How is Supply and Demand changed when we kill all the birds in fear of “Avian Bird Flu”?
Giggly Giraffe
2006-04-15 09:53:04 UTC
What bird products does this change and how?
Four answers:
2006-04-16 00:27:55 UTC
possibility 1)supply for chicken decreases, demand for chicken probably decreases as well since no one wants to get sick and die.

possibility 2)supply for chicken decreases, demand for chicken increases, chicken price goes up, demand for other meat product increases, other meat products prices go up,supply for other meat increases, price goes down....the whole circle starts again....
2006-04-15 09:59:39 UTC
Maybe supply and demand would both decrease- supply, because so many killed or ill and demand because people wouldnt want to eat possible infected bird.
2006-04-15 09:57:42 UTC
I thought they were inoculating them, not killing them O_O
2006-04-15 09:59:08 UTC
your weird

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