Parasitic bureaucracy has finally outgrown its host, on a global scale.
America's historical rejection of parasitic bureaucracy and embracing of semi-freemarket capitalism was what initiated and maintained the unprecedented surge of global prosperity during the past 150+ years. However, parasitic government bureaucracy, along with government-sponsored corporate entities, grew steadily in size and scope into a massive parasitic behemoth that preyed on those who create and produce values, often while masquerading seductively as the champion of its victims. This behemoth preyed its host through ever-increasing taxes and arbitrary regulations and restrictions on the producers.
In the past, whenever bureaucracy became too much for the producers to bear, it was always possible to retreat to the frontiers. Today, we face a situation that has no historical precedent. The parasites have once again become too much for the host to bear, but this time there are no frontiers to escape to. No matter where one goes, there is yet another parasitic government taxing and regulating everything that moves. The only possible outcome this time, is global poverty on a scale never before seen, as the parasites wipe out the value producers in their final feeding frenzy.
Only once the parasites have succeeded at causing their own extinction, or the producers wake up and unanimously reject parasitism in ALL of its manifestations, will humanity have another shot at prosperity.