ideas to improve the standard of living for those earning under $18,000 in the U.S.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
ideas to improve the standard of living for those earning under $18,000 in the U.S.?
104 answers:
2006-04-18 10:55:48 UTC
I work three days a week at an unskilled job and am the envy of my friends. Many of them have no clue how I can live so large while working so little. I will tell you how I do it and I hope it helps.

First, I don't drive. This may not be feasable to people who live in suburban or rural areas, but for those of you who live in the city it is important to get rid of the mindset that you "need" a car. By not driving I save $300/month on car payments, $150/month on insurance, $120/month on gas, $80/month on parking, $20/month on tickets. This saves me $670/month or $8040/year.

Secondly, I work at a restaurant and make great tips. People underestimate the amount of money s good server makes and serving jobs are very easy to get. I may only claim 28k per year in earnings, but I leave at least 10k in cash unreported.

Thirdly, DONT DRINK! Drinking is the biggest waste of money ever. Absolutely nothing becomes of it. Not only that, when you are drunk you make irrational decisions and blow more money. I don't usually buy groceries. I try and get coffee and a bagel for breakfast and then go out for dinner at happy hour every night and eat for much less than it would cost me to cook at home.

Four: Do you really need cable TV? Of the last 5 places I've lived, 4 of them I got cable without even being subscribed. Where I live, Comcast sells cable for about $50/month. If you a total movie fanatic and can't get free cable I would suggest Netflix which can give you all the movies you want (and no repeats) for $20/month.

Five: make money with your talents and hobbies. I go to garage sales and buy junk and then turn around and sell it on Ebay. I recently sold a box of Barbie Clothes that I bought for $3.00 on Ebay for almost $1000. I did this by selling everything individually and making money off of the sale plus shipping and handling.

Finally, don't have kids you can't afford to feed. It never fails to amaze me that the poorest people often have the most kids. This goes for pets and everything. Its cool to have a dog, but if it comes between feeding a dog and feeding yourself, think about which is more important.

I hope this helps.
2016-03-14 03:07:54 UTC
Eliminate taxes on All necessary goods (food, clothing, medication, fuel, etc. Limit the taxes paid to luxury items only. I honestly believe people could live on $18,000 a year if they were not taxed to death on things they need to survive. The rich get tax breaks on everything, why? They are not the ones struggling to make a living. It is the mid to lower income groups that need a break, not the rich. I also agree that it is screwed up when "... people who work in these type of fields get paid so low while you have people who play professional sports and get maid close to a million just to ride the bench." It absolutely, "...makes no sense."
2014-11-23 17:41:48 UTC
incomes but these people still end up paying taxing on food and clothing bought by them. Thus a policy to offer tax exempt food and clothing to the lower income people whould help as well. Of course, you can't extend tax exemption status to all things since that may lead to exploitation of the policy. Thus the tax exempt status should be individual based and limited to basic necessities ( Food, Clothing ).

Thirdly, a major expense for any income earner is rent/mortgage. Public Housing Projects were a good start to this end but end up segragating the populace based on earning patterns and perpetuating a cycle of economic divide. Steps should be taken to provide housing to the needy in more proactive manner to assimilate the economically disadvantaged with the mains
2014-10-02 10:58:23 UTC
. The effect will be inflation. Small businesses and larger ones, too, will raise prices to cover the pay increase. Housing and medical subsidies will be a good start to a long-term solution.

Colosalis: You should not have even answered this question. Your solution is not only unrealistic, but ridiculous. If a person is making <$18,000 per year, they are bringing home a pay of about $1000 per month after taxes, Social Security, Etc. If $500 is going on rent, $100 on electricity and water, $20 on phone, $150 on heating costs, 300 on transportation (modest car note and insurance), that leaves them with $230 per month. If they have children, they have to purchase food, clothes, toiletries and if one of the children happ
2006-04-18 07:55:08 UTC
We do many things on the side to help support our income. One of the most lucrative things you can do is get a roommate. Whether you have a two bedroom apartment or a house you can easiliy rent rooms from most rent clauses or you can draw up a lease agreement for your extra bedroom of your house.

I agree that raising minimum wage will help but alsO americans have to save their money. YOu don't need cable TV, cigarrettes, or a cellular phone. If you cut the fat of your life you will find you save alot of dough. Also limit how much you eat out.
2006-04-18 06:47:10 UTC
To be honest its not very easy to live off of 18,000 a year in America. What someone can do is double up in apartments and share the rent that is really what most people do now.
2006-04-18 06:34:09 UTC
I'd say the first thing is to eliminate or severely cut taxes for them. Everyone always wants to increase minimum wage but that gets employers upset. Take out their tax and the employee and employer are happy. Give higher taxes back to those earning 1 million or more.

Or else institute universal health care which may require that their tax stay the same, but that's a decent trade-off.

And any company where the CEO make more than 80 times the lowest worker should have the lowest paid worker's salary increased to make up for the disparity.
2006-04-17 22:48:39 UTC
the government can't be expected to always step in and fix the problem. the government tends to be too unwieldy to accomplish enough good. what can be done is that smaller, non-government organizations (NGOs) can be very effective in helping alleviate problems. the government can then give funding to these NGOs.

one major problem with expecting the government to fund stuff is that it gets deeper and deeper in debt - due to pork-barrel legislation, along with homeland security, and all sorts of other things (this is the government under all of the recent administrations, democrat and republican), and sooner or later, someone is going to have to pay the piper.

education is probably one of the better ways to help these people. getting them off of welfare is another way. i've known too many people that expect handouts from the government, and don't even try to find a job. it's one vicious cycle. no clear-cut answer, which sucks. everyone needs to work together to find an answer, though, because when there is enough support, the government acts.
Carol P
2006-04-17 21:06:11 UTC
I think raising min wage wont help, it will just drive costs and expenses upward. A person would make more money, but everything will have higher costs, it does not change the conditions, just the numbers. Also Driving up minimum wage does nothing for workers in the work force with several years into a job that are around minimum wage, except effectively eliminate their previous raises for service and performance. For instance a CNA with 6 years experience, you raise the start wages of a less experienced new worker and it is an effective slap in the face for the current work force.

One thing that would help is to have insurance pools based on occupation that would allow every worker to provide family coverage.Every child enrolled in school should have full medical coverage, as should their household. Dental coeverage should be viewed as medical coverage and broken into medical need and cosmetic as medical coverage is. Public aid programs cut off a a set income level but it is below where may can manage to fill the needs of the family. Realize that families in poverty will still have back payments and such obligations to meet. It would be better to have these limits taper off as the family income approaches livable wages not poverty level. This rewards workers that improve their skills and their income. It also tends to produce an environment where the nuclear family or extended family can remain a whole. Unfortunately our support system benifits broken families. single parent households do need help, but should not have to choose between having 2 parents or working adults and the help they need to raise children.

You are right, I think many families are just one major event from devestation. Provide reasonable housing, health care and education for all our citizens and i think the $18, 000 level of concern is still too low.
2006-04-18 11:35:04 UTC
18,000 would be a liveable wage if not for many factors. Enough factors that everyone in that wage range is ensnared in at least a few. Lets start with the people who make less than 18k a year. 18k in California is not the same as 18k in Kansas which is not the same as 18k in Florida. The cost of living varies dramatically from state to state and also tends to be higher the more urban an area is. The big cities in the big taxation states tend to have the highest costs of living in the US. In those cities they get a double whammy. 18k a year is not a livable wage in most of the country. It is just a matter of degree in the hardship, not whether or not people experience hardship.

Retirees, people on disability and other fixed incomes rarely exceed 18k a year unless they have a job and or other retirement benefits besides Gov funding.

The working poor. Typically single income families working blue collar, entry level white collar, low rung trades, manual labor, retail and many other industries. Many factory workers make a pittance and unions would just remove the job rather than raise the pay.

The unemployed. In todays employer's market the unemployed are often able to find just enough work to stave off total catastrophe but rarely find work before unemployment benefits are exhausted. Unemployment benefits are in I believe all states far less than poverty level for the max benefit rate.

Young people fresh in the job market. Often they take any work that will give them experience. Without experience there is no hope of breaking into their chosen field. Students are in a worse boat. Often students make less than 18k and have to pay higher education costs on top of living expenses. Many H1 Visa employees also fall in this category. For them 18k is a fortune in the home country. Every penny they can save will be exponentially give them a better standard of living at home when they return.

Immigrants often find the first several years in this country to be difficult. Illegal immigrants even more so. Few make more than 18k a year.

The mentally ill. At least a majority of seriously mentally ill people in this country do not have the faculties nor the support to get help of any sort. What programs and charities exist are constantly swamped. A large portion of the homeless could not hold a job if they did everything in their power to do so. Some might be able to return to a mostly normal life if they were able to get and stay on appropriate medications. Many mental illness's by definition are non-compliant in taking medications. Many medications have severe side effects which cause non-compliance. When not on medication they slide or in some cases dive into states which prevent positive interactions with other people and in more severe cases these people become threats to property and others. An example the guy in New York City who pushed a woman to her death in the subway a few years back.

There are more groups but I think you get the idea. There is no one solution as there are so many people who live below poverty levels for so many reasons. Some of these groups have benefits which give a little compensation such as health care and food supplements. Some groups even get housing allowances/help.

To survive people who make sub-poverty level wages have to be resourcefull. Housing is one of the most expensive costs and by rooming the costs are slashed. Often large groups of people will live under the same roof to reduce expenses. Bicycles are the new mode of transportation for the poor in areas where public transportation is unavailable or too expensive. Some charities will help with utilities and food. A tiny percentage of medical clinics will work with uninsured people and reduce the costs for low income recipients. Some areas have blanket medical coverage for the poor. Still medical costs are an almost universal problem for people living below the poverty line. Whether it be a retiree with prescription costs that exceed or are not covered by Medicaid to the working poor who cannot afford insurance or work where insurance is not available. Even a simple $10 co-pay can be daunting when you make less than 18k a year.

The poor buy in bulk. They cook more, eat out rarely. Entertainment is a luxury many do without. The poor drive ancient cars which often carry crippling repair costs. The poor are exposed to toxic chemicals more often as they are more likely to live and work in dangerous areas. The hammer of crime falls heaviest on the poor, who are ironically the ones least able to afford losses. The poor often cut corners by not insuring vehicles, homes and deffinitely not property. When they have insurance it is the least they can legally get away with and often out of date as they are unable to pay the bill when it comes due. Mostly the poor do without things treated as normal or even essential by more affluent people. Some live without electricity or hot water during certain times of the year.

To survive being poor you have to be carefull not to live/move through law enforcement hot zones. Being poor means trouble with the law. It is the poor who cannot afford insurance, who drive with expired tags, inspection stickers and bald tires. It is the poor who cannot afford to pay tickets. While it is possible to avoid some tickets such as speeding tickets, if you drive through the wrong areas driving with the flow of traffic makes you vulnerable to such a ticket. Not driving with the flow of traffic makes you a hazard to traffic and attracts the notice of law enforcement who will think you are driving so carefully because you have something to hide. Once you get a ticket and cannot pay a vicious cycle starts that often leads to losing everything. Poorer areas tend to be hotbeds of crime and drugs. They also are areas where people are less likely to be aware of their rights and have the means to redress any violations of those rights. So the poor are ideal targets for law enforcement agencies. Tickets do not get overturned by the poor. Arrests stick. Violations are easy to find. Ticket quotas are easily met.

The cycle of poverty is a truly vicious one in the US. Whole industries prey on them. Taxes and regulations hit them the hardest. Often they are ineligible for benefits of any sort from the Gov or any charitable help. Higher education is not even a wisp of a dream unless they can find a scholarship for which they qualify. So a person of the right ethnic background, sex and who lives in the right region with an interest in the correct discipline might find a scholarship but they rarely have the resources to even look much less scour the offerings. If they do find one typically they will be competing with dozens or hundreds of others for the same scarce offerings.

What we can do to open doors and ease the hardships associated with poverty is quite a bit. The first thing is to repeal repressive taxes. Gasoline taxes, cigarette taxes, employment taxes and such. These hit the poor disproportionately. Smoking rates have declined significantly among the affluent while staying roughly the same or increasing for lower income brackets. So cigarette taxes hit those least able to afford them. To make matters worse, attempting to quit smoking during financial crisis is to make a difficult task nearly impossible. The working poor is especially hard hit by gas taxes. They are the most likely to have to commute to work. Construction workers, janitors, food service workers and such need what work exists. This work is rarely in the neighborhoods in which the poor can afford to live. Even in areas with well developed mass transit. People need to drive to attend functions, schools, move and many other reasons. The spat of emissions requirements is killing the poor. The poor drive older and cast off vehicles. The same vehicles who cannot pass emissions tests. There are better ways to reduce emissions. What emissions testing does is prevents poor drivers from either driving or adds expenses to people who cannot afford them to start with. Tickets, increased vehicle inspection fees. Maintenance increases. For many poor it is the choice of eventually going to jail or not working at all. For most living in poverty it is a life of rotating bills and paying the least amount which will result in something getting shut off or repossessed.

Another repressive measure is late fees. There are affluent customers of utilities, credit cards and other bills who forget to pay bills, get fiscally tied up occasionally or are otherwise late. The chronically late are usually the poor who really cannot afford to pay the bills. They juggle them till eventually it comes apart. Apartments, utilities and other such entities make a fortune preying on the poor with late fees. It is a slap in the face to somebody who could not afford the original bill much less the new bill with a $30 or more late fee. Some apartment complexes have Gestapo like attitudes with compound late fees. Late a few days and the late fees can become a substantial portion of the costs of living. Same with utilities. Banning the use of late fees or at least significantly curbing them would do more to help the poor than a hundred health care plans. Late fees eat the poor alive. Think about this example. Somebody taking home say $1,000 a month. They have typically 4-6 bills which incur an average of $25 late fees a month. That is %10 or more of their income each month going to late fees.

Lending institutions, insurance scams, mortgage companies, check cashing agencies and a host of other entities have grown up to feed off the poor and desperate. Some mortgage companies love to use variable rate mortgages as a hook. Without one it is apartment living with it's own set of expenses. With a variable rate mortgage, one day the piper comes to visit and the results are not pretty. Basically the scam is lend money to somebody who is desperate. Charge late fees, inspection fees and a host of other costs. Closing costs already sucked the lender dry to start with. Once the lendee is unable to pay then repossess or forclosure ensues. The lendee's credit is further destroyed thus making them easier prey for other institutions like this. For example if your credit rating drops to a certain point you cannot even open a bank account. Without a bank account you are forced to use check cashing agencies in many cases. So your $1,000 take home is reduced further. Insurance costs, especially in large metro areas can be just plain unaffordable for the poor. Many of these areas legally require insurance. With the major companies priced out of reach scam insurance companies will give you a piece of paper that can get your car registered. They will also deluge you with a host of expenses. Late fees, up front costs for reinstatement, refusal to pay on claims if needed and so on. No region or area should ever legally mandate insurance without providing an affordable alternate.

Health insurance and Gov health programs like medicare crush the poor. The working poor cannot afford insurance. If they can it is typically a plan that cuts corners. Lots of them, sometimes to the point that having a given plan is occasionally fatal as standard care is not allowed by plan, nor are the Doctor's treating the patient allowed to even inform the patient of the standard treatment for a given condition. What is the biggest problem is insurance exponentially increases the cost of health care. A normal doctor's office will have insurance as much as a third or more of it's operation expenses. It is not unusual to have at least one dedicated clerk that does nothing but deal with insurance claims. Postage, phone/fax costs, paperwork, interest accrued on debts while waiting sometimes over a year before receiving payment from the Gov or an insurance company. Time spent by the owners dealing with insurance snarls. Then there are the claims which are never paid. Normal operating procedures with many insurance agencies and even the Gov is to not pay the full costs. It is also I have heard illegal to charge less for cash pay customers. Cash pay is more likely to be the poor. So if a medical facility wants to make it's expenses and profit everybody pays exaggerated fees. This is a problem that feeds itself. Insurance companies watching their own profit margins cut more corners, which cause medical facilities to react and so on. Those hit hardest are the poor in this inflationary spiral. It would cut most peoples health care costs by at least a third if health insurance for non-catastrophic illness was banned.

Law suits are another major problem. One the poor have brought upon themselves for the most part. Many poor looking to get quick money will sue at the drop of a hat. This raises the costs for everybody, which of course hurts the poor the most. Who then become poorer and more susceptible to ambulance chasers and to quick money schemes. Reforms in this area have done little to help. They have actually aggravated the problem. Caps are often less than the cost of care for a seriously injured person for example doomed to a life of exorbitant medical costs. Somebody has to pay those costs one way or another. If it was truly a case of negligence by an employer for example. Then why cap the costs with a monetary amount? Why not just make them responsible for the bills and possibly a capped punitive award for example? If not the employer then we all pay. Frivolous law suits on the other hand are still just as lucrative as ever. Deep pocketed corporations will settle rather than go to court as it is just plain less expensive. The profit margin is not going to go down, the costs are just passed on to the consumer. A third way this hurts is many potential benefits for the poor have been removed because of the fear of of a lawsuit. A fast food place for example worried that leftover food might get them sued will instead throw the food away. Food that could have gone to a homeless shelter or people living under the poverty line. Medical providers, grocery stores and a host of other businesses which might have helped in the past have been forced to not do so for fear of a spurious law suit.

Jobs and education are of course the best ways to fight poverty. Immigration legal or illegal has become a serious problem in this country. A more serious problem is outsourcing. Plain and simple a service based economy is another way of spelling third world nation. If you do not produce a goods of some sort then you will be at the whims of other countries citzens who do produce goods. Industry after industry has fallen prey to this as factories and facilities are moved overseas. Greedy CEOs and short sighted unions have been the main factor in driving US jobs overseas. The IT industry is being shredded in the US by outsourcing. The ripple effect is coming soon as service and trades who depended on IT worker as a significant portion of their clientele will no longer have that revenue. This of course will mean fewer jobs in other service industries, which spreads like a chain reaction. So the penny saved this quarter will cost a company tens of thousands five years down the road or even might doom the company. Shareholders and the board see only the bottom line from quarter to quarter and this short sightedness has been crippling our economy for years.

Raising the minim wage is worthless in trying to help the poor. It costs jobs at best and causes inflation. Workers that once made decent livable wages are eventually swallowed by the minim wage increases as their wages increase slower than the increases in the minim wage. This creates yet another group of poor making minium wage. That is why paramedics, soldiers and many other proffessions are now living below the poverty level. Taxation is brutal to the poor. Even if they are exempt from income tax other taxes affect them greatly. Employer taxes for example discourage jobs. Jobs that are desperately needed. They also reduce the wages an employer can pay. The best way to increase wages is to create an employee's market. Where instead of a glut of job seekers you have a glut of jobs. This makes it good business sense to increase wages, benefits and improve job conditions and employers will do so willingly.

Ending ticket quotas would be something which helped the poor greatly. Tickets for non-compliance should be handled differently. A means of working off debts rather than jailing offenders should be created. A means of avoiding the offense such as insurance and inspection stickers likewise would go a long ways. Employment taxes should be banned.
2006-04-18 08:25:35 UTC
It is impossible to significantly raise the standard of living of someone making under $18,000.

First assumption: $18,000 will remain the REAL wage.

If you DOUBLE or TRIPLE the minimum wage (as has been suggested), the only direct result would be rampant inflation.

Wages are based on productivity.

No matter how much you numerically increase the wage, someone working an $18,000 a year job will not be able to afford more or improve their standard of living (through increased consumption)- as someone else mentioned, costs would rise through inflation, leaving the person back at square one.

Assumption 2: US is a high-technology (and as such, capital and technology intensive) economy.

This means that education is of primary importance in the US economy in order to succeed. Education reforms COULD be enacted, but in the end, the person making $18,000 a year still will be.

Why? Because even in a high-technology economy, it is necessary for low-skill (and thus low pay) positions such as those required in the service or labor industries.

Only possible solution?

If raising the standard of living for the poorest (what, 20%?) of the population, it would be necessary for the Government to implement social programs (such as free healthcare, training, free child care, meal subsidies, etc.). Of course, to implement these programs it would be necessary to raise the funds by increasing the taxation of the wealthier segment of the population. While at first this may seem like a reasonable solution, the fact is that if they are taxed too high, they will leave the country, taking their capital (and investment) with them. Since the richest 2% of the population is responsible for an outrageous (I think 20% if not more) amount of the economic activity in a country (direct and indirect), if these people were to leave, the resulting shock to the economy would make everyone worse off.

So here's the final answer for you: There is no way to improve the standard of living for those earning under $18,000 in the US.

Not popular answer I know, but (from an economics standpoint) true.

The ONLY possible way to ACROSS THE BOARD raise the standard of living is to INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY, which requires government investment in R&D etc. But even this requires lots of time and money, and probably would take a while to trickle down to the poorest segments of the population.
2006-04-17 19:15:57 UTC
Gov't should offer taxation reprieve for those individuals earning less than $25,000 per year. Assistance programs should be offered to those persons, especially with medical costs, transportation and childcare costs. The rich should definitely be taxed more to cover the difference. Those earning $10mil and more per year could definitely stand to pay a bit extra. It is a shame that in this country the people who are the frontline of defense and help (Paramedics, Police Officers) are those who get the least money and the least recognition. I think Police Officers and Paramedics should be paid way more than what they are now. If I am having a heart attack at home, no doctor is going to come and save me. The first to arrive will be a Paramedic. Yet they do not receive the same respect. Sad.

Raising the minimum wage will not help. The effect will be inflation. Small businesses and larger ones, too, will raise prices to cover the pay increase. Housing and medical subsidies will be a good start to a long-term solution.

Colosalis: You should not have even answered this question. Your solution is not only unrealistic, but ridiculous. If a person is making <$18,000 per year, they are bringing home a pay of about $1000 per month after taxes, Social Security, Etc. If $500 is going on rent, $100 on electricity and water, $20 on phone, $150 on heating costs, 300 on transportation (modest car note and insurance), that leaves them with $230 per month. If they have children, they have to purchase food, clothes, toiletries and if one of the children happens to get sick, then it's all over. Let's look outside the box, shall we?
2006-04-18 10:09:39 UTC
Move from the urban to the rural areas of the country. There has been a population boom in major cities and certain regions of the country, most notably the southwest. The boom was partly caused by those going to big cities to find work, while the migration to the southwest is caused in part by retirees. Unfortunately moing to a rural area is tough. Many folks who live there have had families living there for generations. For intransigence to move into an area without knowing anyone could be a lonely experience. Yet rent, food, and taxes are cheaper. The salaries, however, are lower. Corporate america have opened up industries in these areas because of the cheaper production costs and that has helped the local economy. Also a lot of immigrants from third world counties, Mexico, and central America have entered. They except low wages and work hard. They survive because they don't feel uncomfortable about a lot of folks living in the same dwelling. Their standard of living is abominable compared to middle class surbanites, but compared to their homeland living below the standard of living in the USA is still better.
2006-04-17 21:30:52 UTC
The simple fact is some people think that if you earn under a certian amount... your lazy... period... these people are the children of the rich... and have no idea what real work is.. or what being poor is...

and other countries have much lower standards of living... come on people... those stats mean nothing...

The other simple fact is... NOBODY works 1,000 times harder than anyone else... NOBODY... yet many in the top one percent get paid 1,000 times more than others... it's a simple manipulation by the upper class that is getting overpaid and cuts wages to the lower workers to make up for it...

and if you know those who make 1,000 times more than others, like I do, you know that they take off early on Fridays to go golfing, get a month of vactaion a year, and they work, but no harder than anyone else, and in most cases, not as hard... it's more about being the son of the bosses frat buddy in college... not your GPA or how smart you are..

so... we have a situation where the poor and underpaid are becoming a larger and larger majority... and not only are they becoming a majority, but they own guns....

couple that with MAJORLY RISING health care costs and overall inflation (gas, food, education)... and a government that clearly doesn't support them and cuts funds to the poor and cuts education funding, so only the top one percent smartest of the poor can get a scholarship and can afford college...

and coulpe that with the birth rate of the poor being higher than that of the rich....

It's not looking pretty... and about 60 percent of the population knows this... soon it's going to be 70 percent, then 80 percent... then what... I don't know...
2006-04-18 04:36:56 UTC
The basic problem is that with women in the workforce we have become dependent on two person income. This causes increased demand for goods and causes inflation. The breakup of the traditional 2 parent home due in large part to unreasonable and unconstitutional decisions by the Supreme Court and by woman's lib which is really woman's slavery has resulted in many single parent homes. There is no easy answer to this. Here we have a food bank run by a local church with help by other churches and organizations. Child care is a problem as it's illegal to leave a child under 13 alone in this state. Ironically some 12yr olds do babysitting. Also another church does have a preschool with lower cost then a commercial day care. As for health care this state has a Basic Health plan. (Most Wallmart employees are on it). It is income based. Also there are clinics providing low cost or free care also on a sliding scale. The same with hospitals. They wrote of an ER bill for my dad. But the doctors are now contracted so the person does have to pay them. Health care cost is really overrated with people going to ER for minor scraps and scratches that really don't need a doctor.
2006-04-17 23:41:48 UTC
You've got it all right. I do not know. This country is messed up and only is out for #1. Notice the people making these laws are not in the same income level as the majority. Personally, I am recovering from a terrible illness(3 years now) and have lived on disability without dental or medical benefits. They say the government helps you, but why do I still have so many medical bills and my prescription costs are way over what I get per month. It stinks. And to top it off, no Doctor will allow me to work or go back to school. I do not have the money to put myself through school. I do have a degree...but I have complete amnesia from the illness, coma, and whenever else happened.

I had a job where I made over 40K per year. My husband over 100K per year. I wake up and both the job and husband are gone....go figure.

When you find the answer...let the people of the U.S. know.
2006-04-17 20:50:04 UTC
I think it is not the salary people make. I believe it is really how we treat people. People who are not monetarily powerful often receive very little respect. Their civil liberties are violated on a daily bases. I believe if our legal system regained the ability to respect people on their character and allowed people to be innocent until real proof of guilt, if discrimination was taken more serious and improper law suites by landlord tenant courts and small claims court was solved by federal law instead of state to state law... with exception to cases without legal or constitutional president then we would have a more healthier economy. Some experts are concerned that middle class is disappearing. The reason could be that our society have forgotten about Adam Smith, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. See, we are reported to live in a mix economy here in the United States. The question may only be a simple issue of politics. We as a society choose the political system we live in by the ethics and morals we accept. We can either stand together and make the American System work... or we can slowly slip back into the time of the middle ages, socialist system, or communism. The term mixed society can only mean that right now our country is in a political war. The amount of our poor, unemployed or our underpaid only tells what system is winning.
2006-04-18 08:18:28 UTC
I KNOW This Answer Is In The Wrong Category But I Think It Applies Here

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS violate our laws and Poison our system of Economics by TAKING JOBS from American Workers, Keeping WAGES ARTIFICIALLY LOW, and Sucking MILLIONS of Dollars of TAXPAYERS MONEY out of our Welfare and Medical Systems.

Not To Mention The Fact That A Majority Of ILLEGAL ALIENS Live And Work In This Country And Then Send Their Money Back Home To Their Families (Whatever Nation Their Families Live In) Therefore DRAINING The Economy Even Further.

When The US Dollar Leaves The US... Its GONE From The American Economy

Several people told me they used to do the "jobs Americans won't do" until local employers figured out they could get ILLEGAL Aliens to work for less than half the same amount. As an example, a young landscaper who used to make $15 an hour 10 years ago, can't get a similar job now for more than $8 an hour. Same heat. Same difficult working conditions. But with the Depressed Wage, AMERICANS – who live in a country where the cost of living is miles above that of Mexico's – can't afford to take such jobs.It's not that he and other Americans don't want to do landscaping anymore; it's just that in heavily trafficked ILLEGAL Alien environments, IT DOESNT PAY WELL ENOUGH ANYMORE.

If Congress were to pass a law that said, quite simply, that the CEO(ANY EMPLOYER) of any business that was caught employing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS went to jail for a year - NO EXCEPTIONS - then within a month there would be ten million (more or less) people lined up at the Mexican border trying to get out of the United States And Back To Whatever Country They Came From.

The US unemployment rate would drop close to zero, and wages would begin to rise. The American middle class would begin to return to viability, as would the union movement in this nation.

Do YOU Think This ^ Might Pose A Problem To The 30 Million People You Referred To In Your Question
2006-04-18 04:14:44 UTC
It's a matter of offer and demand in the workforce. With multinationals taking advantage of low salaries in third world countries and selling the merchandise for big bucks in developed countries, and making big profits, the gap between rich and poor will only get wider. It's just not sustainable. In Canada, we have a some social measures to help low income earners, like public health care and subsidized education, but we still have a lot of people slaving away for little money, and a lot people not making much more paying high taxes to support them. The cost of living has nearly doubled in the last ten years, but salaries have stayed put. I think protectionist measures should be taken to limit the amount of merchandise manufactured in third world countries and sold in developed countries. Its just not right that people having a hard time surviving on 18,000 a year are competing for jobs with others making a decent living on a few hundred a year.
2006-04-18 07:49:37 UTC
Take the Social Security Fund and use it for the elderly who need it. Maybe quit giving gay cross dressers the right to get a so-so security check? Believe it. It's true. Quit letting child protective agencies have an endless supply of cash to finance their cottage industry. They always seem to pick on those who don't need their intervention while totally ignoring those who do. You see, government funds are controlled by government bureaucrats who would rather spend your tax dollars and yes, the money in the social security coffers (that is your money) on their own interests. If that money was truly available for those in need? We wouldn't have a problem paying EMT's and hospitals what they require to take care of the uninsured or the elderly. We are the richest country in the world? What is this "WE" chit? Only certain people are rich and those are the ones in government or state positions of authority. Good question.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely! Want to know where our money is going? Ask President Bush? Chitloads goes to defense. Defense of what? His oil interests? We have no real business being in Iraq. We have lots of oil here, Iraq don't want us there, why are we spending billions on defense? Oh yeah, weapons of mass destruction. See what I mean? If we used the money we have all poured in, we could double the minimum wage. But government doesn't see it that way. And insurance companies? They are at the top of the list of rip offs of the american people who work for a living. I was making 6.25 cents per hour and I had to pay almost $300.00 per month for health insurance for my 3 girls and I kept them well and I only needed it for shots and check ups. Does that sound fair? No.

The only thing we can do is try our best to further our education and come up with a way to run transportaion without oil.

I really don't know. This is how I see it.
2006-04-17 20:45:28 UTC
Well, if you can't get the income up, the FIRST thing is to get the "out go" under control.

Living in the South is a lot cheaper than most places. Find a place where the costs are way down. DON'T live beyond your means, if your in the lower incomes you don't need a 52" wide-screen TV, Trail bikes, new car, etc.

I live in Boeing Country. These people make a VERY GOOD income but most is spent. If they go on strike for More than a week they're looking for food stamps and missing car and house payments (Haven't YOU heard of a SAVINGS ACCOUNT people?). If they make $90,000 a year they spend $95,000.

Remember, keep the out go under control and STAY AWAY from Credit cards.
2006-04-18 10:11:43 UTC
Ideas to improve the standard of living for those earning under $18,000 in the U.S...

-Getting rid of your car can free up several thousand a year for other things.

-Stop buying new clothes. Used clothing is a tenth of the price.

-Cooking at home can save thousands a year.

-Keep some tools handy so that you can fix stuff up. Don't even think about buying new furniture...!!

-Find a hobby that can earn you money. Everyone has a hobby, so be sure yours makes you some cash somehow.

-Try to have career goals and don't take just any job.

Our buying power is declining steadily with no end in sight so you have to be clever to maintain a comfortable lifestyle.
2006-04-18 09:53:09 UTC
As with any "thought provoking" question, there is no one simple answer. A change of current US president might help, but not much. The real problem is the corpororate pawns we call Representatives and Senators. The government has not been "for or by " the people for quite some time. As long as corporations direct politicians making laws to suit the best interests of corporations, the "citizen" is left holding the bag. The tax bag, the jobless bag, the foodless bag and the homeless bag. The true solution is a flat tax system, along with anyone who is not a citizen may not donate to any political campaign or organization. Once we can weed out the corporate whores, we have a chance to do what is best for ALL citizens.
2006-04-18 04:14:46 UTC
Actually, I believe what needs to happen is to lower the standard of living. What i mean is that the standard of living in America is such that you "can't survive" on $9 an hour. Look at other countries $9 an hour would make them feel extreemly wealthy, because their standard of living is low.

Here in America the "standard" is to have two cars a large house, nice furniture, a large screen tv, etc. At #9 dollars an hour if thats what you're striving for then you're never going to make it.

I know people who make $7 dollars an hour. And they realize that all that superficial stuff that makes up the "Standard of living" isn't worth anything. If less Stuff was the standard, then low income Americans would be doing fine.
2006-04-18 01:07:50 UTC
I saw it too, and was moved by it. I live in Australia, and I'm sure we have the same problems here, but no one wants to acknowledge them.

I don't know much about the social security system, but could they up the number of food stamps given to people? Does America have charities that organise hampers for those in need - as in they can give them food hampers with a variety of necessities in them, or blankets during winter etc?

Also, here, doctors often do something called "Bulk Billing" whereby, if you have a medicare card, which most Australians do, you show this and they run it through their system, and they get their fees for their services from the government. Those that don't bulk bill charge well over the prescribed amount (this is because the government haven't acknowledged inflation in many years and haven't put up the price they pay for doctors consults etc), and you can get a small refund from medicare later.

Out of interest, did Oprah do anything for the families she featured on her show? I know Oprah can be quite generous with her money, and donates a heap to education etc.
2006-04-18 09:49:19 UTC
Seeing this as a very technical question, there is a solution. Although there are many solutions from people but mine is that, the level of income of bigger companies should be consider in this matter, how can someone own more than ten cars just for wealth when another person is out there having nothing to eat?

there are many ways to reduce the living in poverty if the government should consider the matter of people having more than five houses, instead of that many houses, they should invest or build a work place for the needy so that everything will stand good for everyone.

In a normal living, all human beings should be able to atleast provide sound living for their children without the government, but most people always depend on government which is too bad, how many activities will the government handle?

Just let's reason this together, and let's find solution to it, let us talk on behalf of ourselves and let the government know that we are not happy for those having ten houses instead of building companies for work and increase the rate of income of the lower incomers. let us build the world, let's build america and let's save the people's life so that our tomorrow will be great
2006-04-18 06:44:27 UTC
The sad fact is that there's not much anyone can do. Say minimum wage was raised to $8/hour. Well, all of the people that are currently making $8/hour will need raises. For example, if someone had been working as a secretary for 5 years and had worked her way up to $8/hour. If minimum wage is raised, then is it fair to her that anybody with a 6th grade education can go to a gas station and make as much as her? Of course not. So, what happens? If minimum wages increase, then other wages will also have to increase. When this happens, companies will say, "hey, the average American now has more disposable income, so let's raise the price of beef/milk/cereal etc by 10%. And then we end up right back where we were.

I hate to say it, but there's a reason people are only paid $5 or $6/hour; it's because the job they're doing requires little to no training or education.

The only way for a person to better themselves in this country is get an education. And I don't want to hear any of this crap about, "well, I don't have the money to go to college". ANYBODY can go to college. Maybe not a large university, but even a community college is better than nothing. There are so many grants and loans out there, that it's nearly impossible for someone to not be able to get an education. My cousin has three kids, and she worked full-time at a gas station to help put herself through college. If she can do it, anyone can.

It all boils down to most people want everything handed to them. They don't want to work. It's easier for them to get a minimum wage job and live off of foodstamps than it is for them to actually do something about their situation.

I have a Bachelor of Science in Finance, and I only make $12/hour. Could I better myself? Of course. I could commute to a larger city and easily make $5-$10/hour more. But that's my choice no to do so. Could I have went to Law school? Sure. Could I go back to school now and better myself? Sure. But I choose not to, just as people that are earning minimum wage choose not to better themselves.

Any family with a husband and a wife can easily expect an income of $25,000+/year. Yeah, that's not a lot of money, but in most small towns it'll suffice.
2006-04-18 00:27:40 UTC
The answers I have seen so far have been good to a point. Just one thing everyone is over looking, it matters if you are disabled working 3 part time to full time jobs. Here in Alaska what the count as a full time job is upto and no more than 30 hours a week min. wage here is only 7.50.

So when I have to work 2 other jobs to pay my rent, power, heating, bus fare, food, and medical cost every month.

I will think about saving money when that gallon of milk here cost $4.89 and for a slum lord ran apartment studio for $950.00 every month. So if you think comming to Alaska you can make alot of money keep that dream. I work my fingers off and I am 85% dissabled just barely getting by.
2006-04-18 08:48:00 UTC
One needs education in order to apply for a decent paying job. One should also stay clean from criminal activity. I know a lot of individuals with lots of tattoos, cant spell or carry on a decent conversation, curse all the time,high as mush as possible and wonder why they can't improve on their situation. Do you expect it to be handed to you just because you live in the US.

The best way to get out of the mess you created upon yourself is to join a church and travel to a third world country for some mission work. Once you see how people worse off than you seem to survive, maybe, just maybe you will get a new outlook on life. You have to help yourself first. And do not think it is what you are born into. I have seen very impoverished children in Oakland CA, break out of the poverty cycle they were born into and are now very successful at what they do. Of course, others just sit around and complain.
2006-04-18 03:41:17 UTC
Well thats a good question!!

I tell U what, I live in India n earnin $18000/yr leads 2 a comfortable life

Now listen, a person who lives earnin $18000 in US must hav a very hard life. They should be told 2 B a little conservativ but not 2 b too much.

They should do simple Maths n divide their yrly income in 12 eql parts n plan out their months takin care that a considerable amount so that in any state of emergency they would be able 2 HANDLE THE PRESSURE of health costs or any other such things.

This type of planning must help them
2006-04-18 02:43:47 UTC
To start with, it is a shame that people earn less than $18,000 in the US (a country everyone in the developing countries wants to be end up in!) I earn twice that amount as a black African living and working in a developing country.

For those who have to earn $1,500 a month in the US, one essential is living within your means. Do not indulge, buy only what you need; shop where you can get the best as cheaply as possible. Eat-in rather than out. Do not drink or smoke; if you are married, be faithful to your mate; if you are not married, stay away from immoral behaviour. And of course, further your education. If you work for a multinational organisation, try asking if you can be sent abroad, say to a developing country. If you earn $1,500 a month in Nigeria, for example, you would be just fine.
Shh_its me
2006-04-18 00:27:10 UTC
I am one of the people you are speaking of. To answer your question in the strictest sense (how to improve the standard of living) I can only say how I improved it for myself: I moved to a small town. (population 5000) It's impossible to survive on the wages mentioned in a city; housing alone is too expensive.

Living in a small (midwestern) town, housing is far less expensive, I've no need for a vehicle- most places are within walking distance, up to three miles- and other necessities are comparably priced. Now, I can even afford to visit a movie theatre occasionally as well. (Only $4.00 a ticket!)

It's difficult to struggle for an education- I wish more people knew- but it's even more difficult to achieve a degree or diploma, training (Like a paramedic or lab tech) and find you're really in the same position you started. One missed paycheck or one illness will leave you destitute. (I have had the good fortune, when down on my luck, to receive a bed in a temporary homeless shelter. They're often too overcrowded.)

It should (but doesn't) go without saying, people are not lazy. No one desires to go without food, or without medicine, or without any of the things the people in this income bracket are routinely deprived of. For instance, I work 60 hours a week and help care for a home and a nephew. I have no health insurance, and have not had the money for a dental exam or treatment in eleven years. I can think of a hundred others like me, who work even longer hours than I. We are not lazy.

I strongly recommend reading "Nickel and Dimed," by Barbara Eichenrich (I may not have spelled her name correctly, but her book is available under that title.) It deals with this issue with true in-depth reporting as she sheds her upper middle class lifestyle and attempts to live as we (the working poor) do. It is informative, revealing, and eye-opening.

Perhaps this isn't quite the answer you were looking for, but I had to speak my mind on this. Thank you!
2014-11-06 13:43:59 UTC
a liveable wage if not for many factors. Enough factors that everyone in that wage range is ensnared in at least a few. Lets start with the people who make less than 18k a year. 18k in California is not the same as 18k in Kansas which is not the same as 18k in Florida. The cost of living varies dramatically from state to state and also tends to be higher the more urban an area is. The big cities in the big taxation states tend to have the highest costs of living in the US. In those cities they get a double whammy. 18k a year is not a livable wage in most of the country. It is just a
2006-04-18 08:15:06 UTC
There are a lot of people in this position now because the business owners have gotten rid of anyone making a decent wage and hired people for lower wages because they had not other jobs to go to. We are virtually in a depression era just like when Hoover was in office. By the time the leaders change we will all be penniless with no benefits and nothing to our names and will have to climb back up the ladder again just to be knocked back down when people are stupid enough to elect another Republican into office. This is the reason we all need to GET OUT AND VOTE IN THE NEXT PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION and rid ourselves of the money hungry leaders that are now in office.
2006-04-18 00:00:51 UTC
First, to the person who gave the "steps to avoiding poverty" - You can kiss my ***!

1. I graduated High School with a 4.0

2. Get married?! How's that supposed to help?! He drained my bank account and now I have had to start over with my current husband and we plan on staying together, but that makes no sense!

3. Have one...Well, he does and it pays the bills, but no getting ahead!

4. Neither of us have any criminal offenses EVER!!!!!!

I have been in a homeless shelter with my 3 children while their father stayed with friends because we could not afford our apartment and got evicted. with both of us working FULL TIME, we still could not afford to pay $725 per month for rent, diapers for 2 children, gas, electric and food. not to mention school cltohes for the kids laundry detergent, shampoo, toothpaste & daycare...all the things people who make more money take for granted. Rasiing the minimum wage does no good cause as soon as it is raised, the price of everything else goes up too. We have found our way into a $700 per month apt that we can barely afford, we have only one car but I have chosen to stay home with the kids to eliminate the child care cost. (My whole paycheck was barely enough to cover it anyway) There needs to be more community involvement, and the country needs to cut it's dependency on oil and find cheaper means of fuel. a soda even cost more then a dollar now because of gas prices driving the shipping costs up. And since I live in a military town (there is a large naval base here) alot of the housing is taken by the military families and home owners are pushing thier rental prices up because they know the military can afford it. We have just come to realize that "creative budgeting" is the only means of survival. and getting stuck in the pay-day-loan cycle is a hard one to break. If my husband misses one day of work due to illness or weather, we are short for the entire month. I agree that there needs to be something done to improve life for those who are trying to help themselves.

And as for children I can't afford.... I was on the BC pill and used a condom with the conception of 2 of my 3. I do not believe in abortion, so I am doing the best I can to raise these children and hopefully they will grow up to show more tollerence and compassion for others then alot of the people who answered this question!

(BTW, we are NOT on any sort of welfare or food assistance)
Amit A
2006-04-17 20:24:09 UTC
No easy answer to this but a start can be made by the Federal Govt by offering FREE vocational training to people under a certain income bracket. This may already be happening but I am not sure what the criteria is and how this is publicised since there does not seem to be a lot of awareness about these programs.

Secondly, the Federal Govt can help by offering tax incentives. The Govt already allows tax exemptions for people with low incomes but these people still end up paying taxing on food and clothing bought by them. Thus a policy to offer tax exempt food and clothing to the lower income people whould help as well. Of course, you can't extend tax exemption status to all things since that may lead to exploitation of the policy. Thus the tax exempt status should be individual based and limited to basic necessities ( Food, Clothing ).

Thirdly, a major expense for any income earner is rent/mortgage. Public Housing Projects were a good start to this end but end up segragating the populace based on earning patterns and perpetuating a cycle of economic divide. Steps should be taken to provide housing to the needy in more proactive manner to assimilate the economically disadvantaged with the mainstream of the society. One way to do this is to revamp the existing projects and increasing their intrinsic value by making them more cleaner etc.

Just my two cents...
2006-04-18 09:49:59 UTC
My theory is that free education is more important than free health care. Educate enough people and they'll figure out how to get everyone health care. Anyone that suggests increasing the minimum wage is way off...we'd probably be better off long-term if we lowered it. Increasing min-wage just ends in less people doing the same workload, less jobs to go around, and greater unemployment.

As to the original question, I'm most in favor of Gov't sponsored job training...but the fact is, the people making $9 an hour can't afford to stop making $9 an hour long enough to get training.
2006-04-18 10:00:36 UTC
The answer is education.

People have to stop dropping out of school. Today, there is more than enough money available for people to get an education.

BUT, that doesn't necessarily help those already in the trenches. There is a limit to what you can do absent just handing out money. I don't think thats the solution unless you want to motivate more people to underperform.

Perhaps they can pay those people $500 to speak each time at a high school about their life and the importance of staying in school, etc.
2006-04-18 05:11:32 UTC
The Simple Fix answer – Everyone removes greed from their human nature. The reality of it, it can never be fixed. - Let’s look at the world over all, like anything it needs a base. Look at a pyramid, it is structurally sound, in today’s society is very much like that. There will always be more poor than wealthy. This is a simple fact of life and the core economic philosophy of American culture. To try and change the structure of pyramid, society will go into a dark age of violence and disaccord not that is much different from toady, but far worse.
2006-04-18 01:46:40 UTC
I saw that show, I just thought I had it bad.

Without going into long detail, I am a single income family, My wife goes to school. It is very hard to get by, we have 5 children between us, and get no government assistance, she doesn't get child support from her ex either, that's one problem in America. My oldest son is in the Army supporting himself. I still pay child support on my youngest son. My mother and father have kept us afloat many times, and I know a lot of people don't have that luxury of family helping them out. I also saw people making money in the $90,000-$100,000 year income on one Oprah show having financial trouble-that turns my stomach as well. Someone making that kind of money would benefit from some of the comments on here. The majority of the poor community will not benefit from intolerance, like being called lazy. There are people living in third world conditions here in the USA, some have homes, but can't afford to get running water or electricity. The minimum wage has to come up now-it is past due. We are giving too much to foreign aid, we need that money here. We need to mass produce manufacturing of electric vehicles, and not be so dependent on oil. We have to get our healthcare expenses under control, and better education to children about accountability of their actions. Some people are in a bad position from poor choices, some are not. In any event, you get three strikes in baseball, and it's a game. When you are poor in real life-one strike, and you're out. We do need to have control of immigration of some kind, we have to make sure there are enough quality jobs around for our citizens, so they can eat and have running water-these are just a few things. Talking about it, and bringing awareness also helps. Peace.
2006-04-17 20:19:33 UTC
Stay away from ALL credit cards and high interest loans. Save for major items and pay as much down as possible if you must buy on time. Do not buy gas ar anything else from the major oil companies such as Texaco/ Shell, BP /Amoco and Exxon Mobil. Buy Gas from the lowest priced retailer. Gas is all the same. Eat at home. Shop Bargains. Watch what you spend and set a budget..Good Luck!
2006-04-17 04:59:37 UTC
i'm not an economics graduate but people under this wage bracket should go to an asset management consultant or save at least 20% of their salary even if they should leave in shelters for a while or even if it will took years for example. In the 18, 000 salary they should save $3,600 a month: $900 they should invest in some pension plan, tne next $900 be kept in a bank or time deposite while the rest they could invest in the stock market. they also must keep a budget! they must seek professional advise!
2014-11-04 15:06:20 UTC
wage if not for many factors. Enough factors that everyone in that wage range is ensnared in at least a few. Lets start with the people who make less than 18k a year. 18k in California is not the same as 18k in Kansas which is not the same as 18k in Florida. The cost of living varies dramatically from state to state and also tends to be higher the more urban an area is. The big cities in the big taxation states tend to have the highest costs of living in the US. In those cities they get a double whammy. 18k a year is not a livable wage in most of the country. It is ju
2014-10-29 21:46:55 UTC
Thirdly, a major expense for any income earner is rent/mortgage. Public Housing Projects were a good start to this end but end up segragating the populace based on earning patterns and perpetuating a cycle of economic divide. Steps should be taken to provide housing to the needy in more proactive manner to assimilate the economically disadvantaged with the mainstream of the society. One way to do this is to revamp the existing projects and increasing their intrinsic value by making them more cleaner etc.
2006-04-18 01:43:39 UTC
I am very shocked to hear this situation. Actually here in India people earning $10 per day, are in a well to do position. Here you get luxury at a low cost. Take a look at the details as of how things are cheap in india...

My expenses monthly... (Converted INR to USD roughly)

Pocket money - $30

Electricity bill 4 my home - $5

Lunch at a hotel (full) - $1 maximum !!

A Cool Drink - $0.20

House rent for one month - $40 (for a 1000sq ft)

2006-04-18 01:42:03 UTC
Sadly there is no easy answer. But personally I think that living wages should be raised to $13.50 but at the sametime lower the salary of all our politicians. If you notice when min. wage is raised so does the salary of our politicans. So it would be best for all politicans to have a large cut in their salary so that the majority of the people will benefit.


Also cost of living has to come down or put a freeze on it, because each year it goes up and up and up....

And that causes a large gap with living wages
2006-04-18 09:22:58 UTC
Well people that are low income like this shouldn't have cell phones or cable or new cars.

I used to get WIC for my kids. Everytime I went into the WIC office I saw parents with nice cars and jewelry on and their kids had name brand shoes and clothes on ect.

While my kids and I had low cost shoes and clothes and even hand me downs and an older used car.

They should use coupons and buy food on sale and not just put whatever into their grocery cart. I know people that are on food stamps that eat better than my family does.

I'm not saying that all low income people are like this but the ones that are can cut back on their expenses and they'd be better off.

They should car pool or take the bus and they can save on gas and car expenses.

Their are many programs for low income families as well depending on which area you live in.
2006-04-18 06:46:54 UTC
We should bring up the wages but allow for free health care like France or Britain. And employers should have initiatives so that people can receive college training. They should also have better head start programs so the cycle ends with a new generation
2006-04-18 03:24:59 UTC
They need to lower health costs and the like, by letting the government pay (a part of) the medical bill and even rent for people who earn less than a certain specified amount. It works in other countries.

But this won't happen as long as both political parties in the U.S. are funded by large corporations and people with big bucks, as they are ultimately the ones who are going to have to pay...
2006-04-18 00:24:53 UTC
It boils down to money management. You can give everyone in the world a million dollars and in one year, most everyone will be right back at being broke. The reason is most of us aren't taught about money management... how to control our spending, our debts, and how to pay ourselves. My best friend gave me a book called The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. It costs $24 bucks, but if you're tired of being broke, check it out at a library if you can't afford it. Inside, it tells us how we can have our bills paid, and have extra money (without credit cards!). I was always broke and now, I have lots of money. I too make $10 an hour and live comfortably. also is a big help (especially the free section!)

Its common sense... control and manage your money/spending and we'll all be ok. :-)
2006-04-17 20:10:10 UTC
How about employers raising the wages? I don't make much over the $18,000 but have been with the company many years. Got a .50 raise in the last 2 years. I might add that I am a good employee, and I get excellent evaluations from my supervisors. The owners are just greedy, making us pay for our insurance (they used to pay it), cutting other benefits, etc. Guess it helps them pay for their cruises, expensive cars, homes, etc.

Most household expenses are going up and it's really hard to keep up.
2006-04-17 20:00:10 UTC
this might sound heartless but i have never wanted help with paying my way i raised 4 kids bought new cars homes weddings down payments for kid home. i did it working my butt off. i dropped out of school in the 11 th grade.

first single moms need the fathers to pay their support if they don't they go to jail and work there to pay for the govt. assistance. this is the only place that the govt. should step in. however if this woman has 2 babies 2 different dads and is un wed she has to prove that she is on birth control and must name the fathers. and assistance is at a max of 2 kids.

we have to start to teach our society responsible living.

i don't know anyone raising a family only earning min wage except in a 2 person working household. in our economy today if your healthy and are not living above the poverty range its laziness.
2006-04-18 11:05:22 UTC
More education isn't always the answer. I teach French at a state university in Texas and have a Master's degree in French, and yet I only earned $15,000 last year. But this doesn't just apply to French, the pay wage is the same for adjunct faculty teaching Spanish, English, Math, and a number of other subjects. We are not underpaid because we are in a dying field; most universities are increasingly dependent upon adjunct faculty to teach their core courses.

The problem is a double standard: pay tenure-track professors the big bucks to do research (which may or may not draw in additional funding) and pay the professors who actually teach (and often carry a heavier load than tenure-track professors) as little as you can and provide them no benefits. In other words, universities spend much more on self-promotion than on teaching, feeling that it's more important to attract new students than to serve the ones who are already there (and probably aren't going to switch to another university mid-stream). The result is that the teachers who do the most hands-on teaching are severely underpaid at universities across the U.S., and this is sanctioned by state governments who pretend we're only part-time workers. But we're not. For most of us, this is how we make our living, and we work as much or more as tenure-track professors.

So what to do to improve our standard of living? Well, we try to do tutoring, continuing education on the side, and/or pick up a summer job (for those who are not already teaching in the summer), although that is usually at minimum wage. And we try not to get sick, because we have no health insurance. (By requiring adjuncts to teach 5 courses a semester in order to enjoy health insurance benefits, while tenure track need only teach 2 or 3, and then by overhiring to make sure no one teaches more than 4, the state effectively wal-marts its way out of paying for health insurance for adjunct faculty.)

So how to solve the problem? It might help for other states to pass an affordable health care law like the one Massachusetts recently passed. If Wal-Mart can be fined for purposely overhiring and barely underemploying employees so they almost meet the requirements for full-time employment (such that Wal-Mart almost has to provide them with some health care benefits), why shouldn't state universities as well? No one should have to go without health care basics, not even your French/Spanish/English/Math professor.
2006-04-18 07:03:45 UTC
It's such a shame that people can just sit there and tell others to work harder... or to just deal with it. I have the fortune of earning good money and want for nothing. But, I am aware of those that don't or can't earn more because of there life situation. Good luck that's all I can say... it can't be easy.
2006-04-18 04:49:30 UTC
you can't raise your standard of living working $9/hr. What you are seeing is the results of modern slavery by corporate america.The need to yield more and more profit for a few individuals year after year.So now corporate america buy from countries like china and india where minimum wage is almost near zero. When low wage workers have to pay more to get on a bus(bus driver made more money than most of the passengers). when low income earners are supporting the millionaires like going to movies, or any sports games so that all these celebrities can maintain their high standard of living. When millions of shoppers constantly looking for sales items that sell below cost. When company like walmart starts hiring illegal to save wages. It's a very vicious cycle!!I do not believe raising minimum wage will help at all. Waht america needs to do is change the habit of consumption. Really understand the difference with want and need. Less focus on material things. How much choclate can we indulge ourselves in a year?!! Think Valentine, Easter, Halloween and Christmas? How much gifts do children needs? I think in the western world we are so self indulge to a point of obnoxious. People actually think they are deprive if they do not receive gifts for their birthday. We felt pity because children do not get a remote control cars or barbie dolls on chirstmas? We indulge in every material things we could get in our hand yet we are devoid of positive emotional nurturing. We need food, not necessary fast food which cost more and less nutrition. We need shelter not designer clothing cause our neighbor wears them, we need shelter not a 2 garage door semi detached house. We need human interaction not collecting material things to surround oursleves from communicating with one another. No amount of cell phones ,television, computers , suvs could improve poverty among us.Its a revolution if we want to change the poverty level in the west. We need to eradicate the emotional needs to keep up with the jones. How is it with the same minimum wage in america, one can become comfortable in another part of the world with the same wages?
brandy t
2006-04-18 02:46:34 UTC
ok... im a single mother of 2 kids, I have a son that is 7 and his dad ran out on him when he was 1 year old and a daughter that is 4 that her dad got full custody cuz he had the money to pay a lawyer and i didnt.When i was preg. with my kids i had full attention to stay with the dads but it was there decision to leave. Now i bust my a$$ on a 2 diff bartending jobs i totaly run one bar and work at a nother. i don't whant any one to feel sorry for me and i don't feel sorry for myself,oh and to Ashley...your a fu***ng bi*** to say that every one needs to be on birth controle is bull!!!just cuz you dont have kids and prob don't whant kids dosent mean every eles needs to not have kids. having kids was the best thing to happen to me and alot of others that have kids prob think the same so you can stick you answer in your a$$!! but back to what i was saying i have been living "poor" for along time but i have always thought i could live in a card bord box and not have money as long as i have: love,happyness,and family! every one is so worryed about money what ever happened to TRUE happyness?? if it were 100million $$ or true love and happyness i would totaly pick the true love and happyness and i think that is whats wrong with the world is theres more money then there is happyness.but i admit i do work 2 jobs to make ends meat but i my kids are more happy with the fact that i can take them to a park then to McDonalds everyday.I only work 2 jobs just so i can keep a roof over there heads and cloths on there backs. but i still feel if i had only 20$ in my pocket then i would rather spend it on somthing that gives my kids a happy memory then on something stupid like minets for a cell phone or what have you!
2006-04-16 23:33:05 UTC
honestly, i have have less idea about the core lifestyle of U.S.A. but still, i will answer. this may hav occured bcoz of many reasons- this is called underemployment. this may be bcoz their skills, training n education rnt enough that they get paid much. or may be bcoz they r highly qualified but unable to get a job in that field that they r trained n educated 4. hopeful solutions- 1-Govt can train them (i.e, basically job without pay) , u knw work n income sort of schemes so that ppl r then able to get a job in their field with sufficient salary. 2- govt shud increase direct (income) taxes for those earning above a certain higher amount of salary and use them on financial support for those unfortunate, this may result in short-term or long-term budget deficit of govt but it is worth doing otherwise economy will go in depression. 3- this is highly unlikely but this also happens when there is a downturn in economy.. in that case, it is a temporary situation.. so will be resolved soon as the demand for goods and services increase. 4- for the basic amenities and facilities like hygeine, health , education, shelter and food; they should be issued cards or those type of things so that in society they get preference first than the highly rich.

if the govt declares min wage, it is good in the short term but in the long term, producers don't or cant afford to employ many workers so indirectly, the demand for labour goes down but supply of labour goes up but is in vain. but, it actually depends frm economy to economy.

yeah, that's all. :-)
2006-04-18 05:36:39 UTC
I do think the best answer for people working in poverty is to get better training and education, particularly at community colleges. Working tirelessly at dead-end jobs is exhausting physically and mentally. There are many better paying jobs always available to those who are qualified. The minimum wage is definitely not the answer. It is still not life-sustaining.
2006-04-18 09:15:08 UTC
develop a business idea and apply for a business will either make it or sink..however, if you sink you can write off the loan in 10 years. Those 10 years might sound long, but it is probably not that much worse a situation than you are already in...need to take a chance.

That is the legal way...there aer lots of illegal ways.
2006-04-18 10:34:35 UTC
the only problem with raising the min. wage is when employers are forced to pay their employees more, the cost of the products or services they provide will increase also, therefore raising the min. wage can have an adverse affect on the economy. the illegal immigrant problem if there can ever be something done to correct this can help people of this country out tremendously. when people sneak into the country and get injured they are provided with free health care, which raises prices for medical treatment for those of us here legally. this in turn raises insurance costs. also companies can hire them at a lower wage than we are willing to work for. but this is only one aspect that can start to help people who earn less than $18,000.00 another is education. there are alot of things our gov. can do to help this situation out but in my opinion raising the min. wage is the wrong direction to go in.
2006-04-18 04:53:18 UTC
Govt will do nothing. Me and you, we don't have the means to do anything even if we want to. To help the low income we should look in to the third world countries for solutions. Few of these countries are using micro credit schemes and helping the low income people. One example would be the Grammen Bank of Bangladesh.
2006-04-18 09:01:32 UTC
standard of living is subject to purchasing parity. So take whatever dollars you have, move to a cheapo 3rd world country for decent living. $18,000 probably start you up with some small business to get by too..
2006-04-18 01:26:14 UTC
Minimum wage in federally is like $5.15. Here in Oregon it's $7.50. It should be increased nationally to this level. I thought the minimum wage was created so people weren't paid a very small amount, to the point where they couldn't live. This seems to be happening now.
Busy Lady 2010
2006-04-17 22:55:41 UTC
Believe me the government are far from steping in to help and they never intend to. These assistance programs are a waste of time.

They just help pay the people who work in state organizations and the people who need the help go without. Thats a crock of bull!!
2006-04-17 21:55:35 UTC
I understand completely your feelings and statements. In a good world those who have would help those who "have not" but in reality, I really don't know the answer. All I can realistically see is an "unfair" balance in life and a truly unfair balance in money. It's like a "beehive" the worker bee works himself to "death" to please the "queen bee" and she is never satisfied. The only way to change things around is for everyone to care about their fellow humanbeings and share the warmth.
2006-04-17 20:26:18 UTC
OK, do you know that there are many countries in which making $100 a year is considered OK?

So, my idea is just move to Brasil, India, Columbia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh etc.

Over there, $18,000 is a fortune and you will live like a king!
2006-04-17 20:25:00 UTC
If you are making less than 18k a year, its time to find a new job. There is no excuse for this. I mean $8.50/hour is all it takes to make this. If you are a kid and making less than 18k, that's OK, you're just a kid and will move up. But if you are an adult and you are just now landing an 18k/year job, your life path wasnt very planned now was it. I see a few response saying that there needs to be more government programs to help? Crap. Step up to the plate and make something of your life. There is no excuse to be making 18k/year and being an adult, period.
2006-04-17 20:06:56 UTC
I believe that healthcare in general along with dental care is extrememly overpriced and a huge factor in securing the less fortunate with debt. I believe that anyone can make more money if they are presented the right opportunities with the right frame of mind.
2006-04-18 08:37:47 UTC
Education is the equalizer...that's the first route, but my belief is that it's easier for a single person than for a single mom.

Min. Wage increase will not solve anything, education and dedication are necessary.
2006-04-17 22:45:16 UTC
Walter Williams is an economist at George Mason University and has four suggestion to avoid poverty.

1. Graduate from high school

2. Get married and stay married

3. Get a job

4. Avoid criminal behavior

Best wishes
2006-04-18 09:37:57 UTC
we live in the Iran, in its capital city(tehran,our mean is that we are in the best city that can be found in this country)our earning per mounth is under $200 and we have this condition thought we are working in one of the bigest

automobile making (saipa industerial company) companies in this country and the public condition in Iran is worse than us for example if you were a employeer in a governmental department or company in here your net salary is lesser than $200 , then be happy and enjoy the world's entertainment that you can gain in your country ,u.s
2006-04-18 01:52:14 UTC
the best way to improve your income is as following

1) To find additional income by doing other job in your free time or any home earning business.

2) Then try to improve your skills by taking more courses or a higer degree which will give you better job options.
2006-04-16 23:09:09 UTC
being involved with neighbors and community helping each other out, I used to work nights and I was to tired to cook and had the double income lifestyle going on so I used to come home and before I went to bed I dropped off my steaks and roasts and bread and the poor people on hud housing next door would cook dinner for both households they saved money on pricier food items and I was saved time effort and clean up it was worth the extra grocery money for someone who needed it my cousin and her neighbors buy thier groceries together buy ten for ten dollar specials and some people babysit for each other its not easy but it can be more bearable if you build a community of people who can mutually benefit from each other somehow
2006-04-18 10:38:23 UTC
One should live simpler and not be influenced by the media or ads which tell you to consume in order to be happy. Take advantage of free local events like music, book readings, poetry and lectures. Try to win movie pasees or watch them with friends and family
2006-04-18 01:42:54 UTC
well according to the powers that be in the great old us of a yes raise the minimal wage, get two jobs , get married /stay married, don't have children, eat right, excercise,so that you don't get health problems and pay your taxes, so that your tax base is higher and you get better services in your city/town, only the poor are complaining so it can't be too bad here, cause all the illegals keep coming and they find jobs and buy cars, and don't complain at all!!!
2006-04-16 22:57:20 UTC
I saw it too. my mom is in the same position and I try to help her out when I can. Obvioulsy they need to triple the mim wage..maybe more but they also need to have other services for those who don't qualify for food stamps and state govet however are still in poverty. This country is messed up. We need free health care!!
2006-04-18 10:40:39 UTC
Look, if we allow into this country every YEAR over 3 million illegal immigrants (which we do), don't you think this has a big effect on keeping wages low???? As long as labor is plentiful, it will hold wages down.
2006-04-17 20:41:19 UTC
Someone without kids can actually live rather comfortably on this income, esp. if they live with a significant other or roommate. We need better birth control and family planning, that's all. People have to stop having children they cannot afford.
2014-10-30 13:48:40 UTC
the government to fund stuff is that it gets deeper and deeper in debt - due to pork-barrel legislation, along with homeland security, and all sorts of other things (this is the government under all of the recent administrations, democrat and republican), and sooner or later, someone is going to have to pay the piper.

education is probably one of the better ways to help these p
2006-04-18 01:36:12 UTC
Use a mind-meld to stop the greedy rich exploiting the poor.For a country that claims so loudly and so often to be Christian their treatment of the poor and sick is disgraceful.But hey!The poor have no oil!
2006-04-17 20:52:36 UTC
Since the cost of living is always going up, it is also necessary raise minimum wage, simple.
2006-04-17 21:15:41 UTC
I tottaly agree with more evil than santa!I also wanted to add in the phillipines,some there only earn $100.00 monthly,as well!And that's for working many,many hours!Anyhow,She is right!Bet that makes you feel rich?Huh?However,I Wish you much luck.
2006-04-18 10:36:42 UTC
2017-03-25 11:48:37 UTC
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RE :Ideas to improve the standard of living for those earning under $18,000 in the U.S.?

saw an extremely thought provoking episode of oprah in which she was discussing the 30M people in the U.S. earning under $18,000, yet working tirelessly to make ends meet. was very surprised to hear of people in positions such as paramedics and lab technicians earning less than $10 per hour and unable to provide properly for their families (one woman profiled was living temporarily in a homeless shelter). raising the min wage will help, but even at roughly 2x where the min wage is today, health care costs are oftentimes enough to break the bank of most hourly earners. curious to hear potential solutions, partcularly from professionals in gov't or economics.

Update: for those of you responding that people need to work harder or can survive on $9.00 per hour, that is the point -- they can't. taking into consideration most daily items like food, rent, and gas (or public transportation) leaves many of these folks without anything left (especially when factoring children into the mix), and that's with some individuals working two jobs. the answer is much more complex than telling these folks to work harder. what's most surprising is how few of us know how truly pervasive the problem is today.

Follow 99 answers
2006-04-18 03:06:40 UTC
Save money by attaching a carpet tile to each foot instead of forking out on expensive carpets throughout your house...
2006-04-18 07:17:15 UTC
I think people need to better themselves. i work for 8.50hr now but I'm also taking college courses. i am 24 with 2 kids so i understand what you are saying, but you have to help yourself or you wont get anywhere.
2006-04-18 03:45:34 UTC
Its very easy , always look on those who have salary less than 18000$, bye this way u will be satisfy otherwise desires ends when man ends.
2006-04-17 23:09:38 UTC
Manage your money better. My family makes under 18g's a year and we are making it. They are even putting me through college but i am taking out modest student loans as well.
2006-04-18 08:16:52 UTC
gday mate,we would love to have you come live down under(australia).you could more than double your money with the conversion rate,and we love you guys so you would get a great job if your a nice guy.see ya soon hey?!
2006-04-17 21:42:46 UTC
they need to go to school and get on as many assistance programs as they can find to assist while learning a new skill. our rising cost of living make it impossible fo people to make ends meet
2006-04-18 08:19:03 UTC
i think people need to be more educated so that they can get better jobs and make more money. go to college get a degree and also a masters. stop complaining and do something
2006-04-18 08:24:43 UTC
Why everyone makes it complicated?

Why can you earn from US and live in another which costs u cheaper?
2006-04-17 20:29:42 UTC
Free pot for the people! Lace the water supply with industrial strength liquor!
2006-04-18 09:05:45 UTC
Switch to communism
2006-04-17 20:58:58 UTC
2006-04-17 21:01:05 UTC
more help to the poorer class like myself, but more work and less laziness also.
mohamed m
2006-04-18 07:36:48 UTC
live in another country
2006-04-17 21:47:44 UTC
2006-04-17 04:05:43 UTC
2006-04-18 02:54:18 UTC
suicide? death seems kinder than a living like that.
2006-04-18 08:28:14 UTC
buy everything in bulk
Dj Zer01
2006-04-18 02:46:51 UTC
find a better job.
2006-04-18 02:28:22 UTC
YES-fu_king !
2006-04-18 04:00:28 UTC
Simple,just hardwork and focus.............................

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