Foreign investment, in and of itself, doesn't pose any threat to Canadian sovereignty; a certain level of foreign investment is needed, as it helps to fund jobs and infrastructure. No, the REAL threat to Canada comes from much closer to home, to whit, the SPP/NAU protocols that are being put into effect without ANY real public input or consultation. If the SPP/NAU protocols are allowed to go forward unchallenged, Canada will soon cease to exist as a self-governing, independant and sovereign nation.
That's right, you read that correctly; Canada (as we know and love it) will simply cease to exist.
Why is the Canadian public not being allowed any input into these negotiations? Why aren't we being consulted concerning the single biggest threat to our future as an independant, self-governing nation? These "negotiations" are being held between non-elected bureaucrats, certain treasonous elements of our own military along with a few equally-treasonous members of Harper's cabinet, and major business leaders from both the US and other words, only those people who stand to gain the most (by dissolving Canada and folding it into the US) are allowed any input at all!
Stephen Harper is on the record as believing that, "Canada's only future role is as a part of the US." Why does someone who doesn't even BELIEVE in Canada's future hold such a position of power OVER that future? Why aren't the people of Canada being made aware of what's going on, and actively taking steps to prevent it?
Good questions, all, and the answers are depressing in the extreme; "Bread and circuses!" Our media is quite heavily involved in this nefarious scheme (to fold Canada into the US) and they're distracting the Canadian public with their "reality television" and heavily-slanted news; people are all too keen to find out about the latest antics of various sleazy "pop stars" and "celebrities," to take the time to think about the state of their nation, or realise that its future as an independant country is being slowly and certainly eradicated by the very people who are sworn to protect her! Quit buying into the whole "dumbing down," process, and start making informed and educated decisions while you still can, or else you'll wake up one day (soon!) to discover that Canada has ceased to exist as a nation, but has become merely a few more US states instead.
Wake up, people, and start taking every possible step to fight the whole SPP/NAU process before it's too late, and we all wake up as subjects of the USA. Once that happens, Canadians will never again have a voice in running our own country, because (since they outnumber us by a factor of 10-1 anyway!) the largely brain-dead, heavily-propagandised American people will ALWAYS out-vote us when it comes to matters of Canadian national interest!
Think about this; perhaps, someday in the not-too-distant future, massive numbers of Canadians might decide that they want no more of the NAU and start agitating to remove Canada from this US-imposed "union"; what chance will they have when the American people (most of whom eagerly listen to and whole-heartedly believe their government's propaganda machine) will be led to believe that any Canadians who try to preserve their national identity and freedoms are simply "terrorists?"
The US government has never had any intention of allowing Canada to remain as a free and independant nation. If you really examine our "shared history," you'll discover the fact that they've already invaded Canada repeatedly (no less than THREE TIMES, in fact!) and that they've THREATENED to invade us or go to war against us many, many times. They invaded Canada during their Revolutionary War, and the War of 1812 started when America declared war on Canada, then invaded not once but twice more!
America steadfastly and consistently refuses to abide by Free Trade/NAFTA judgements whenever they rule in our favour ("soft-wood lumber tariffs," anyone?) yet look at the almost indecent haste with which they rush to enforce any judgements in their favour; what more proof do you need that America only wants control over our resources, especially our water? They consistently over-estimate our water supply as being, "20% of the world's freshwater supply," when in fact it's more like 6% in terms of readily-accessible water supplies; if they're allowed to control our water, Canada's cities will simply wither up and blow away while they divert our rivers and lakes to their own farmlands instead!
What on Earth makes any reasonable person believe for one moment that America will honour ANY agreements with Canada once they have outright control over both our resources AND our political process? Where will our social programs go? Out the window! What will happen to our health care system? Out the window!
It is NOT in our best interests as Canadians to simply stand by and allow our country to be dismantled and folded into the United States of America! If we (and by "we," I mean ALL Canadians) don't stand up and do something RIGHT NOW, it will be too late...the NAU will be a fait accompli, and we'll never again be able to determine the course of our nation's future history.
As part of this proposed "North American Union," Canadians would have NO VOICE WHATSOEVER as to the disposition of our natural resources, social programs, military spending, or anything else; we would be a subject people to the United States of America, nothing more, and we've already seen how America treats its subject peoples, haven't we?
Iraq is just the latest nation to become a subject people of the United States empire; any courageous men and women who fight to free their nation of this imperial power are labelled not "freedom fighters," but "terrorists." Isn't this EXACTLY the same way that Nazi Germany treated partisans and freedom fighters during WWII, violating their human rights and using torture to extract information?
Since 9/11 America has made "pre-emptive war" its officially-stated policy, despite the fact that post-WWII war crimes trials officially enshrined (in both international and military law) the ideal that pre-emptive war is a crime against humanity! Under this same legal concept (which American, Canadian, French, British and Russian judges supported and espoused at the Nuremberg war crimes trials) EVERY SINGLE DEATH INCURRED in such a pre-emptive war is the legal responsibility of the aggressor nation; in WWII, even those civilians killed by Allied bombs were the responsibility of the aggressor nations, namely Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
What this means is that the US government is solely responsible for every single death incurred in their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Despite this concept having been enshrined in military and international law (which they themselves so readily supported and espoused after WWII) America instead seeks to blame "insurrectionists" and "terrorists" for all the deaths in Iraq. America has quite literally "set itself above the law," and, by doing so, has become a rogue state in precisely the same way that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were roge states. Why on Earth would we Canadians want to be a part of such an evil, would-be imperial power and scoff-law nation?
Either the existing body of international and military law stands in its entirety, applying to everyone equally (INCLUDING the US) or the Nuremberg war crimes trials were nothing more than "victors' justice," so many officially-sanctioned, "tit-for-tat," revenge killings. Yet the United States doesn't recognise international law...just like that other infamous rogue state, Nazi Germany!
If we allow Canada to be gobbled up by this mad giant, we will be giving up everything that past generations of Canadians fought and died for to protect. How will history judge us for that betrayal?
Nevermind foreign investment; that's not the REAL threat to Canada's future as a sovereign country. No, the real threat is America's long-awaited and now imminent take-over of Canada, which they will carry out VERY soon unless we, as a whole, rise up and reject the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership)/NAU (North American Union) protocols.
Canada would be far better off getting out of bed with America, and getting into bed with the EU.
Our traditional European allies share our democratic ideals, our peaceful ways, and better reflect our largely middle-of-the-road, social-democratic values. Being forcibly made a part of the US will only eliminate everything that makes Canada great, and will utterly destroy our credibility as a nation of peace-keepers and, only when absolutely necessary, peace-makers.
If we absolutely MUST join some "union," let it be the European Union, and not the "North American Union." One of these "unions" will help to guarantee/protect our national interests and sovereignty; the other will simply eradicate them out of hand.
Granted, there would be a few tough years at first, but before too long we'd find other (better-paying!) markets, both for our natural resources and our industrial/high-techoutput. The way I see it, that is the only possible course for Canada if we want to remain a sovereign, self-governing nation. Of course the US would be extremely upset if we pulled out of NAFTA/SPP/NAU, but with the whole of the European Union to back our play, there wouldn't be anything they could do about it, short of engaging in all-out war against an EU/Canadian alliance, which i