no - the alternative is capitalism with justice, ie limitation of fortunes as the founding fathers aimed for
capitalism + justice = plenty and peace
how can anyone say that fortnightly pay from $1 to $1 billion is just, is not theft?
1% get 90% of world income - US$70 trillion a year - madness!!
why dont people understand that limitless overpay like this means limitless underpay limitless violence?
it is quite clear and certain that there are legal thefts in present capitalism, ie that a person can legally get for more than they earn
50 hours x 50 weeks x 50 years x world av hourly pay, minus a minimum lifetime's spending [say US$15,000 a year] is only US$1 million - who would be able to justify fortunes 50,000 times this? - i think it would be good to shift the need for justification onto the holders of superfortunes
say: you can have your superfortune if you can show that you have a right to it in justice - otherwise the excess goes back in the pot
it amazes me that people have not said: enough - long ago - what will it take to get everyone to say: enough? - when pay per fortnight ranges from 1c to $1 trillion?
it amazes me that people havent said: even disregarding the issue of justice, we cannot afford to let so much power reside in the hands of so few - democracy cannot survive this - the state cannot survive this -
it amazes me that people have not 'got' that the violence [war and crime] is caused by the injustice
it amazes me that people can argue that taking money off the superoverpaid would be theft, would be invasion of rights, would be oppressive, would be wrong -
all the arguments for higher than average hourly pay [income, increase of fortune] [provided you pay tertiary students for studying, which is just] are bogus, false, full of holes, just plain wrong
people seem to have the woolliest notions of justice - people dont even know when they are ripped off - 99% of people are paid less than the average
why dont people feel mad when they think that their equal, working no harder, is paid [ie, fortune increase] up to a million times the average hourly pay?
and why dont people worry that having 90% of people on 10th - 1000th of world average hourly pay is a cause of violence? - can they not imagine how they would feel if they were on a 10 - 1000th of average?
does greed blind them to reality?
why arent the 99% who would be better off financially with reduced overpay and underpay demanding it? - are the 99% the opposite of greedy?
why cant people see the connection between violence [war and crime] and super overpay and super underpay?
communism is the most extreme injustice - taking everything off everyone and giving it to the state ie to the party ie to the top person
capitalism, with its uncontrolled concentrating of wealth, is nearly as bad: 1% get 90% of world income
the alternative to both is capitalism with limitation of fortunes to the just maximum, so no one is taking out more than they put in, and using the power of that to tyrannise ans steal even more, and so no one is getting out less than they put in, and so being slaves and highly p*ssed off and desperately trying to get a fairshare, or just more
with violence war and weaponry escalating to nuclear extinction for all
people are so intelligent but so dumb
mentally handicapped by a number of things - denial [pleasure principle, head in sand], seeing small, seeing only in black and white, custom and convention, etc
see my other answers to similar questions if you want to see what sanity looks like