2010-11-25 22:50:12 UTC
When Mel Gibson says "Take it", Danny Glover does an about-face, saying "Its filthy drug money".
This makes me wonder just how the public, and businesses, can tell the difference between DRUG money, and REGULAR currency. It also makes me wonder what would happen if I went up to a drugs presentation, and swapped a $10.00 bill, from my wallet, for a $10.00 bill, from a pack, seized in a drug bust.
If I, then, took the "drug" money to a local store, and tried to buy merchandise with it, would the store staff reject the bill, saying "Thats filthy DRUG, money"?
Is "drug" money printed any differently than "regular" currency? Is "drug" money "encoded", somehow?
If not, how can anyone, myself included, know that any money we, now, have, in wallets, or purses, was not used, at one time, or multiple times, by other persons, to buy drugs?
If there is no way to be sure which currency came from which source, HOW can the public be sure that we are carrying "clean" money, and not "drug" money, "extortion" money, or even "prostitution" money?
How can we tell the difference between "organized cirme" money, and money received as payroll, or government benefits, money?
I would like to know HOW to tell the difference between "legal" money, and "illegal" money? Is there a difference and, if so, what is the difference?