How many people in the world live below the poverty line?
2006-03-12 07:40:50 UTC
How many people in the world live below the poverty line?
Five answers:
2006-03-12 10:34:01 UTC
too many

In the past 10 years, the percentage of poor people in the developing world fell from 29 to 24 percent. Despite that progress, however, the number of poor people has remained stubbornly high at around 1,200 million. And geographically, reductions in poverty have been uneven.
2006-03-15 05:35:48 UTC
Every country defines poverty differently. The USA is likely the only country in which a person can sit in air conditioned comfort, eating steak while watching color TV as they complain about their poverty.

It is interesting that the American definition of poverty counts only income. If I have $2 million in a checking account and no other income, I live in poverty. If I move that $2 million into an interest-bearing savings account, I no longer live in poverty.

By the American definition, over 80% of the world population lives in poverty.

An African headsman who owns 40 goats is rich: who the heck am I to tell him he is impoverished?
2006-03-12 07:41:27 UTC
more then 2 billion people live below poverty line
2006-03-12 07:42:31 UTC
Poverty is a subjective term. What it you can live the life you always wanted without money? Should someone count you as poor then?
2006-03-12 09:16:11 UTC
I think about 3 billions. we should do something to help them.

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