how to pass the exams?
2006-04-10 14:38:31 UTC
how to pass the exams?
Eighteen answers:
2006-04-10 14:41:27 UTC
Your goal should not only to pass but to go far beyond passing. If your goal is very high and even if you don't reach that goal, the result should be good enough for passing. Only regular studies and practice will make it happen. Keep patience, be optimistic, and confident!

Good luck!
2006-04-11 11:28:56 UTC
I had three study strategies in college.

1. Use flash cards. If you go over your notes or your text, you will leaf thru and say "Yeah, I know that, yeah, I know that" thru your whole study period ... but won't have done any real self evaluation and self improvement. As you test yourself with the cards, sort them into 3 stacks: "Mastered", "Getting there, but need more review", and "Not a clue". Then it becomes obvious how to budget your study time.

If you can use mass transit instead of driving for some trips, that creates some good time to use those flash cards. Keep them handy so you can study for a few minutes in line at the supermarket, during long red lights, etc.

2. Break the information up into bite size peices.

I went to a local print shop and bought a box of 1,000 business cards .. with nothing printed on them! If I had trouble getting an idea to fit onto a single flash card, I know I had to break that idea down into smaller ideas. This can be harder than it sounds ... you need to understand something pretty well to be able to break it down into smaller parts that make sense.

3. study long = study wrong

Set aside a short study period every day or 3 times a week. Do this all thru the semester, keeping current. NEVER plan on cramming just before the test. This just contributes to being nervous, which can make you do worse on the exam.
2006-04-10 15:21:17 UTC
The exam is a long term memory test.There is a clear triangular relationship among the memory, the ability of analyzing and the ability of writing.

There are several factors behind it.

1) Knowing the subject matters well.

2) Memorizing them regularly as points

3) Practicing to write the answers to the questions guessed.

4) Giving up ill thoughts which you have.

5) Meditating to gain a calm mind.

6) Living in a calm and quiet environment.

My academic career proves that above mentioned matters are very helpful to pass an exam.
2006-04-11 10:18:58 UTC
Learn and study creatively. Sometime it's hard to study and you need to find your way of studying. Everybody has different way of studying. Our brain has conscious mind and subconscious mind. Subconscious mind is the biggest part of brain that can do trillions calculation per second so anybody everybody has the same capability. The question is how and where can you get a great amount of information for you exam into your subconscious mind. The easiest way to do that is when you read the book speak it loudly and repeatedly so your ears can hear what you say. In that way the information that you study can go into your subconscious mind. I hope that helps.
2006-04-10 14:46:22 UTC
Create study aids, like flash cards (the best way is to use cut up index cards that you put on a keyring or shower curtain ring-- the little metal kind with the closure). Try to study in the classroom some, if you can. The same setting can help you remember the answers. Get help from the teacher or a tutor with problem areas. Another good suggestion is to type your notes from class or from the book, or at least to rewrite them more neatly. The action of doing this will plant the information more firmly in your memory and help you to have better notes to study, too. Try rewriting the information in different ways, like turning random notes into an outline. Record yourself reading your notes and play the recording instead of music. Use tricks like making information into songs or poems to remember dates and other number facts, or relate it to something else you know, like TV channels or favorite lottery numbers, or ages of people you know. Basically, use every trick you can learn to help yourself remember the information. Later, you may want to take a course in study skills, like I did. Ask your counselor if one is available.

Do NOT cheat. Do not even try it. The chances you won't get caught are actually slim to nil, no matter what trick you use. People who tell you to cheat are rather hoping you'll get caught so they can laugh themselves silly at what a gullible fool you were.

By the way, if you fail, there are make-ups, and you probably won't fail if you study.

Now, if you want to know how to ace an exam, that's different-- if you are in college, get your books before the class even starts and have it read and make notes on it before your first day of class, then type and study notes and do homework right after each class. If you're in high school, read the book or at least skim it the first week you get it. Not a fast reader-- learn to speed read. It will pay off, believe me. I can't quite speed read, but I'm fast. Never, never, never miss class unless you are really, really sick. Be interested in what you're learning, too-- make yourself interested. That's the best way to ace exams and look like a total genius. It's work, true, but it's worth it to see everyone look at you in awe and admiration! And there's the added benefit of what teachers, colleges, and employers will think of you with grades like that!
2006-04-10 14:38:54 UTC
2006-04-11 00:36:27 UTC
Just keep up on your daily studying. People don't read the chapters and complete the homework early anymore. It's always rushing around at the last minute. Figure it out early and then you can have a few drinks the night before the test like me and pass your courses with "A"s. Make it simple, get help if you don't understand something and have time to figure it out. This just makes you prepared.
2006-04-10 14:44:45 UTC
Study. While studying, make sure you are awake and can process and memorize all the knowledge you are focusing on. Make sure you concentrate, too. So no distractions (like computer, cell phone, etc) and study in a peaceful and quiet place. (Chew gum to remember the facts and eat chocolate for energy)

Then every now and then relax for a couple minutes or more.

Don't be nervous, and just do your best/hardest on the exams.
2006-04-10 14:47:29 UTC
All I can say to the above is: wow! You could do that I suppose but seeing as you probably want to pass the exams I wouldn't recommend it personally.

I would say to try and develop an interest in your chosen subject if you haven't already. Don't ever take your subject TOO seriously though. Serious enough to pass but don't ever get too stressed. Stress is the worst.
♥ Cliff
2006-04-10 14:52:32 UTC
First of all, make sure you listen well in class and take lots of notes. Then when the time comes for exams, study the notes you've written and your text books, and you should be good!
2006-04-11 11:49:03 UTC
Learn the material, including the underlying theory and concepts. If you can master that, the exams will take care of themselves.
2006-04-10 14:41:29 UTC
Let's face it, you can't sit around on your laurels for a whole year. Most of the year, sure, but the whole year, never. (Unless you're an arts major of course)

The day before your exams, you're going to start worrying. And you won't be alone! Psychologists the world over are all-too familiar with the upset, which in professional circles is known as the: "Pre-Exam, Oh-****-I'm-going- to-FAIL-and-Dad's-going-to-take-back-the-money-he-lent-me-for-the-Woody Station Wagon (as seen in 8 is enough) Trauma", but is more commonly known by the layman as "The Pre-exam Sweats". As a condition, P.E.S. is fairly simple to treat, but the side effects of massive alcohol indulgence can be a bit of a trial for some people. The most common reason that people seem to encounter this problem is that they have a vision of what their life will be like once they FAIL their course: being on the dole or having a job roadsweeping or something - an Arts-Graduate success story in other words. The fear of ending up like this virtually paralyses the poor student, and before they know what's happened, the exam's are over and they can't remember the last few weeks, except maybe there was this person in a white coat who gave them a hat with wires on it that was nice and warm, but they really aren't too sure...

To combat this, OBVIOUSLY prevention is better than a cure, so I suggest this: DON'T TAKE THE EXAM.

There are a lot of hidden advantages to this:

- You stop worrying about taking the exam.

- You won't actually FAIL the exam as such

- You can pretend you're a carrot. [This last option, is of course only a reserve, and should not be tried at home, especially around tea-time]

Not turning up to the exam is a good implementation of this idea, but a far better one is to throw what's known in the trade as a "sickie" If you do this however, you have to be really prepared to do the job properly, and that's what I intend to concentrate on here today.

For a good attempt, you're going to have to put some time into it, so it's no use having a last minute couple of castor-oil curries and turning up to the exam with a bag of sloppy turd. You need a REAL disease, something that the makes people really feel sorry for you. The one I always use is Terminal Nonspecific Syphillitic Glandular Halitotic Miophritus. With a name like that, you either get Aegrotat or an Honorary Masters in English. Get those words on a Doctors Certificate and you'll be in like Gin. So first you need a Certificate...

How to fake the Doctors Cert.

Next time you're at the doctor, fake a faint, and when the doctor goes out to get a nurse (Doctors are notorious for not being able to deal with real conditions, just symptoms) grab a fistful of the med-centre letterhead papers. By the time the doctor and nurse get back you're halfway across town in your lurex strides and no-one's the wiser.

Grab a typewriter and type at the top of the page "Medical Certificate of Illness for [Your Name] Incapacitating them from Normal Study & Examinations". Once that bit is typed, get a close relative with parkinsons or epilepsy to write on the page, using words like Terminal.. Non-Specific.. as in my fake illness before. This should avoid the common mistake of making the form legible, because 1. Doctors can't write legibly, and 2. No-one will ever be able to make out what the illness is and therefore not be able to look it up.

This certificate will work like a charm in most situations, especially when you scribble a little more legibly "Five days to live" and "Declining Vision and Bowel Control" at the bottom etc. To perfect the ploy, hand the med cert in PERSONALLY and just appear to be a little tired (a good way of effecting this is to go out on the booze the night before to celebrate your passing of course) Pass your cert over and say, "Here's my certificate, my eyes are a bit stuffed and I can't actually read what it says. The doctor said to bring it in as soon as possible, but I haven't been feeling well the last couple of days..." They will get to the bit about five days to live, look at the date at the top of the certificate (back date it so that today is the fourth day) and ask you how much the doctor told you (to which you say "Oh, he just spoke to my folks about it, so I'm not really sure as yet. It's probably nothing") Their cold heart will be bleeding tomato sauce at this point thinking to themselves "The poor bastard doesn't know!" so now you put the screws on, to add a bit of impetus to your application. You say: "Actually, I'm feeling quite tired, I just feel like I could lay down here and sleep forever."

THAT'S the clincher, they might be a cold heartless bastard that would burn their relatives at the stake to get a TV grant, but one thing they definitely do NOT want is some student 'popping-their-clogs' in their office!

So you put the final screws on and wait until they actually say it's ok (and get it in writing to say so: "Mum just wants me to prove that I passed for some reason, she said I HAD to come today, I wanted to stay home and sleep, I'm just so tired [yawn] ... My this chair's comfortable, I could sit here forever..." (they just about pass out as you close your eyes.) )

And Voila! your Cert is signed. (Remember your stuffed eyes so bring the paper up real close to make sure that the buggers are not trying to trap you.)

You will leave victorious!!! (You come back next year with a "LOURDS" luggage label on the old backpack and all is explained. (Peice of the Proverbial))

So that's it, how to take on the system and win one more time - Cheers!
2006-04-10 14:43:01 UTC
cheat: write the answers on your hand or something, put a pice of paper with answers on your shoe inside.
Poser, Scene, Emo Kid
2006-04-10 14:40:42 UTC
study like you have never studied before
2006-04-10 14:39:08 UTC
Study really hard.
2006-04-10 14:43:52 UTC
summarize your notes and study hard
2006-04-10 14:39:17 UTC
Try your best,cheating is for losers.
2006-04-10 14:40:21 UTC
you have to study.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.