting up my point.After they have been cleared,they are given money,a place to stay,education,as well as employment opportunities.On top of this,they are also awarded full medical benifits,including health card status,and all entitlements,thereof.Please keep in mind,the fact that they JUST GOT HERE! I am not bitter toward the immigrants,if I were in the same position,I too would jump on the "Welcome Wagon" You may be asking yourself by this point,why I actually appear somewhat bitter now.The answer is as such.I am now 48 yrs of age.I worked in the Steel Industry for 30 yrs.My place of employment was purchased by a group who knew full well that they could buy my place of employ,run it with the materials already in place,then declare bankrupcy,and walk out with a smile on their faces.By having Chapter 11 protection,any debts incurred by them would no longer be hanging over their heads.THIS INCLUDED any severance that the employees should have been entitled to when they shut the doors in the faces of the dedicated ,lifelong workers,and the families that were supported by them.It was after this that we watched these people come in the dark of night,and methodically dismantle each aspect of the facility,demolish the buildings,and sell it all for scrap.(They netted eight million dollars on top of the millions they made when there was still enough material to keep the doomed plant operational for a time.) The repercussions,and ripple effects that followed,shook these families,AND the city to the core .Now,let me get back on track.My thirty years of dedicated service,has basically rendered me a crippled heap of flesh and bone.I have chronic problems with my knees,back,hearing (75% deaf),and was responsible for my needing a total hip replacement.( the replacement has been completed.) I suffer the ill effects of these injuries everyday in the form of unbearable pain,and the limited use of what I used to take for granted.ALL my benefits have been taken away as of three months after the plant closure.I have had NOTHING in the way of anykind of coverage now,for six years.I need three different kinds of medication.I am in desperate need of dental work,as well as optical attention.All of which I cannot afford.I have a monthly allowance (disability) of $1084:00 per month.I think it's pretty self explainatory what kind of dire straights I am presently in.Also after six years,I haven't received one red cent of the pension I paid into since I was eighteen yrs of age.It may have taken a while to get here,but now can you see my point? I watch in horror as an immigrant who can hardly speak english (east indian) pulls up to my Uncle's butcher shop,gets out of his CANADIAN GOVERNMENT AUTOMOBILE wearing rubber boots,white smock,white hardhat,and a mask,and tells this 71 yr old man that just before he finally retires,has to complete $140,000 dollars in renovations because we are "contaminating" the public. He has had the store for 50 yrs,and took over from his father who had it before him.Next in line is his son,who is trying to keep the tradition going so he will be able to pass it someday,to HIS son.The son taking it over is doing so,after over 20 yrs serving his country in the Canadian Navy.How's THAT for gratitude? Why and how are these people allowed to come into a three generation family owned business,turn it on it's ear,citing they're making,or going to make the public ill from what they have been doing for nearly sixty yrs? Should they not have to submit,concrete evidence that proves beyond a doubt,that something they've done has actually caused at least some kind of ill affect on a patron?They are,and still could be, ruined beyond repair.They've worked and spent unimagineable hours,pleasing the public with their care and quality of product ( which could be verified by 50 yr repeat customers) paid taxes (religiously,AND on time) donated to the sick,the needy,soup kitchens,schools,churches,and countless charitable events.Only to find that they are being crucified by a government who they've supported for a lifetime.In closing,I'd just like to add a couple of quick things to add merit to my stand on this querie.These people come here,are given the world on a silver platter,then turn around and also want to change our culture to suit them now that they have arrived.Turban wearing RCMP's,No helmets on motorcycles,dialect (not politically suitable to them),ceremonial dagger wearing in schools,the list goes on forever.Almost daily,you hear where one of them didn't get their way,and proceed with the filing of lawsuits for they're being discriminated against.Do I think Canada is for sale? ABSOLUTELY NOT.We've given it away.What we haven't given up is slowly being taken.Not by them.But by the people who find it most important to accomodate them.. OVER US.On the sunny side.At least Canada hasn't trained them to become pilots (free of charge) so they could learn to fly and hijack aircrafts in an effort to devastate our tallest buildings,and the people who work in them supporting their families.We WON'T EVER have to worry about them doing that.THE EMPLOYEES COME FROM THE SAME PLACE AS THE HIJACKERS.
l p
2008-06-28 17:36:00 UTC
we will sell for 129,000,000,000
2008-06-26 18:01:15 UTC
$1 and if you don't sell it to us for that much we'll take it over and call it manifest destiny yyyeeeeeee hawwwwwwww
2008-06-26 12:58:07 UTC
Dont forget the USA - they want Canada's oil - for free.

they want the great lakes water all for free and we cant use it because they say its theirs.

No Canada MUST stand up and say NO - and we have to dump harper to do that - we do whats best for us, NOT what is best for USA.
2008-06-25 13:52:27 UTC
Canada has been all about selling off natural resources until they are all gone (or very nearly so) right from the start.

It began with cod, then beaver, then lumber and minerals, then oil. Water will likely be next.

Canada has always been rich in natural resources and has sold them off for centuries now. Learn your history.

This question is a no-brainer for anyone with an education.
2008-06-25 17:08:09 UTC
well here is my take on the whole idea .

we own Canada,all of us,province by province

person by person,the land ,sea and air. The

elected officials should not make any Canada

selections unless they poll the people that put them in power in the 1st palce.

we elect them basically by thinking that they are good people and they are honest,WoW,

WERE WE WRONG every single year.The last person who truly did things for all Canadians to benifit from was our loving

Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau !

I mean if Brian Mulroney Hadn't sold everything to his buddies,man we would be in amazing shape in this country.Remember

Trudeau started Petro Canada,we were not only producing oil we were turning it into gas

for our own consumtion or to sell.Now sadly even though we produce more oil daily than Saudi Arabia,we send it all to the states to turn to gas,and buy it back .Trudeau wanted the government to make gas from oil,so we could have some control over our own destiny,being a gas producer we could have kept the prices lower for Canadians,But Thanks to Brian the Clown Mulroney we are Inflating ourselves into oblivion with the high price of oil.It supports our dollar and not our pockets.See you in the soup kitchen.

2008-06-28 14:56:17 UTC
no way
2008-06-26 14:39:08 UTC
i hope not...unless they give it to me(you will LOVE Canada)!
2008-06-25 16:00:52 UTC
you know what i dont even think one bit that we should sell our country to some other country because then they would own us. and we are a free country. and canada is there own.and by the way this is not even a question and you cant run a buseness here
2008-06-25 15:20:58 UTC
Even if it is, the buyer should know that taxes are not yet included on the featured price.
just because
2008-06-25 20:06:26 UTC
Canada is not for sale. We give everything to the USA
2008-06-26 15:23:19 UTC
I doubt it
2008-07-06 00:18:08 UTC
no i donot think it is.
2008-06-28 16:14:18 UTC
I'll give you my sister!!!!!
2008-06-25 12:39:11 UTC
Is Canada for sale? Yes, it generally is and should be. It's called being open for business. In particular, the notion that water should never be sold is quite amazing. Why not sell our water to the Americans for lots of money instead of wasting it by letting it flow into the oceans.

Well, any 1st year economics book says free trade increases world productivity, and increases in productivity increases wages. Free trade includes goods, investments, and I dare say labour.

Economies work despite nationalistic protectionism not because of it. We need international regulations for goods, investments, and labour, since national governments have shown the tendency to act in bad faith, using regulations to stop foreigners only because they are different. The problem is the us versus them attitude.

Since all economic reasons are false, the only reason to stop foreign investors from investing in Canada is the same reason for restricting workers from immigrating: xenophobia.
2008-06-30 17:53:38 UTC
2008-06-28 14:20:53 UTC
dont sell our country plz!!!!!!

John S
2008-06-27 10:15:59 UTC
2008-06-28 14:30:40 UTC
2008-06-26 08:20:08 UTC









Uncode the above and realize what I am saying.
2008-06-25 11:54:43 UTC
Anything is for sale for the right price..........But it would be a real shame if Canada was owned by non-Canadians.........How would you feel if 'your' house was not owned by you?...........We should do our utmost to keep what we have and prevent it from being exploited and used for the benefit of foreigners...........
2008-06-28 19:52:31 UTC
Is Canada for Sale? Gee, I thought that it had already been sold for a song! The question needs to be rather, what can we do now to stop the sale, manage the benefits, and ensure that the sale of Canada stops dead!

I saw a documentary recently which detailed how a small Scandinavian country manages the sale of it's resources and the mutual benefits that result from the sale. Why aren't we paying attention and taking lessons?

Don't depend on the Government to do this. The only thing the governments knows how to do well is make laws to change existing laws that if applied equally protected us all and laws to tax our skills and knowledge and abilities so as to snuff out all independent thought.

We have intelligent, productive entrepreneurs in Canada who manage huge corporations well and who are productive and inventive and imaginative. Why aren't we looking to them to manage our resources? Why aren't we looking to them to manage the benefits that we should all see from the sale of our resources?

I have nothing against other investors coming to Canada and developing our resources but they should not be seeing and removing the benefits for themselves. Most of the benefits should be staying in Canada for the good of Canadians as a whole, to develop new technology and and better methods of extracting them and using them without leaving such a large footprint on Canada. After all, who has to clean up the mess and at what cost? Canadians do!

So lets ask better questions and get better answers and learn from better examples for our own good.

And no, we don't need any more investigative committees or investigations. We need to develop a plan, set goals both short term and long term. We need to stick to the plan and improve the plan as we go on, changing it as we see what works for the best and what doesn't.

We don't need more laws, we have so many redunent laws that we are choking on them. We don't need more taxes, we have far too many of them too, for all the good they do us and after all, taxes should benefit us and not governments.

So the question now is how and what do we do to remedy this situation that we find ourselves in. Should all provinces share in the spoils developed in one or only the province that has the resource? How do we set a value and how much? What do we do with the benefits and who should be responsible to ensure that the benefits actually are seen by all of the people in Canada and not just a few?

How do we deal with our current and long term skill ed labour shortages? How do we deal with our lack of technology? Do we actually have shortages or are we just not using them properly?

Are there Canadians living in Canada who need work and who have the skills but do not have the resources they need to get to where the work is?

What do we do about the drug abuse problem in our industries and skill trades sectors?

How many of our laws are redondant? How many need to be looked at and changed for the good of everyone?

Who can we use that we are not making use of in our country? How can we improve things for everyone? Can single mothers be trained to work effectively in some sectors that they are not being used in to day? How will this effect their dependant children? I am not going to mention single dads because they don't appear to need the resources that single mothers do need. How many laws and how many departments can we eliminate by educating single mothers right now instead of importing labour, whether it is skilled or not? And please, don't limit for age as is the practice now. I can think of several costly programs that can be eliminated within the next four years never needing to be seen again in Canada if we use our heads and act to ensure that Canadians work before any foreign labour force is imported to Canada. No of course, not everyone is suited to being skilled trades people, we still need the professional people too. We also need farmers, who need to be paid properly and who need land and methods and machinery that works efficiently and well. They need to be assured that they have labourers and are paid well for their productivity as well. Service people, not only woman are suited to standing on cement floors for eight hours a day, serving others. They have value and need to be compensated properly.

Women don't need the hassle of child support that isn't paid anyway, they need decent paying jobs that they are suited to doing. They are raising the future Canadians, they have value, and we are not putting that valuable resource to work for the benefit of all of Canada. Put them to work, and no I'm not saying train every woman over eighteen to be a labourer or trades person. We still need doctors, dentists and nurses and mail people and child care providers, cooks, cleaners child minders, just utilize the resource better for the benefit of all of Canada instead of brow beating them into believing they are in need of child and spousal support that is never paid anyway and just costs us money to try and collect. I know tons of woman who would love to be earning a decent living if only their skills and knowledge was valued equally to everyone else's' . Just educate them after aptitude testing and get them working productively so they can provide for their children and themselves at a decent standard of living. If we educate and/or train every single woman in Canada starting tomorrow we would not have a labour problems in five year's time. We can all do something given the opportunity to learn. Stop forcing children to learn subjects that are a waste of time and money, like advanced maths and English that the majority never use after they finish high school. Teach the majority the basics and then teach them something useful like a trade, or if they are able, a profession. We don't need scientists to develop more drugs or viruses, we need scientists who develop new methods of extracting the resources economically, without leaving a huge Eco footprint and mathematicians who develop programs that permit us all to not only benefit from the sale of the resources but also that they will see the benefit long after they are sold or used. We need a basic wage, something that everyone no matter what they do to earn a living can live on, invest and provide for their families with. Everyone starting in the workforce is paid a decent wage, then depending upon their skills and attitudes and knowledge level the wage goes up equally at intervals. depending upon tested skills and abilities learned and demonstrated at testing, so no more paying people who never learn anything new earning the same or more than productive people.

Lets teach people to ask better questions and think of better answers and implement the answers so that we do actually see a benefit that is tangible and of use to us all.

Reduce taxes, reduce government, reduce our Eco footprints, starting with the motor vehicle, airplane, and any other engine that uses and is dependant upon oil energy or any other natural resource that is not renewable.

We have plenty of garbage, we have plenty of water, we have plenty of sun, wind, rocks, just plan old rocks, we can grow more trees after we cut them down. We should have the technology to develop an answer to these pressing matters and we should have been developing the people with the minds to answer these questions. Why are we still paying auto makers so much money? They haven't really developed anything really new for decades, in fact, and apparently, cars in Ford's day were much more efficient than those today. Shame on you! I'm told that some people have developed the technology to eliminate these gas guzzling automobiles, where is this technology and why isn't it being used today? Where is the money for research and testing? Are these fuel taxes going to be used to develop this technology and implement it? Why not?

Come on people think! We are already behind the eight ball here, we are selling Canada for a penny and seeing no benefit at all. Water, oil, gold, diamonds, trees, electricity, and we aren't seeing a very good return, so lets all think and submit well thought out answers.

Lets utilize the resources to our advantage, the sooner the better. Stop building road blocks of our own making.

Stop depending on the governments, they are not capable of dealing with this matter as we can see plain as the nose on each of our faces!

Stop whining and stop being typically Canadian and roll up the sleeves and put on the thinking caps. Lets work it out! We can do this and we don't need any government people to do it. No committees, well paid, no secrecy, no BS. There must be in all of Canada a few people who can figure this out and implement a plan that answers this most pressing of problems so that it is of clear benefit to every man, woman and child in Canada.

I don't care if you don't like my suggestions, the whole point is to ask the right questions and come up with viable, workable answers that benefit everyone and not just a few, or foreign interests. Start a blog, a article site, bounce ideas around, someone must be intelligent enough to figure this out and implement it. If anyone has a problem, like they are threatened or physically harassed then let us all know immediately! There are people who do not want us to benefit, it will reduce their strangle hold on our resources, we must be prepared for this eventuality.

And I put this out there because there is some fears that big oil companies and governments are intent upon punishing people who interfere with their huge profit margins by developing new technology or methods of ensuring that Canadians and only Canadians benefit from the sale of our resources and technology. Look around, stand united and if that is seen as protectionism
2008-06-25 19:43:52 UTC
No, Canada's not for sale.
virgo chick
2008-06-30 17:09:25 UTC
YEYEYE GO CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YANKEES SUCK
2008-06-26 05:47:46 UTC
I'll bid my lucky penny
2008-06-25 16:38:19 UTC
I moved from the US to Canada, and I can tell you that if you in Canada do not like this much non Canadian investment, that stop blabbing in the media and stirring up hype. The one thing I have failed to see in Canada, is that Canada's simply sit back, and let the government do whatever they want, so long as your average Canadian does not have to put forth much effort.

I also observed most Canadians come to US news groups and places like this to berate the US and corporations et al, but do nothing within Canada to stand up and protest within parliament.

Tis easier to blame us then blame themselves for their lack of inaction.

It is an excuse to fuel anti Americanism in Canada.

This org, screams, and you scream and this reporter screams but then no one does a damn thing.


If someone owns Canada other Canadians, that it is the fault of the politicians and the average Canadian person who fails to get involved at any level of government.

I see to many Canadian politicians who got into office like a peerage, simply by name only. That is just so wrong. Why do Canadians tolerate this?

Our next president came from humble beginnings and now he is one of the most powerful people around. No family ties.

I suggest Canada needs a bit of a paradigm shift.

THis from another post on here; this is how lame Canadians can be. They voted in the government, so they are part of the problem, it is the weak Canadian people who voted in a percieved weak govt. Naw, you voted them in and keep letting them do whatever they want.

BTW stores are open 24/7 in most cities even on the 4th of July and corporations et al run 24/7.

We do get paid OT for it though. If the Canadians do not like thier govt time to get off the hockey and labatt beer and got working on changing govt. American's do it all the time.

We do not like something we change, we go to public hearings, we mount call in and letter campaigns and demand to be heard. Seems to me the Canadians are not willing to be more vocal so they cannot complain if they did not stand up and speak, now can they?
2008-06-25 13:06:09 UTC
Canada invests in Foreigners who the Government bring into this Country as "Refugees"- COLLECTING $1300 a month and A HAND INTO our Health Care. We have no "Zero Tolerence" laws, when these people break OUR LAWS they arent shipped back! When they CHOOSE NOT TO WORK, tax payers pay for THEIR WELFARE! Far to many come from Countries that see Women as SECOND CLASS citizens and have an over all hate for "White" people.

This is the Foreign Investment Canadians SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT!!!
Alan F
2008-06-28 15:47:38 UTC
2008-06-25 09:53:44 UTC
Is Canada for sale? Lets look at Canada Day as an example. Why are companies closing Monday and staying open on Tuesday. Would you move Christmas or New Years day to a different date? Would the Americans stay open for business for the 4th of July? The answer is no. There is little or no national pride in Canada. Companies will stay open on Canada Day to make money and there will be few flags in sight. Canada is indeed for sale and I hope who ever buys it will give us something to be proud of.
2008-06-29 09:00:11 UTC
Foreign investment, in and of itself, doesn't pose any threat to Canadian sovereignty; a certain level of foreign investment is needed, as it helps to fund jobs and infrastructure. No, the REAL threat to Canada comes from much closer to home, to whit, the SPP/NAU protocols that are being put into effect without ANY real public input or consultation. If the SPP/NAU protocols are allowed to go forward unchallenged, Canada will soon cease to exist as a self-governing, independant and sovereign nation.

That's right, you read that correctly; Canada (as we know and love it) will simply cease to exist.

Why is the Canadian public not being allowed any input into these negotiations? Why aren't we being consulted concerning the single biggest threat to our future as an independant, self-governing nation? These "negotiations" are being held between non-elected bureaucrats, certain treasonous elements of our own military along with a few equally-treasonous members of Harper's cabinet, and major business leaders from both the US and other words, only those people who stand to gain the most (by dissolving Canada and folding it into the US) are allowed any input at all!

Stephen Harper is on the record as believing that, "Canada's only future role is as a part of the US." Why does someone who doesn't even BELIEVE in Canada's future hold such a position of power OVER that future? Why aren't the people of Canada being made aware of what's going on, and actively taking steps to prevent it?

Good questions, all, and the answers are depressing in the extreme; "Bread and circuses!" Our media is quite heavily involved in this nefarious scheme (to fold Canada into the US) and they're distracting the Canadian public with their "reality television" and heavily-slanted news; people are all too keen to find out about the latest antics of various sleazy "pop stars" and "celebrities," to take the time to think about the state of their nation, or realise that its future as an independant country is being slowly and certainly eradicated by the very people who are sworn to protect her! Quit buying into the whole "dumbing down," process, and start making informed and educated decisions while you still can, or else you'll wake up one day (soon!) to discover that Canada has ceased to exist as a nation, but has become merely a few more US states instead.

Wake up, people, and start taking every possible step to fight the whole SPP/NAU process before it's too late, and we all wake up as subjects of the USA. Once that happens, Canadians will never again have a voice in running our own country, because (since they outnumber us by a factor of 10-1 anyway!) the largely brain-dead, heavily-propagandised American people will ALWAYS out-vote us when it comes to matters of Canadian national interest!

Think about this; perhaps, someday in the not-too-distant future, massive numbers of Canadians might decide that they want no more of the NAU and start agitating to remove Canada from this US-imposed "union"; what chance will they have when the American people (most of whom eagerly listen to and whole-heartedly believe their government's propaganda machine) will be led to believe that any Canadians who try to preserve their national identity and freedoms are simply "terrorists?"

The US government has never had any intention of allowing Canada to remain as a free and independant nation. If you really examine our "shared history," you'll discover the fact that they've already invaded Canada repeatedly (no less than THREE TIMES, in fact!) and that they've THREATENED to invade us or go to war against us many, many times. They invaded Canada during their Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 started when America declared war on Canada, then invaded not once but twice more!

America steadfastly and consistently refuses to abide by Free Trade/NAFTA judgements whenever they rule in our favour ("soft-wood lumber tariffs," anyone?) yet look at the almost indecent haste with which they rush to enforce any judgements in their favour; what more proof do you need that America only wants control over our resources, especially our water? They consistently over-estimate our water supply as being, "20% of the world's freshwater supply," when in fact it's more like 6% in terms of readily-accessible water supplies; if they're allowed to control our water, Canada's cities will simply wither up and blow away while they divert our rivers and lakes to their own farmlands instead!

What on Earth makes any reasonable person believe for one moment that America will honour ANY agreements with Canada once they have outright control over both our resources AND our political process? Where will our social programs go? Out the window! What will happen to our health care system? Out the window!

It is NOT in our best interests as Canadians to simply stand by and allow our country to be dismantled and folded into the United States of America! If we (and by "we," I mean ALL Canadians) don't stand up and do something RIGHT NOW, it will be too late...the NAU will be a fait accompli, and we'll never again be able to determine the course of our nation's future history.

As part of this proposed "North American Union," Canadians would have NO VOICE WHATSOEVER as to the disposition of our natural resources, social programs, military spending, or anything else; we would be a subject people to the United States of America, nothing more, and we've already seen how America treats its subject peoples, haven't we?

Iraq is just the latest nation to become a subject people of the United States empire; any courageous men and women who fight to free their nation of this imperial power are labelled not "freedom fighters," but "terrorists." Isn't this EXACTLY the same way that Nazi Germany treated partisans and freedom fighters during WWII, violating their human rights and using torture to extract information?

Since 9/11 America has made "pre-emptive war" its officially-stated policy, despite the fact that post-WWII war crimes trials officially enshrined (in both international and military law) the ideal that pre-emptive war is a crime against humanity! Under this same legal concept (which American, Canadian, French, British and Russian judges supported and espoused at the Nuremberg war crimes trials) EVERY SINGLE DEATH INCURRED in such a pre-emptive war is the legal responsibility of the aggressor nation; in WWII, even those civilians killed by Allied bombs were the responsibility of the aggressor nations, namely Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.

What this means is that the US government is solely responsible for every single death incurred in their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Despite this concept having been enshrined in military and international law (which they themselves so readily supported and espoused after WWII) America instead seeks to blame "insurrectionists" and "terrorists" for all the deaths in Iraq. America has quite literally "set itself above the law," and, by doing so, has become a rogue state in precisely the same way that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were roge states. Why on Earth would we Canadians want to be a part of such an evil, would-be imperial power and scoff-law nation?

Either the existing body of international and military law stands in its entirety, applying to everyone equally (INCLUDING the US) or the Nuremberg war crimes trials were nothing more than "victors' justice," so many officially-sanctioned, "tit-for-tat," revenge killings. Yet the United States doesn't recognise international law...just like that other infamous rogue state, Nazi Germany!

If we allow Canada to be gobbled up by this mad giant, we will be giving up everything that past generations of Canadians fought and died for to protect. How will history judge us for that betrayal?

Nevermind foreign investment; that's not the REAL threat to Canada's future as a sovereign country. No, the real threat is America's long-awaited and now imminent take-over of Canada, which they will carry out VERY soon unless we, as a whole, rise up and reject the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership)/NAU (North American Union) protocols.

Canada would be far better off getting out of bed with America, and getting into bed with the EU.

Our traditional European allies share our democratic ideals, our peaceful ways, and better reflect our largely middle-of-the-road, social-democratic values. Being forcibly made a part of the US will only eliminate everything that makes Canada great, and will utterly destroy our credibility as a nation of peace-keepers and, only when absolutely necessary, peace-makers.

If we absolutely MUST join some "union," let it be the European Union, and not the "North American Union." One of these "unions" will help to guarantee/protect our national interests and sovereignty; the other will simply eradicate them out of hand.

Granted, there would be a few tough years at first, but before too long we'd find other (better-paying!) markets, both for our natural resources and our industrial/high-techoutput. The way I see it, that is the only possible course for Canada if we want to remain a sovereign, self-governing nation. Of course the US would be extremely upset if we pulled out of NAFTA/SPP/NAU, but with the whole of the European Union to back our play, there wouldn't be anything they could do about it, short of engaging in all-out war against an EU/Canadian alliance, which i
2008-06-25 21:51:06 UTC
2008-06-25 11:28:11 UTC
yes, it's been for sale as long as it can remember. price varies... what we can charge!.. and what we offer...
2008-06-25 09:31:43 UTC
I feel that the Canadian government is weak kneed when it comes to holding on to resources for its people. They don't seem to realized that it is not theirs to sell, but is held for the collective citizens. We are living that will be owned by foreigners if we are not careful. Then we will have no say whatsoever. But then, we have no say now. The government usually goes ahead and does what it wants, before they ask the people as a token gesture. Government rides roughshod over the people. Government is their own peoples worst enemy.
2008-07-05 06:39:30 UTC
idk, go buy it
2008-06-29 13:52:44 UTC
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!keep canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-06-28 16:02:24 UTC
2008-06-26 05:49:27 UTC
i wish !!!
2008-06-25 13:34:20 UTC
probe not
2008-06-25 11:07:04 UTC
Yes it is. I was asking $10, but because I like you, I'll sell it to you for $5.
What'z My Answer
2008-06-25 11:02:54 UTC
No canada is not for sale. britan ows it because it won the war. thats why the bills have gueen elizabeth.
2008-06-25 08:46:41 UTC
I bid 5 dollars...

Don't you kind of thinking selling off it's resources is one of the only advantages a country like Canada has in the world. What with being the second largest country in the world but the smallest population of any of the wealthiest countries in the world.
2008-06-25 10:52:09 UTC
Yup, I'm buying it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.